/ / Replacement of the steering tips "Renault Logan" with their own hands

Replacement of the steering tips "Renault Logan" with their own hands

One of the most responsible in the carsystems - steering. From his condition depends not only on comfort, but also on the safety of driving. On the "Renault Logan" is used rack and pinion control. The transfer of forces to the wheels is made through traction and tips. These parts have their own resource. If you lose with their replacement, you can face management problems. In today's article, we'll talk about how to replace the steering rods and the tips of the "Renault Logan" with their own hands.


The main signs of the failure of this elementLax behavior of the car. In the steering wheel there is a strong backlash. The driver has to literally catch the car on every meter. In addition, there is a beating of the steering wheel.

replacement of steering rods and end pieces of reno logan
It can occur both in rotation and inrectilinear motion. The next sign, which says about the future replacement of the steering tips "Renault Logan", is extraneous noise. In the front of the body will be heard foreign sounds and bumps. All this indicates a faulty steering.

Visual inspection

How to check this item with your own hands?It will be very difficult to do this on site, because the element is hidden behind the driving wheel. First you need to get access to the bottom. For this, we drive the car on a pit or a lift. Further we are selected to the tip itself. It comes out straight from the rake and looks like the photo below.

replacement of the left steering tip reno logan
First we wipe it from dirt and other plaque.To do this, use the universal lubricant VD-40 or its analogue from the company "Mannol" (it costs less, and the effect is the same). Then wipe it dry with a soft rag. Pay attention to the fastening places. It is in them most often hidden malfunction. Also comes to an unusable and anther. Its deformation and cracks are unacceptable. Not allowed and backlash. Ask the assistant to turn the steering wheel left and right. At this moment, we closely follow the movement of the thrust. If it is loosening, it means that it is required to replace the left tip of the Renault Legan tie rod (or right). It is better to change these elements in pairs. Since a couple of thousands will necessarily fail neighboring. The element must be replaced even with the minimum backlash (from 1.5 millimeters). In passing, you can check the status of other elements:

  • Internal and external anther of the CV joint.
  • Anther of the reiki.
  • Ball joints (upper and lower).
  • Bushings of the stabilizer of cross-section stability.


In order to replace the steering tips of Renault Logan successfully, we need a set of heads (including 16), a hammer, a jack, a hexagon key, a balonnik and a puller.

Getting Started

It is worth noting that the replacement of the left steering tip "Renault Logan" does not differ from the replacement of the right. Therefore, this instruction can be used for both sides of the elements.

So, first put the car on a level platform (andbetter - on the pit of observation). Next, install the "Renault" on the handle. This way we will lock the rear wheels. Then tear off the bolts on the front discs and jack up the right part of the car. We remove the wheels and get to the tips themselves. If before they were not examined, squirt VD-40 and wipe off dirt. Then we work with the bolts themselves. If necessary, we use a brush for metal. It is important to clean the threads of dirt. If you do not, you can easily break the bolts. And it will be very difficult to twist them.

As further replacement of steeringtips "Renault Logan" with their own hands? Then you need to loosen the lock nut on the pull rod. Then unscrew the nut on the pivoting cam. The finger can be scrolled. To fix it, use the hex key.

replacement of steering tips with renowned logos
For convenience, you can use a puller for ball bearings. The tool costs about 850 rubles. It is universal for all cars.

Then you need to remove the finger from the socket. At this dismantling of the old element is complete.


Now we set the finger in the socket and tighten itnut to the stop. For convenience, we use a hydraulic jack. Note that the thrust is twisted by the number of revolutions it was previously twisted to. Otherwise, you can break the corners of the camber or the convergence of the wheels (they change anyway, but so we can safely get to the service, without zhora rubber). Also carefully tighten all fasteners. The lock nut is twisted with a force of 50 Nm. For accuracy, use a torque wrench. The pin - with a torque of 37 Nm. At this point, the replacement of the steering tips "Renault Logan" was successfully completed.

replacement of steering tips Reno logan
At the end of the work we collect the wheel, lower the car from the jack and go to the collapse-convergence.

Helpful Tips

If there is no puller, you can usewooden beams of suitable size. The element is placed on the landing hole of the finger and we strike with a hammer. The bar should absorb strong blows and smoothly transfer them to the finger. Hammers are not allowed to hit the element directly. This can severely damage the part.

When installing the tie rods "Lognana" remember that each of them has its own thread. Left - left, and right - right.

Lifetime, catalog number

How much do the steering tips on the RenaultLogan »? As with other parts in the running, it all depends on the condition of the road surface. Therefore, the run in the resource here is enormous. Someone's helmspins are broken up into 40 thousand, and someone did not change them to 150 already. How to extend their term? The only correct rule is a neat ride. Smoothly pass the pit and try not to fly on uneven roads (and, if possible, avoid them altogether).

Renewing the left tip of the tie rod Reno Logan
To change is better on the original.Catalog number - 600155044. At the left the next figure is 2, at the right - 3. Also there is a proven analogue from the firm "Sasik". Suitable for Dacia and Renault Logan. The firm produces both traction and tips. On the resource elements are close to the original.


So, we found out how to make a replacementsteering tips on the Renault Logan. The procedure can be done by yourself with a minimum set of tools. Among the special adaptations is worth noting the puller ball and torque wrench. With these tools, you will make a replacement as qualitatively as possible in the conditions of a professional service station.

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