/ 68 mm crown for concrete. How to choose and apply in work?

Crown 68 mm in concrete. How to choose and apply in work?

Everyone who decided to change the wiring at home, in the officeor another room, is faced with the need to comfortably place sockets and switches. This requires a special tool - a crown of 68 mm for concrete. Its description deserves special attention.

What is a crown for?

A 68 mm crown for concrete is an integral tool in the electrician's kit. Its direct purpose is to drill holes in concrete and bricks for switchgear and switches.

68 mm crown for concrete

Creating a hole with a device such as a 68 mm crown for concrete, is much faster and safer than the side grinder.

Tips for choosing and types of crowns

The choice of crown depends on which materialit is supposed to create a hole: what is the wall made of, and how long is it necessary to use it. Also distinguish similar attachments to attach to the punch (triangular, hex, SDS Max, and SDS Plus).

Diamond crown on concrete 68 mm price

Basically a crown for concrete 68 mm SDS fromProven, self-respecting manufacturers, comes with a tailpiece in accordance with the standard, which is suitable for modern drills. This tail has a length of 10 mm.

It is required to consider that crowns are divided into two types:shock and unstressed. Impact crowns for concrete are made of three alloys (pobeditovye and tungsten carbide). In unaccented crowns diamond deposited on the cutting elements.

Crowns for concrete come in different diameters - from 30up to 225 mm and more. The most demanded is a 68 mm crown for concrete, which is ideal for switches and electric hoses. It is the diamond impact-free crown that can be used for cutting the underlay in a tile, without fear of damaging its surface.

Based on the type of base material, the following types of tools are selected:

  1. Pobeditovaya crown for concrete (price - about 500 p.).
  2. Crowns from carbide-tungsten alloys for concrete (price - about 1000 r.).
  3. Diamond crown on concrete 68 mm (price - about 3000 p.)

The cost varies depending on the country of manufacture. Chinese concrete crowns can cost much less, and European ones more expensive.

The simplest and cheapest option areCrowns with pobeditovymi tips. They are mainly used for non-permanent jobs. Such nozzles tend to wear out quickly and become unusable.

Carbide-tungsten alloy crowns have high cutting characteristics, but are inferior in quality and durability to a diamond crown. They are not recommended for professional use.

When a crown of 68 mm diamond is used for concrete, the work is characterized by greater reliability, namely:

  • drilling accuracy;
  • penetration depth;
  • universality on any materials;
  • in the minimum level of vibration and noise;
  • in speed and convenience.

The best option are crowns, on whichdiamond deposited. Such concrete crowns, irrespective of the manufacturer, serve longer and better in work. They are recommended to be used to perform a large amount of work.

Concrete Crown Application Tips

During the repair, redevelopment of apartments, officesor building construction, it becomes necessary to create additional holes for the outlet, ventilation, plumbing, etc. The choice of crown depends on the diameter of the slot and the amount of work. For drilling reinforced concrete, the best method is drilling, in which a diamond crown is installed.

Crown diamond 68 mm for concrete

Экономить на качестве не рекомендуется, тем более if a 68 mm crown is used for concrete. This tool is the most popular and in demand even in home repairs. A quality attachment will be characterized by a long working life and will last a very long time.

All work on drilling holes can be divided into five stages: preparation, drilling, marking, installation and finishing.

To do the work yourself,materials such as plaster or plaster are required. From the main working tools should prepare a hammer drill (or electric drill), a crown for concrete, chisel, hammer, spatula. A ruler, pencil, level and stationery knife can also be useful. In advance preparing capacity for mixing the solution.

Reviews of manufacturers

Most preferred as experienced repairmen,and home craftsmen, give brands such as REMS, Rothenberger, BOSH, CEDIMA, Dewalt. These brands are known for their excellent quality and long service life.

Crown on concrete 68 mm sds

68 mm diamond bit for concrete, the price of whichis in the middle price segment, produced by the South Korean firm Arix and the Chinese manufacturer Super HARD. According to reviews, the quality of these products is quite acceptable.

The Chinese company Werk is known among users as the cheapest product. But the quality of his wishes for the best. A bit more expensive, but a good product from domestic manufacturers DISTAR, Adel.

Having familiarized with such an indispensable tool in repair, as a crown on concrete with a diameter of 68 mm, you can choose the most suitable type of tool for any conditions.

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