/ / The nightshade family: typical representatives and their biological significance

The nightshade family: typical representatives and their biological significance

The nightshade family is one of the mostlarge families of modern plants. It includes more than 2300 species, among which there are not only grass, but also shrubs, and even trees. They are united according to a common feature - the presence of a spinepole halo, which was formed due to the accretion of flower petals. The inflorescence of the family Solanaceae does not have, each flower consists of 5 sepals, 5 petals and 5 stamens. Fruit - box or berry. This family includes a huge number of poisonous species. But, nevertheless, among them there are a lot of plants whose fruits are used for food. Because toxic substances are localized mainly in the bottova, while the roots or fruits are harmless. In addition, the family nightshade are used for medicinal, decorative and technical purposes.

Most modern food crops of thisfamilies come from South and Central America. They have a thousand year history. They were brought to Europe for the first time by Christopher Columbus, and later quickly spread to other continents. The nightshade family, whose representatives are found on every garden plot, are the most common food products in the modern world. Potatoes, otherwise called second bread, eggplants, peppers and tomatoes are typical representatives of this family that are known to almost everyone. Although these fruits have a high alkali content in their composition, they are considered to be an ideal way of balancing the human milk and meat diet. Popular dishes of these vegetables have always been mashed potatoes and roasted meat, tomatoes with cheese in pizza, eggplant in sour cream.

The nightshade family unites a lotwild representatives that are considered poisonous to both humans and animals. It is bitter sweet nightshade, black nightshade, capable of causing severe poisoning or even death when accidentally eating berries. Helen black, which is also considered a dangerous plant, but is used as a medicine for severe pain and cramps. Leaves of henbane are valuable raw materials for the production of ointments for rubbing. Datura ordinary - causes severe poisoning and burns of the skin, but a whole range of herbal medicines are made from its leaves, as they contain valuable substances - alkaloids. The belladonna ordinary, or belladonna, has very beautiful fruits of black color which seem tasty and edible. But this plant has long been introduced to the culture as a medicinal.

The nightshade family includes many species.ornamental plants that are grown in garden plots and urban flower beds. For example, petunias are beautiful unpretentious herbaceous plants. Among florists, Physalis vulgaris is very valuable, it is used in flower arrangements, dry bouquets and for decorating live flower arrangements. In the family there are vines, for example, Solandra, widely distributed in tropical Africa. Its long, thick stems wrap around large trees, climbing to the very top, where they spread their leathery leaves and spread out bell-shaped flowers.

A plant of the family Solanaceae, like tobaccoThis, provokes a bad habit that people can not overcome so far. Slaves of smoking are currently a large part of the world's population, but the fight against this addiction is conducted in many states and quitting smoking is actively promoted. The closest relative of tobacco present is tobacco-shag. It (as a smoking mixture) is practically unsuitable for use, but citric acid, nicotine and nicotinic acid are produced from this plant for medical purposes.

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