/ / Cockroaches are small: as they look, ways to deal with them. Red cockroach

Cockroaches are small: as they look, ways to deal with them. Red cockroach

Cockroaches - small nasty apartment dwellers- always causes a feeling of disgust, rejection and hostility, as their appearance provides the owner of living space a lot of problems. For a long time, the baleen insect manages to remain unnoticed (as it leads a nocturnal image of existence), lives quietly in comfortable conditions, and quietly reproduces. If the baleen creature had the imprudence to catch the eye of the apartment owner, it means that there were a lot of insects divorced, so they are urgently needed to get rid of. Why is it not recommended for a man to calmly, so to speak, coexist in a neighborly way with cockroaches?

What small cockroaches look like

A famous saying says:"You need to know the enemy in person." What do little cockroaches look like? Such insects are characterized by a wide abdomen, short wings, and a flat torso. The most important organ of the body is the tactile tendrils, which provide orientation to the insect in space. Three pairs of legs are equipped with suckers and claws, helping to move on any surface. The high speed and agility inherent in small cockroaches cause their penetration into the narrowest gaps, moving not only in the space of the apartment, but also through basements, sewers, attic rooms, garbage disposal.

Cockroaches - disease carriers

With walks on their chitinous covers cockroachesbring a lot of a variety of pathogenic bacteria, helminth eggs and fungal spores in the path of their intricate path. In just a few hours, this whole set may end up on the kitchen table, products and dishes. In addition, cockroaches - small pests - are omnivores and are equipped with a mouthpiece capable of grinding any food. A considerable spectrum of pathogenic microorganisms is also present in the digestive system of cockroaches and can cause diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis, gastroenteritis, dysentery, salmonellosis, and mycobacteriosis.

The danger is the remaining after moltingchitinous covers, remains of dead individuals, dry excrement. Mixing with house dust, such substances fall on human skin, the digestive tract, the respiratory tract and can cause a number of serious diseases, including allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, and dermatitis.

little black cockroaches in the apartment

The presence of baleen insects can be determined byunpleasant smell in the apartment, which most often comes from black cockroaches. This is especially noticeable with their considerable accumulation. How to get rid of home cockroaches in the apartment?

About little black cockroaches

Black cockroach is a bright representativetheir compatriots in the apartment gets mainly from sewage, basements and garbage cans. There is an observation that this individual does not rise above the 5th floor; therefore, it causes the greatest trouble to the residents of the lower levels. The little black cockroaches in the apartment, whose presence indicates poor sanitary conditions in the room, do not disdain any food; in its absence, feed on scraps from the bin.

little brown cockroaches
On speed of reproduction surpass the red fellows, also preferring to live in the neighborhood with the person.

The red-haired cockroach (common for "prusak"),characterized by an elongated body and a light red color, he so fondly chose the living quarters, that getting rid of him and his brotherhood is a rather tedious and lengthy affair.

red cockroach
By the way, such insects regulate the number of their numerous colonies independently.

If small cockroaches appear: what to do?

Effective drugs in the fight against cockroachesis an aerosol "Dichlorvos", which ensures the rapid death of insects, provided that they are outside their burrows at the time of the treatment. Surviving individuals after weathering of the chemical will calmly return to their former way of life. The disadvantage of using this method is the risk of poisoning by household chemical vapors, for which such treatment is sometimes fraught with even death.

Little cockroaches in the bathroom, in the kitchen and inan apartment as a whole can be destroyed by gels (Dohloks, Liquidator, Killer, Raptor), sold in large syringes and ready for immediate use. The tool should be applied along the baseboard around the perimeter of the room with small drops at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. Literally after a week, cockroaches do not enter the apartment they live in and leave it forever.

Traps against cockroaches

More safe and effective in the fight against cockroaches are traps (for example, Raid or Raptor), representing small round boxes with poison inside and several entrances.

remedy for red cockroaches
Такие приборы оснащены специальными липучками, therefore, they can be attached almost anywhere. A long period of exposure, safety, no vapors and no harmful odor are advantages of using such products. Trapped red cockroach infects itself and infects the other relatives.

