/ / Proven ways to get rid of mosquitoes in the apartment

Proven ways to get rid of mosquitoes in the apartment

В переходный период (весна - лето) появляется a lot of different insects. Among them - mosquitoes. They are hungry and quite aggressive. The earliest of them - females after mating - begin to torment a person already since May. Probably, you do not need to describe all the "charms" of a night mosquito buzz, you all understood. How to get rid of mosquitoes in the apartment? Let's talk about this in our article.

how to get rid of mosquitoes in the apartment
The mosquito rule

There is a rather large number of those orother proven ways to protect yourself at home from these obsessive bloodsuckers. But before we learn about how to get rid of mosquitoes at home, remember that the most favorite places of these insects are wet cellars, rooms located next to sewers, ponds and so on. And the most important thing is the mosquito rule: if there are no such places, it's not bad for bloodsuckers in a man's apartment, because there are a lot of tasty blood there!

Proven ways of getting rid of mosquitoes in the apartment:

  1. Of course, the easiest way is to install a mosquito sect in the plastic windows of your house. If you still have wooden frames - make mesh to order or just sew a window opening with gauze.
  2. You can put pots on the windowsill with tomatoes - it's a good way to scare bloodsuckers away, they just can not stand the smell of their leaves.
  3. In addition, mosquitoes are irritated by basil, cloves, eucalyptus. Moisten the cotton pad with one of the suggested oils, put it next to the bed - the mosquitoes will quickly leave you alone with your dreams.
    how to get rid of mosquitoes at home
  4. If you want to prevent the appearance of mosquitoes in the apartment, heat a pan on the stove and sprinkle a little camphor. Its not harmful to humans smoke just leads insects into horror!
  5. Squeeze juice out of the lemon and chop them open areas of your body.
  6. Take the onion and cloves. Boil them for several minutes in the water. Slice the onions into rings, and cloves into pieces, spread out on plates. Arrange them throughout the apartment, especially in the bedroom.
  7. You can buy ultrasound from mosquitoes in the store. The principle of its operation is the influence of ultrasonic waves on mosquitoes in the information range, and not in pain, as in the case of dogs.
  8. You can use effective anti-mosquitomeans. There are TOP funds from three manufacturers who know firsthand how to get rid of mosquitoes in the apartment: "Mosquito" (spray), "Stop mosquito" (spray) and "Off!" (Cream and spray). Carefully read the instructions! The funds should be applied only to open areas of the body. They are designed for adults and children over three years old.

Now that we have considered several ways how to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment, it will be advisable to parrot you a bit, telling about mosquito bites.

What is dangerous for a mosquito?

Their "shots" cause allergies in many people.seizures. A mosquito is a carrier of an infection, such as malaria. In the area of ​​primary risk - children. Their delicate skin attracts mosquitoes in the first place, so if you have any adverse symptoms after mosquito bites, you should contact your pediatrician!

ultrasound from mosquitoes
What to do if you are bitten?

Do not scrub the bite!With this itch is perfectly handled with ammonia or a solution of soda (half a teaspoon per glass of water). In addition, lotions from raw grated potatoes are good. If there is edema at the site of the bite, put a piece of ice to it!

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