/ / How to make carved frames on the windows? DIY templates. Drawings and sketches

How to make carved trim on the window? DIY templates. Drawings and sketches

Fabulous beauty that has come down to us from the depthscenturies. It is visible to all on the old, beautiful, chopped houses, decorated with interesting carvings of platbands with openwork patterns and rich kokoshniki, located on the roof, and delights many modern people. You can admire such beauty for a long time, but to create it yourself is a very difficult task. However, with a large and irresistible desire, you can make carved frames on the windows (templates) with your own hands.

The problem of creating wood trim

The question is not that you need the skills of the present.artist or fantasy to create geometrically correct, interesting, ornate patterns. The problem is that products made from natural materials, such as wood, are rather short-lived due to the influence of external factors. The disadvantage of wooden frames and carving elements is that they are able to maintain their original appearance for decades if they are stored in dry rooms inside the house. And the humidity on the street will quickly provoke a tree to warp, crack, and perhaps even cause chips to appear in places where the thread is thin. Any paintwork is inferior to UV rays, and rain only aggravates the overall picture.

 carved platbands on the windows do it yourself templates
This leads to the need to hold every yearpainting products, constantly spending money to cover and spending a lot of time on labor. Not to mention that it is necessary to repair or even replace such carved platbands with windows. Do-it-yourself templates for these products can be made from various materials.

Why not use a tree

This moment may cause difficulties, butdo not be upset ahead of time. There is always a way to create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere and improve the appearance of the building. Modern technology has allowed us to create many materials that are more resistant to environmental influences.

DIY carvings on windows
Moreover, in all hardware stores they canfound in abundance. For example, you can use flat iron instead of wood. With it, you can make durable and equally beautiful carved frames on the windows with their own hands. Stencils in this case are needed in the same way as in the manufacture of this decorative element of wood.

Flat iron

Flat iron or sheet, as is customary itcall, given the factory classification, is a thin tin, the thickness of which is approximately 0.4–0.7 millimeters. In the store you can find rolls of this material from 20 to 50 meters. The width of such a roll according to the standard is 1025 centimeters. It is customary to cover this material with a different color sheet, and you can find both light and dark tin. In addition, each sheet of iron is covered with a protective film, which allows you to keep the original characteristics during transport and does not allow scratches and gouges.

Necessary materials

To make your own carvings from flat iron on windows with your own hands (templates can be seen in this article), you will need the following materials and tools:

  • First, you need a flat sheet of iron (tin), which will have a standard width of just over a meter.
  • Во-вторых, потребуется рулон дешевых обоев.They are used as an aid in order to make carved platbands on the windows with their own hands. Stencils for wall decor and other patterns are applied on the wallpaper, and only then on the material.
  • A set of clips, with which you can belock templates. Fixing them will help to more accurately and smoothly transfer the pattern with the pattern to the surface of the material from which the carved platbands will be made on the windows with their own hands. Sketches for creating blanks can be easily found and just as easy to use. In addition, they will be needed when you need to fix the finished parts with each other.
  • Coupling staples. It should be noted that their size should not exceed 4 millimeters.
  • Regular pencil for drawing patterns and necessary marks.
  • Eraser: after all, there is a chance that from the first time the pattern may not be perfectly smooth.
  • Ruler to better measure all surfaces and determine the accuracy of the patterns.

carved platbands on the windows do it yourself stencils for wall decor

  • The drill, whose diameter will be 8millimeters. It will be needed in order to create holes for a jigsaw. This will occur in those places where the upper carved trim on the windows will be cut. We no longer need the templates, the photos of which we could use as the basis for the stencil of blanks, at this step.
  • The drill, whose diameter will not exceed 4 millimeters. With it, holes will be created that are needed in the place where the riveted joints of the parts will be.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Hacksaw for metal.
  • Sandpaper, and useful both fine and medium. It is necessary to eliminate the burrs, which inevitably form during work.
  • Riveting machine (hand-held) and a hammer, preferably rubber. Through these tools will be straightening billets.

The details of the process of manufacturing platbands of tin

Before you start creating carvedwindow frames, you should make and install high-quality window slopes. It is necessary to remove the correct size and in order to make carved platbands on the windows with their own hands. Drawings can suggest how to do it correctly. This is done taking into account the protruding edges of the slopes, calling on the walls. After all sizes are removed, it is worth calculating the characteristics of future platbands. The standard width of this product is approximately 30 centimeters.

carved platbands on the windows do it yourself stencils for wall decor

Next you need to choose any smooth roll of wallpaper,to make carved platbands of it on the windows with your own hands (templates, of course). When the pattern is selected, it will be necessary to prepare three “patterns”. One of them will be longer, it is needed for symmetrical lateral parts, the second and third, respectively, are shorter for the upper and lower parts of the window.