Against cockroaches - boric acid

Можно «угостить» тараканов самым страшным для них poison, causing death - boric acid. This powder is recommended to sprinkle the place where there is a garbage can, plinths, sinks, air vents, bathroom, toilet. For a person, such an inexpensive drug is completely harmless, so they can safely sprinkle suspicious surfaces. It should be borne in mind that insects are very sensitive to the powder harmful to them and most of them feel it a mile away. In this case, you can play on the specific characteristics of cockroaches: curiosity.

Baleen insects are very curious.If, for example, you put a bright candy wrapper on the window sill and watch it for a while, then a cockroach or even a few will come into view that approach the unfamiliar object to study it.

Therefore, boric acid can be disguised asattractive ball. For the preparation of poison you need to mix 30-50 grams of the powder of the preparation with raw egg yolk (either bread crumbs or grated potatoes) to a mushy state. Then it is required to stick small balls (about 1 cm in diameter) and arrange them in places where a massive gathering of cockroaches occurs. It is advisable to perform this operation at night. Cockroaches small will not feel the disguised boric acid, but they will definitely start exploring the ball itself and, touching the antennae with it, will doom themselves to death.

how to get rid of home cockroaches in the apartment
Since insects do not transmit a signal to their relativesdanger, then to the tricky bait will be suitable new individuals, catch and crawl mortally ill. Completely get rid of cockroaches with this method can be 3-4 weeks, depending on their number. There is the likelihood of recurring cockroaches; it may be hatched offspring left in female insect eggs. Therefore, the boric acid method is recommended to be repeated, and the cockroaches - small and large - will disappear forever.

Killing composition: flour + alabaster

Effective remedy for cockroaches - red,enough unpleasant insects - a mixture of alabaster and flour in equal proportions. The resulting mixture should be sprinkled with the largest concentrations of insects. When ingested, alabaster freezes and turns into gypsum, which causes the death of baleen specimens.

Cockroaches - small, brown and black insects, do not tolerate the smell of ammonia, so the washed floor with the addition of this substance for some time will scare them away.

Beer against cockroaches

You can insidiously use the love of cockroaches tobeer, which in a small amount to pour on the bottom of the can, smear the inner edges of the glass container with petroleum jelly and leave in the place of the supposed habitat of insects. The next morning the bank will be filled with cockroaches. With this method, only those instances that will crawl out of their holes will die. Females engaged in laying eggs and packing them in a wedge - a special camera at the end of the abdomen, will remain inside and guaranteed to ensure the emergence of new offspring instead of the destroyed one.

Vystuzhivaniya method and scaring

Cockroaches do not like low temperatures: at -5 aboutC fall into anabiosis, at -50 aboutWith live only 30 minutes, at -70 aboutC - die in a minute. Therefore, in the old days in the villages they were chased away by cold, so to speak, they were churned: in the winter, they did not drown the house for two or three days, they spent the night going to their neighbors.

In order to prevent cockroaches from entering their own territory, it is recommended to use substances that repel them. These are fresh cucumber peel or green bay leaf.

Curious facts

Lovers kill cockroaches in a sudden wayworth knowing about the extreme resistance of such insects to physical damage. Therefore, to slam it is not enough, you still have to either rub it well, or sprinkle it with boric acid while still half-dead and let it go to your relatives.

Любопытная информация:thanks to a specific gene called “knockdown” scientists, cockroaches can imitate their own death. Sensing the smell of poison, the insect loses consciousness, paws up and stops breathing.

little cockroaches in the bathroom
After lying down for a certain period, it comes to life and calmly continues its wrecking activity.

Preventive measures

As a preventive measure against the spread of cockroaches in the territory of the dwelling it is recommended to use the following recommendations:

  • Observe in the kitchen and in the apartment as a whole perfect cleanliness. On the tables and the floor should not be crumbs on the walls - fatty raids. Bin should be carried out in a timely manner, not postponing tomorrow.
    small cockroaches appeared
  • Store seasonings in glass, hermetically sealed containers.
  • Time to wash the dishes and sink.
  • Do not leave open containers with ready-made food and food bags.
  • Close the air ducts with a grill or fine mesh.
  • Cockroaches can live for several weeks without a head, which is confirmed by repeated experiments.
  • Many species can fly (a synanthropic American or Lapland cockroach).
  • Baleen insects may not breathe for 40 minutes. This property contributes to the retention of water available in the body when it is impossible to replenish it.
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