/ / Masonry block DIY: tool, solution, mixture

Laying blocks with their own hands: a tool, solution, mixture

Blocks of which many build houses today -these are regular rectangular elements. Walls and foundations are built from these building materials. The blocks have fairly good characteristics of strength, hardness, as well as a high rate of thermal conductivity, durability, resistance to wear and moisture. There are several types of blocks. By appointment, they are divided into wall, for arranging the foundation and thermal insulation. By design, they are corpulent and with a cellular structure.

block laying

Already many have appreciated all the benefits of thesematerials, and people are concerned about such a question as the laying of blocks. This process should be considered in great detail, because there are different types of blocks, and each has its own installation rules.

Material Benefits

The blocks have several major advantages, andThis allowed them to become popular. So, you can select a high speed of erection. The larger the size of the construction material, the less time will be spent on the construction process. The laying of blocks using a special technology significantly reduces the amount of cement in the process.

Geometrically correct, these materials allowat maximum speed, adjust the level. Even if there is the slightest bias, it will immediately be noticeable. Another serious advantage is that even people who had no previous experience in building houses can be engaged in the construction of these materials.

Construction flaws

Not every unit has a comfortable mass, andnot everyone is comfortable during the installation process. Products made of reinforced concrete is almost impossible to use without lifting devices. But even aerated concrete, foam concrete and other elements are difficult to maintain on the site. Most modern block building materials do not like exposure to moisture and can not lie for a long time outdoors.

We are preparing mortar for blocks

Mortars for construction have manyvarious features. Regardless of the fact that it will be applied throughout the masonry, the first row fits strictly on the cement-sand mortar. It is easy to prepare: on 1 part of cement we take 3 pure sand.

masonry mix

Mix to work with blocks must be stirredcarefully. It is much more efficient to use a concrete mixer, as it is very difficult to prepare a lot of mortar by hand. To work with blocks, it is necessary to maintain uniform thickness throughout the whole time by stirring. First of all, a small amount of water is poured into the mixer, and then all the other elements are added. The components of the solution must be mixed for about two minutes. It is very important to remember that building mixtures for aerated concrete blocks, as well as any other building materials, must be used within two hours.

Sand and cement mortar

Many developers traditionally use thismixture. The blocks planted on this type of solution is a guarantee of heat loss, even if it is small. Savings on adhesive mixtures in this case, if there is, then insignificant.

As for strength, it is the same in anycase. If the laying of concrete blocks is performed on a traditional solution, then the walls will have to be insulated. When glue is used, then the cost of insulation is not needed.

How to make glue

First of all, water is poured into the bucket. Then dry mix is ​​poured there. All this needs to be stirred with a drill. It is best to do this at low speeds.

masonry mix

The percentage of water and dry mix may vary.It all depends on the manufacturer. To glue is not frozen, it is better to make it in portions. It is possible to check the preparation with the help of a toothed trowel. If the mixture for masonry blocks is applied very easily, and also passes freely between the teeth, and the grooves do not merge, then everything is correct.

Features masonry gas silicate blocks

These products are used for the construction of outdoorwalls, various partitions, for filling various frame constructions. The production of gas silicate is very high-tech, so this material has high strength characteristics, low thermal conductivity, low weight and excellent environmental friendliness.

Preparatory stage

The laying of gas silicate blocks is carried out more often.just on the tape type of the foundation. Its depth should be approximately 1.8 m. Before proceeding to the laying of the first layer, waterproofing should be performed.

Roofing material or any other rolled materialcan be fixed using traditional cement-sand mortar, for the preparation of which cement and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1: 3. Additionally, it is necessary to lay the solution on the ruberoid. Then you can proceed directly to the installation.

Necessary tool for laying blocks

So, you should prepare an electric drill,plastic buckets, trowels, building level, as well as a mallet and a plane. You will also need a manual, and better electric, a saw, a square for marking works, a brush, a set of drills and a grater.

Popular mounting methods

There are two methods by whichlaying of gas silicate blocks. The first method is to use a traditional solution, the second is carried out with the help of glue. The price of the solution is at least two times lower than the cost of adhesives.

block laying tool

However, the cement-sand mortarconsumed 6 times more than glue. The thickness of the seam using the solution should be about 10-20 mm. This can provoke the appearance of "cold bridges" and then the development of mold, fungus and the accumulation of condensate. That is why many have discovered adhesive compositions. With this material, it is possible to reduce the thickness of the seam and at the same time significantly reduce heat loss.