Creating a Template

The cut strips need to be folded in half, andso that when drawing the sketch, the center of the pattern corresponds to the bend. This manipulation will save time and reduce the likelihood of errors when creating a template.

Дело в том, что во время вырезания узора сразу both halves of the template will be created, in other words, this will allow you to create ideally smooth and regular carved platbands on the windows with your own hands. The patterns will not be used as often as in the separate drawing of each part of the workpiece.

Workplace and materials

Чтобы создать идеальное рабочее место для further work, you need to move together two tables, the height of which will be the same. Between the tables you need to leave a gap, which will be about 8 centimeters. This distance is necessary for the operation of the electric jigsaw. For the manufacture of platbands you will need metal of two colors. This combination is the easiest option. If you wish, you can change this parameter.

carved frames on the windows do-it-yourself sketches
Overhead top color, for example, choosewhite. It will be on it will be cutting patterns. As a second layer, you can choose a material of any color, since it will still not be visible, since it is used exclusively as a lining under the outer layer of the product, which is called carved platbands on the windows. We make templates with our own hands, let us remind once again.

Creation of platbands from sheet iron

We need to take a sheet of flat iron and cut itstrips to create the trim of the desired width. It should be turned over, face down, of the upper part blank, and also made a turn on the reverse side after fixing the template with the help of paper clips. After that, they translate an openwork pattern to the material.

 carved platbands on the windows with their own hands drawings

After the picture is displayed, you will needelectric drill with a drill diameter of 8 millimeters. It is necessary to drill through holes and start to cut the casing with a file and a jigsaw. Next you need to put an iron strip on the table, and it is important that it is located clearly in the center of the table. This will allow you to cut out the picture clearly and smoothly without affecting the overall picture.

Creating the bottom blank

After the top has been cut, you canmove on to the next step, which is responsible for creating the bottom part, which will serve as the background. To do this, you also need to cut the material into strips with the necessary characteristics of width and length. It should not be forgotten that the part will have an edging, that is, the width of this pattern should exceed the figures of external blanks. The ideal option in this case would be to increase the width of about five centimeters. Back produce a sheet flip - so that the front side is located on top. Next, you need to put on this part the upper workpiece platband, which is located face down and circle the outer edge along the edge of the picture, taking into account the indentation, and then you can start cutting the part.

Completion of work with blanks

After both blanks were prepared,You need to remove the protective film from them and put them on top of each other. After that, the parts should be fixed with clips. Next, one or more holes should be made with a four millimeter drill. Using a riveting manual machine, you need to make a control hitch of parts, thereby preventing their divergence. Having accomplished this action, you can begin to drill and rivet the entire structure.

 carved platbands on the windows do it yourself simple templates
All - the product is completely ready for use. You can proceed to the next stage - install carved trim on the window with your own hands. We made templates for them earlier.

Installation of platbands

In order to carry out the installation of platbands, first you need to find a ladder or stepladder, which will allow you to get to the windows. To install products on a wooden wall, you will need:

  • A hammer.
  • Small nails whose length does not exceed six centimeters.
  • The syringe is assembly.
  • Liquid silicone for mounting. However, it must match the color of the casing or be completely colorless. He will need to cover up the gap.
  • A small artistic brush, as well as paint that matches the color of the product, will be used to paint the nail caps with these tools so that they do not spoil the look of the platbands.

To install the frames on the wall, which consists of stone, will require:

  • Electric drill.
  • Drill with a diameter of 4 millimeters with pobeditovy tip.
  • Plugs for screws. If they are not available, you can manually plan wooden and hammer them into the holes.
  • Assembly syringe.
  • Liquid mounting silicone, the color of which will either match the color of the product, or it will be transparent so as not to spoil the appearance of the structure.
  • Little art brush, as well as paint,corresponding to the color scheme of the product. These tools will be used to paint nails so that they do not spoil the look of the product, which is called "carved platbands on the windows". Patterns made with your own hands, you can postpone until the next case.

The final stage of work

It is necessary to fit the rims close to the edgesslopes of windows that protrude, and fasten them to the wall. Then you need to eliminate all the cracks and irregularities, using silicone. After bringing the product into an aesthetic look, the work can be safely considered complete.

Based on the information above, immediatelyit is clear that it is realistic to create carved frames on the windows with your own hands. Templates - simple or complex - can be found or also made by yourself. Therefore, using even minimal skills and imagination, it is possible to improve the appearance of the building without spending a lot of money and time.

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