Poison ivy

Poison Ivy is a plant with which it is betterAvoid direct contact, otherwise the allergic reaction will not slow down to show itself. He does not present a serious threat to health, however, a person experiences a rather unpleasant state. Contact with ivy causes an allergic rash on any part of the skin. Moreover, rashes can appear even if you touch the object that was near this plant, whether it's garden tools, work clothes or the animal's fur.

Detect poisonous ivy is very difficult,because its species often have a similarity with other plants, and only after the appearance of the rash can we assume that the contact was with him. It is best to pre-protect yourself with closed clothing in cases where you have to deal with unfamiliar vegetation.

Rashes on the skin provoke the oil containedin this poisonous plant. It is a strong allergen. On the ivy itself, an allergic reaction does not occur, but as soon as there has been contact with the oil, even if through other objects, its manifestation will be inevitable. What is most noteworthy, is that poison ivy is a plant that continues to keep this secret even after the drying of fruits, branches, leaves and roots. It has no smell, no color, and easily spreads through the body.

Usually the rash starts to appear after one or twoday after contact with the pathogen, but sometimes it may occur after a longer time. Eruptions on the body appear in the form of redness, itching, swelling, small blisters. They cover the skin gradually for several days. It all depends on the amount of substance that affects the affected area. Sometimes blisters contain blood or get dark.

There are several stages of the appearance of the rash.The degree of its severity is also different. It can occur in two weeks, but only in places of direct contact with the plant. The fluid flowing from the blisters does not contribute to their new appearance. Poison Ivy is the fastest way to hit people with more sensitive skin. It can cause swelling of the face, eyelids, neck, genitals. Sometimes you have to resort to medical treatment.

On the severity of allergic reactionThe great influence is rendered by age of the person and duration of contact with a poisonous plant. Combing the affected areas can cause a bacterial infection. The rash continues its spread, if the treatment is not completed, or the drugs are not sufficiently effective.

Rashes, which provoke poison ivy, inmostly have an easy form, and at home you can try to undertake any treatment. But usually it ends only by removing the symptom, and the process of treatment is not accelerated.

As already mentioned, the appearance of unpleasanteffects only contribute to the oil contained in the plant, so you should try to avoid contact with it. It is also useful to learn to recognize poisonous specimens, especially those growing in the immediate vicinity of housing. Their appearance varies depending on the time of year and the habitat.

But irrespective of the modification of the plant,the amount of oil in it does not change throughout the year, even in winter, when the branches are completely naked. When exposed to air, it darkens, so the presence of such dark spots can help to recognize the danger. If possible, ivy needs to be removed, but you have to dress so that the body is as close as possible, and, in no case, you can not work without gloves. Clothing and objects that are in contact with poisonous oil must be prone to careful and thorough handling.

If there is a suspicion that all the same workedon the skin of ivy, care for the affected surface should be done immediately, especially since the oil is absorbed for half an hour, so there is enough time to rinse the area of ​​contact.

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