/ / What is a living room? What is its purpose?

What is a living room? What is its purpose?

In any house there is always a common room,intended for all members of the family. It got the name of the living room, because it was mostly intended for guests. Nowadays, the appointment of this room is not limited to a resting place for the whole family and its friends. So what is a living room? What can be its functions and purpose?

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What is the living room
The living room has always been perceived as the face of anyapartments. This is a room in which to spend leisure, receive guests, celebrate holidays and other solemn events. At the same time, it fulfills the role of an ordinary living room. TO decoration and furnishing of this room should be approached with a special responsibility. After all, the design of the living room can give it a special aura, to give a bright individuality to the whole house.

Quite often the design of the living room owners of the houseWish to arrange so that it was stylish, spacious and special. In recent times, there are cases when, expressing their tastes and preferences, the hosts are changing the functionality of this room. What is the living room in such reincarnations for its owners?

These can be original combining solutionsdifferent in functional purpose rooms, for example, a living room and a bedroom. In a small apartment quite often resort to such a hard, at first glance, task. Do this with the help of various designs of partitions, sliding screens, drapery and other original design concepts. All this allows you to separate the living room area and keep the bedroom a status of isolation.

Literary living room what is it?

Among the extraordinary ideas, a music salon or a literary drawing room is especially prominent. What it is? It is executed on all canons of salon culturethe design of the room, reflecting the passions of the owner of the house. For what it is quite enough to decorate the wall in the recreation area and choose the appropriate accessories. A special uniqueness will be given in this case wallpaper from exclusive collections. The wall can also be painted independently using only the necessary stencils and brushes. Not a bad idea can be photos of musical instruments, old notes, you can use as non-ordinary paintings sheets with quotes from famous literary works framed in frames. A special charm will be given to the room by original lamps, bas-reliefs on the walls, which can be used as shelves for books.

Determining what a living room is for you personally is best guided by the principle of convenience and practicality. The color scale, the furniture of the room as a whole depends on the style of decoration of the whole house.

Living Room Design

Concepts of design solutions in designliving rooms have no restrictions. It can be any of the known styles, their mixture, ethnic orientation. You can implement any unique projects, the main thing is not to use boring erased templates. Even a small living room, you can create a unique charm and comfort by selecting an unusual furniture, accessories, fireplace. Interior styles can give a special living room atmosphere. Thus, the design of the room in the art deco style with elements of stucco, exquisite mosaics, fill her spirituality. Interior living room with bay window, made in strict green colors, with lots of greenery, with a large aquarium will give the room a noble and respectable appearance and will have to rest.

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What is a living room

What is the living room, what are the rules for planning andthe arrangement of furniture should be taken into account? There are no universal rules for the design of this room. Everything depends on the taste and fantasies of the owner, the functional purpose of the room.

The rhythm of life is constantly changing and accelerating, and preferences are changing. What is the living room, its main functions, everyone can decide according to their personalpreferences and opportunities. Only the main criteria for any type of living room remain unified: convenience, style and taste. And the main distinctive feature of the modern interior of the hall is the freedom of space and bright design elements that emphasize the individuality of the owner of the house.

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