/ / A sick question for beginners of summer residents: how correctly to dive tomatoes, so as not to ruin them and get a plentiful harvest

A sore point for beginners of summer residents: how to dive tomatoes properly, so as not to ruin them and get a plentiful harvest

To harvest a happy gardener, you need to showdue attention to plants at all stages of their development. Be it the choice of seeds and sowing them in soil or fertilizing and weeding. In the matter of caring for tomatoes, here is added an item on how to dive tomatoes correctly. Without it, it will be difficult to achieve timely fruit ripening.

Point one: seed preparation

Without the correct implementation of this moment, it will be difficult to decide how to dive tomatoes (tomatoes), because seedlings may not succeed and there will be nothing to prepare for transplantation.

First, all seeds require germination testing.To do this, they need to be immersed in a solution of salt for a time equal to 5 minutes. The salt content should not exceed 5%. Otherwise, the test will fail, and a lot of seeds will come up. All the specimens that remained floating on the surface should be removed. They will not germinate. Good seeds need to be washed with water.

Then follows the disinfection step in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Here the seeds should be left for 15 minutes.

The final stage will be their soaking in a nutrient solution with microelements. Such a mixture can be purchased at specialty stores.

Such training will ensure the germination of seeds. And the question of how to dive tomatoes will not be empty, because seedlings will be enough.

how to pick up tomatoes

Point two: tanks and soil for sowing

From the choice of packaging for sowing seedlings directly depends on how to properly dive the seedlings of tomatoes. Because for large and small packaging technology will be different.

Most often as a container serve as a different box. But it happens that the gardeners sow the seeds immediately in separate small containers.

In addition, we will need a suitable container forpicks. It must necessarily be separate for each plant and large enough to make tomatoes a place for growth. Usually it has a diameter of about 10 cm and a height of more than 15.

Soil for seedlings must contain allnutrients. It is better if it is not very dense. Soil should be good to let in moisture and air, do not contain seeds of weeds. And be sure not to be infected by pests and diseases. Such compounds are now sold in all stores.

The ground should fill all the containers, but so that up to the top edge there is about 2 cm of free space.

how to properly sprout seedlings tomato

Point three: planting seedlings

With the skilful and adequate execution of this stage, the question of how to properly dive tomato seedlings will become simple enough.

First you need to choose the right time for sowing.Usually it starts no earlier than March 5. It is from this time that the light day becomes quite long, and there is no need to arrange additional illumination. If the tomato variety is late, the sowing period can be shifted by the middle of the month.

The land in a container for a day should be well watered andcover with a film. Then spread the seeds in rows. The distance between them should be about 3 cm, and the seeds in the row should be removed by 2 cm. Then they should be deepened by 1 cm and sprinkled with soil, which is left dry beforehand. Sprinkle the seed from the spray gun and cover with a film. In the first week, it is enough to organize such conditions under which the temperature will be around 15 ° C in the daytime and at least 7 at night.

The film needs to be removed after the first inputs appear.At the same time, put the container in a well-lit place. The temperature changes too. In the afternoon it should be about 22 ° C, and at night - no lower than 9. Now the conversation went to how to properly pick up tomatoes.

how to dive tomatoes

Theoretical digression

In general, what is it?And why is it so important to know how to dive tomatoes? In general, this process involves the transplanting of seedlings. And it happens in a container that is large in size. For some plants, this transplantation occurs with simultaneous shortening of the root. But this does not apply to tomatoes. Their roots should be protected.

In one large capacity, the plants are crowded.Their root system lacks space for development. Picking provides each tomato with the space in which it will form strong and healthy roots. And this, in turn, will be the key to a good harvest.

Another theoretical point in the question of whether,how to properly dive tomatoes, is associated with the time when it is necessary to produce. On average, this is 13 days from the moment of sowing. Deviation of ± 2 days is allowed. At other times, picking will not be of use. On the contrary, it can even hurt. Because plants will not take root well and will get sick.

how to dive tomato tomatoes

Fourth point: picking

It depends on how the seeds were sown. If they were sown in large tanks, then the technology of how to properly pick up tomatoes will be:

  • it is good to sow the seedlings, so that it can be easily removed from the soil and does not damage the roots;
  • in the prepared container, make a deepening in the soil to the very bottom;
  • pour water into it so as not to soak the soil around;
  • until it absorbed, lower the seedling by the first falsified leaves and compact the soil.

If the seeds were sown in separate small containers, then the technology of how to properly seed the tomato seedlings will be as follows:

  • Low plant bushes, together with a lump of earth, should be placed in the center of a larger container;
  • sprinkle around fresh soil.

It is noticed that in the second method the seedling gets better and develops faster.

how to properly dive tomato seedlings

Important retreat: seedlings stretched out

The room is too warm, and here - the plants stretched out. How to proceed? The answer depends on how early this happened.

In a situation where the picking was not yetproduced, correct the length during the transplant. For this, the plant needs to be cut off. This is done at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm above the cotyledonous leaves. During the picks, lower the seedlings in the soil to these leaves. Cover the container with a film. A week later the tomato will again give the first real leaf.

When the seedlings stretched out after the picks,correction should be made when planting in the open ground. On the bed you need to make a long groove and put a plant in it. Sprinkle the earth to the point where the first sheet is visible. Soil to pour. Sometimes the grooves are recommended to be made at an angle of 45 °. There is no fundamental difference. In any case, the plants will rise independently.

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