/ / Bunk beds for children - comfort, coziness and tranquility

Bunk beds for children - comfort, coziness and tranquility

Time goes by, kids grow up, and gets up sharplythe question of changing furniture in the nursery. The smaller the room, the more difficult it is to place everything in it. Reflecting on the rational use of every centimeter of useful space, many parents pay attention to bunk beds for children. However, there is no such child who would refuse such a delightful purchase. As a rule, kids are delighted with one idea.

bunk beds for children
This option is suitable not only for families withtwo children. There are models designed for one child. They give a cozy appearance even to the closest room. Such "buildings" combine the functions of the working area, playroom and bedroom. The upper tier is intended for rest, and below it can be boxes for toys, bookshelves, a computer table, a locker for clothes.

But most often such a purchase is madeparents who have two children. Saving space in the room comes to the fore. I want to have a free playground in the children's playground, but almost all the space eats up the furniture. Bunk beds easily solve the problem. You have at your disposal two beds, many built-in drawers for underwear, bedside shelves with lamps. There are models that, if desired, can be turned into two separate beds.

children's furniture bunk beds

When choosing bunk beds for children, turnattention to their sustainability. The design is required to withstand the weight of even an adult. Remember, your tombstones will play on them and jump. On the second level there is a limiter. This edge protects the baby from falling.

Safety and strength - the requirements thatmust match any children's furniture. Bunk beds are usually made of wood. It does not have any negative impact on children's health and is able to successfully transfer the activity of small hosts.

furniture bunk beds
On sale there are models made ofmetal. However, it is difficult to name such samples practical. They are light, delicate, very original, but they lack additional functional modules: bedside tables, shelves and drawers. Yes, and the ladder of forged metal looks more fragile and dangerous compared to the wide wooden steps.

Possibility of falling from the second tier of courseis present. Babies can be naughty and accidentally make a painful flight. It is advisable to discuss with the children in advance a number of simple rules that should not be violated in order to avoid bruising and abrasions.

Sometimes there is another problem, it only costsput in the children's bunk beds. It is very important for children to be on top. Therefore, the child left on the first floor, begins to take offense and quarrel with his sister or brother. Conflict can be extinguished by setting the order of the overnight stays on the second tier.

Some parents, after watching the pictures incatalogs, decide to independently make bunk beds. For children, it does not matter whether they sleep on the factory product or it will be a domestic product. For them, the tranquility and comfort that you give them is more important.

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