The thickness of the adhesive layer should be only 2-3 mm,which will significantly increase the level of insulation. If blocks are laid on glue in winter, then it is possible to find products with antifreeze substances on sale.


Since the building block has the correct shape,the process is easy. But the first row should be put very carefully. It is installed on the solution in order to maximize the surface on a horizontal plane. To improve adhesion blocks moisturize.

First, the blocks are laid in the corners, andthen align them along the guides. After that, the rest of the elements are laid. Guides for external walls are best done before starting work. The inner walls are laid from the side.

masonry concrete blocks with their own hands

The following layers can already be laid on the glue.Also, the composition is applied to the ends. Excess glue is not overwritten. It must be removed with a trowel. You can proceed to the next row only after 2 hours. During this time, the glue should grab, and shrinkage will occur. The blocks are stacked with an offset of 8 cm. Thus, the next rows after the first and each next should be shifted. This will increase the rigidity of the structure. If it is necessary to level the block, it can be done with the help of a mallet. Irregularities are easily removed by float. If it is necessary to cut a block, the gas silicate is perfectly exposed to the saw.

In the process, every fourth row should bereinforced - the row is gouged, and in the gutter, reinforcement is installed along the entire length. Further, the row must be filled with glue or mortar. The laying of aerated concrete blocks is performed by the same technology. There are no differences here.

Construction of ceramic elements

Such a block is a microporous stone whose side faces are corrugated. The size of one element is larger than traditional brick, which significantly reduces the time of construction work.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages distinguish high performanceenvironmental friendliness and the ability to work independently without the invitation of professionals. Kerambloki possess high energy saving characteristics on all service life. Also, these materials are highly durable, non-flammable.

The disadvantages include the high price and fragility in the process of transportation. There are also not enough professional builders who actually know what the laying of ceramic blocks is.

Technology of work

Before you begin the process, the first thingwaterproofing of the foundation is necessary. The mixture is applied across the entire width of the wall and try to prevent the formation of voids. The first block is laid from the corner. Cement-sand solution is used only for the first layer.

concrete block laying

The process is greatly facilitated by the presence ofconstruction material groove-ridge joints. This helps to secure the blocks on a vertical plane. For fitting use a rubber mallet. This tool is enough to eliminate chips and adjust the level. Apparently, the laying of blocks, whatever they are, is not much different from the work with brick. Is that the materials used for the manufacture of different.

How to build a house of claydite

This building material has been used for more thanthan half a century. The process of laying the walls of houses from this material is not particularly complicated. Even beginners will cope with it, however it is necessary to take into account the specific features of claydite-concrete and to observe the technology.

Composition and types of data blocks

Материалы производятся посредством прессовки mixtures of expanded clay, as well as sand, water and cement. The building material is safe, environmentally friendly and ideal for walls. The blocks have a porous structure, they are light and have high thermal insulation characteristics.

These items may vary in shape andsizes - in most cases it depends on the specific manufacturer. Products intended for walls can be both full-bodied and hollow. Cavities also come in various shapes and sizes, it all depends on the place of application.

Technology of work

The laying of expanded clay blocks can be performeddifferent ways. The choice of the right depends on the desired thickness, the presence of insulation, the type of wall cladding. So, it can be laid in half a block, one element wide with dressing, 60 cm wide with dressing and voids, two walls. Whatever the way, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules. The basement part of the foundation should be as flat as possible with waterproofing in two blocks.

The process of laying building materials datanot much different from all the others. Here also the first block is laid from the corner. Directly on waterproofing material put solution up to three centimeters thick. The position of the block must be strictly controlled by construction and water level.

masonry mortar

Between the blocks in the corners, they tighten the cord andit is laid first row. The process must be performed strictly on mortar from sand and cement. Next comes the second row with dressing and strict control on a vertical plane. The second and subsequent rows can be planted on adhesives.

Одновременно с кладкой необходимо проводить reinforcement of external and internal walls. This procedure is carried out for every third to fourth row. For this most suitable fittings with a diameter of 8-10 millimeters. Sometimes you can use a grid instead. They put reinforcement in the shafts - they can be ready, or they will have to be made with the help of a grinder. After laying the reinforcement strobe is filled with cement mortar.


This is how the laying of aerated concrete blocksdo it yourself As you can see, it really is not so difficult. It is enough to precisely follow the technology, follow all the above recommendations, and then you will definitely succeed.

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