/ / The best determinant varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground

The best determinant varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground

Determinant tomato varieties cancultivated in the open ground, as well as in greenhouses, under temporary shelters. All low-growth varieties are characterized by high yields, resistance to diseases. Among them there are large-fruited varieties, medium-sized tomatoes, unusual forms, cherry. According to the terms of maturation, determinant varieties can be very different. Fruits are colored in various colors: red, black, yellow, green, white, striped, orange, pink.

Low-growing tomatoes

Determinantant tomatoes

Many beginners, and seasoned summer residents, are askedquestion, but what does the determinant tomato variety mean? This word came from the Latin language and translates as "limited", that is, determinants - these are plants that are limited in growth. Characteristic for such varieties is the completion of growth by the formation of a fruit brush with fruits.

For such varieties is characterized by the cessation of growth of the central shoot and the presence of strong lateral stems, extending from the sinuses of the leaves below.

Asking what this is - a determinant sort of tomato, you can safely answer that these are hybrids that can not rise above a certain height.

Determinant tomato varieties

Types of determinant plants

It is not enough to know what determinants meansort of tomato, you should also know what kinds are. The highest representatives of limited tomatoes are half determinants. They are able to grow to a height of 1.6 m. The growth of plants is limited immediately after the laying of ten or more fruit brushes formed through two or three leaves. The first brush is laid through eight sheets.

The determinants are characterized by the formation of brushes through two sheets. What does it mean? The first brush is laid over the sixth sheet. The height can be 1.6 meters.

Superdeterminant varieties are able to grow at a variety of heights, but they are characterized by the bookmark of a flower brush every 1 or 2 sheets. The first fruit brush is formed over the fourth sheet.

For all species is characterized by restriction of growth of the fruit brush.

Varieties of tomatoes

Features of low plants

The determinant tomato varieties have a number of characteristics.

  1. They have a small number of stepchildren. There are varieties that do not require pasynkovaniya.
  2. The bushes are not very high: up to a meter.
  3. Plants form a certain number of fruit branches, after which their growth stops, and all the forces go to the ripening of tomatoes.
  4. Low grades practically do not need a garter.
  5. Fruits ripen faster than indeterminate varieties.
  6. Determinants need less space for growth and development.
  7. High resistance to diseases.

Because of the characteristics of plants, they are most oftengrow summer residents on their sites. After all, varieties of this type need minimal care, they quickly and harmoniously harvest, and they almost do not need to form.

The most common varieties

When growing the determinant varieties of tomatoes ingreenhouses can get early crops. In closed conditions, plants develop and grow better, because a special microclimate is created there. However, not all varieties can be grown in a greenhouse, there are some that show the best results in the open ground.

What is the determinant tomato

Avatar F1

This is a unique sort of early ripening period,deduced Mashtakov. From shoots to the beginning of fruiting, it takes up to 90 days. The fruits of the determinant variety are round-elongated, smooth, with a small nose at the tip. They grow up to 300 grams with excellent taste.

Tomato is characterized by a harmonious yield of the harvest, whichit is important to obtain a massive crop. The Avatar is almost free of the tobacco mosaic virus, some rot, an alternative. The grade is heat-resistant, stress-resistant.

Andromeda F1

The variety was bred by the Russian breeder A.Mashtakov. It ideally grows in a greenhouse, under temporary shelters, in the open ground. Tomato ripening begins two months after planting the seedlings. The fruits have an oblate shape with even red, gold or pink coloration. Weight of tomatoes - up to two hundred grams.

Under standard conditions of agrotechnics from one square meter in a greenhouse it is possible to collect about 30 kilograms of tomatoes. The first inflorescence is laid over the sixth sheet.

Gift of Zavolzhye

Among the best determinant varieties of tomatoes - DarZavolzhye, deduced by the Volgograd experimental station. This tomato belongs to determinant, medium-early varieties. From the shoots to the fruit takes about 110 days.

Tomatoes are round in shape, medium in size.There is a red and pink subspecies. The variety is ideal for cultivation in the open ground. The gift of Zavolzhye is characterized by high resistance to a variety of diseases, as well as the stability of the crop: even in the worst weather, it yields good harvests of tomatoes.

