Качественное выполнение копчения невозможно без application of special equipment. Today in the market there are whole lines with smokehouses that work according to different principles. In particular, smoke-affected models, heat-treated units, etc. are common. Each family of producers has an electric smokebox that is easy to use and can be used at home. However, there are universal devices, the mobility of which allows processing products both in nature and indoors.
For the beginning, the direction of the unit is determined andproducts that are planned to smoke. Most modern models effectively serve fish, meat products, lard, sausage, etc. Further, the capacity of the products is determined. For example, an electric smoker of an initial level can provide a one-time cooking of 2-3 kg. In more advanced versions, it is assumed to load up to 10-15 kg. But it is important to consider that the volume is directly related to compactness and mobility. That is, a massive construction will be difficult to take on a picnic.
Следующей немаловажной характеристикой является smoking time, which is determined by the power. The most productive models from the home-oriented segment have a power potential of 500-600 watts. Again, depending on the load volume, such an electric smokehouse can perform its function in 2 minutes and 30 minutes - provided that it is filled to the maximum.
Design parameters are usually oriented.or on one of types of smoking, or on their combination. Hot processing involves thermal effects on the product at a temperature of about 90 ° C, and cold smoking is performed at 20-25 ° C. In both cases, the cooking time can vary from several hours to a week or more. However, cold smoked electric smokehouse accelerates this process. This method of preparation is more difficult in the technical embodiment, but the result is justified. This design assumes the possibility of connecting the chimney to the exhaust system in the kitchen, which allows the unit to be used directly in the apartment.
Still, most models provideOnly hot smoked. This applies to mobile devices with a classic design. The advantages offered by hot smoked electric smokehouse include high cooking speed and ease of use. Such installations do not require the installation of special smoke generators and in just a few minutes produce the finished product.
The latest models of such equipment are suppliedelectronically controlled with temperature control sensors. In some respects, such devices resemble the work of conventional cookers - the design also provides a panel with buttons and knobs, with which the user adjusts the equipment. The most complex device has devices for processing cold smoke. In this case, the electric smokehouse may provide for a separate operation of the chamber or smoke generator. Such a combination, for example, allows you to use the main chamber as an ordinary oven, and the generator - for direct smoking. There are other configurations that allow the equipment to operate in different modes.
Since the organization of the smoking processdelivers a lot of trouble, manufacturers complete the equipment with assistive devices. For example, basic sets include trays, bowls, and smoke briquettes. Separate sets of accessories are provided for models with smoke generators. For example, a smokehouse for an apartment necessarily requires the connection of special equipment for smoke extraction. For this purpose, hoses, nozzles and connecting fittings are used.
The initial level of household electric smokehousewell represented in the lines of Greentechs and Muurikka. These models differ in small size, decent functionality and optimal performance indicators. These are neat appliances costing about 4-5 thousand rubles, which are suitable for use indoors. If you need a multifunctional and productive electric smokehouse for the house, then you should refer to the products of the company Anuka. In this case, we are talking about models with smoke generators, which cost about 10 thousand rubles. If regular cooking of products by means of smoking in large volumes is planned, then units from Kocateq and Landmann will come to the rescue. A feature of such products is the possibility of continuous work with large quantities of meat, fish, sausages and sausages. It can be said that these are commercial models, but there are no special restrictions for domestic use. Of course, if the user's home has room for a massive structure, and he is ready to put up with the additional cost of energy consumption.
Smoking process can be performed by differentin ways. The simplest is the use of ordinary metal gratings and barbecues, to work with which one can not do without making a fire. A smokehouse for an apartment with electric power works on approximately the same principles, but it also has significant differences. First, the lack of the need to perform complex manipulations with firewood and ignition makes it possible to endow such units with modest dimensions. Secondly, almost all owners of such equipment note a high smoking rate, which does not impair the gastronomic characteristics of the product. And the main advantage of electric smoke is the ability to operate at home - not even on the balcony, but right in the kitchen.