The Grandee

The nobleman is a determinant tomato variety foropen ground and greenhouse of Russian production, the average period of maturation. The fruit is heart-shaped with a small ribbed, pink color with a pronounced tomato flavor. Weight - about 300 grams. The fruits of the variety contain a high percentage of sugars, so they are more sweet than other varieties.

Cultivation of tomato


The variety refers to determinants, with an early maturitymaturation and high yield. Alenka is intended for growing outdoors. Bushes are stamping, not requiring pasynkovaniya, but they need to tie, as they can fall.

The fruits are round. Grown up to 100 grams - juicy, smooth. From one plant you can collect up to 5 kilograms of tomatoes.

Tasmanian chocolate

Among the best determinant varieties of tomatoes forgreenhouses and open ground, do not require pasynkovaniya, it should be noted grade Tasmanian chocolate. It reaches a height of 90 cm. It is distinguished by powerful green leaves.

Fruits are flat-rounded, weighing up to 400 grams, red-brick color. Use tomatoes to make salads, juices, sauces, and they are good for fresh consumption.


Among the stunted varieties of manyThe gardeners are Budenovka. It is the early ripening period, which is resistant to diseases and sharp temperature changes. The fruits are large, up to 500 grams, do not crack. One plant manages to remove up to seven kilograms of tomatoes.

Raspberry giant

The bush is considered deterministic, although the height is aboutmeter. The plant was obtained by the method of gibiridization, because of what practically does not suffer from diseases. Productivity is up to 20 kilograms per square meter. Tomatoes are consumed fresh, they can be preserved. The variety is popular in mass cultivation, as it gives stable and high yields in any weather.

Pink determinant tomatoes

Other varieties of tomatoes

There is a huge variety of different varieties for cultivation in the greenhouse and in the open ground. Among them, summer residents were estimated:

  1. Oakwood. It is a bright red, delicious and fleshy tomato, resistant to late blight and a number of other Solanaceous diseases.
  2. Yamal. It is appreciated for early ripening, amicable yield return and long-term storage.
  3. Cream honey. Fruits have an unusual plum shape. Tomatoes are used for canning, eating fresh. This variety can be stored for a long time.
  4. Grotto. Refers to ultra-rugged varieties.
  5. Nevsky. Fruits are oval, elongated, weighing up to 100 grams. Bushes have a compact shape. Up to six plants are located on one square meter.
  6. Hali Gali. A variety of early maturity.The height of the plant is up to 90 cm. The fruits are red, round in shape, even. They grow up to 150 grams. The variety is suitable for cultivation in the open field, and in greenhouses. However, it shows the best results when growing in a sheltered place.
  7. French grozdevoy.The plant grows up to a meter in height, requires a garter. The variety is intended for cultivation in the open ground and in greenhouses. The fruits are elongated, with ripening red, with a green base near the peduncle.
  8. Queen of the Fields.The plant is fruitful, deterministic, carpal type. The variety is bred for planting in the open ground. It has a spreading crown, like a Roma. The height of the plant - up to 70 centimeters, does not require formation. Fruits are red, elongated, in a brush from six to eight or more pieces.
    Varieties of tomato of determinant type

Among yellow-yellow varieties, gardeners are often put ontheir sites grade Amber. It refers to early, yielding, unpretentious tomatoes of amateur selection, intended for film greenhouses and open ground. The fruits have a beautiful golden color. The shape of the tomatoes is round, flat: looks like balls on branches.

Recently, varieties have become popular,intended for growing in flower pots. Such plants limit growth at an altitude of about 20 cm. Fruits are similar to cherry: small, in a brush of 6-10 pieces. Such plants are considered a real decoration of the garden and the table. After all, they can be grown on a window sill, on a terrace, on a balcony. Varieties of this species can grow for several years, making gardeners happy, tasty, useful mini-fruits. Especially valuable are such varieties for those who do not have the opportunity to grow tomatoes in country cottages, but they want to try their hand at this business.

When choosing a variety, you can look at high,that is, indeterminate varieties. Such plants have no growth restriction. Usually, such crops are grown in greenhouses. Such varieties are able to harvest until the frosts, when the determinant varieties of tomatoes already stop fruiting.

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