/ / Caring for lilies - the basics

Care for lilies - the basics

Care for lilies garden can be quite successful, if you comply with certain conditions.

Care for lilies: landing

Bulbs that are desirable to buy earlyin spring, they are stored until they are released into the open soil in a cellophane bag with dry peat in the refrigerator. It is under such conditions that the bulbs never form large sprouts. If the purchased bulb is too large a sprout (more than 6 cm), then it is planted in the ground obliquely.

Usually, large ones are planted to a depth of 10-12 cm, and small ones to 8 cm. Approximately so that the depth of planting itself is at least 3 times larger than the diameter of the bulb.

Important and the distance between the bulbs. For large lilies it is 20-25 cm, and for small lilies it is 10-15 cm.

In the wells, the bulbs are placed on small hills of river sand, then the roots are spread and then they are covered with fertile soil from humus and peat.

Care for the lilies in the garden suggests their frequentdisembarkation. The main planting of lilies is the early autumn (in late August-September), but sometimes spring is allowed. It is better to choose a sunny place for cultivation. In the morning, especially good lighting is needed. Too strong and constant sun without a rare (though abundant) watering is unacceptable - under such conditions, the lilies will grow too low, they will be very susceptible to various diseases and will flee much more quickly.

Care of lilies: transplantation

Due to the depletion of the soil after 4-5 years, the flowers need a transplant.

The period of lily transplantation is the 1st half of August, butthere may be a shift in this process towards the end of August. It depends only on the condition of the bulb - from the moment of the end of flowering to transplantation, it must necessarily take at least 1-1,5 months to get it stronger.

Then the bulbs of lilies are carefully excavated with pitchforks,trying not to damage their root system, and the stems are pruned beforehand, leaving a small stump. Most lilies after a long growing period without transplantation form some "nests" of bulbs. After excavation they often disintegrate themselves, but there are times when they have to be divided. But you need to do this with extreme caution, trying not to hurt.

After digging, it is important to wash the bulbs andetch in 0.1% cold solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 min. After they are dried, cut a little roots and planted again in a moist, pre-prepared land.

Care for lilies: the basics

For good growth most suitednutritious, loose earth. On heavy, moist, depleted soils, healthy bulbs of lilies can often rot. Before planting, it is necessary to make the soil more friable and easier - to introduce sand or some other baking powder. Important: when growing lilies, do not even use quality fresh manure. It affects the flowers negatively: it enhances the growth of the onion vegetative system, which only causes damage to the formation of a good bulb, so the winter hardiness of plants decreases and the flowering attenuates.

Surprisingly, the roots of some varieties of dataflowers reach two meters in depth. It is necessary to water the plants under the root, maximally trying not to soak the leaves. The greatest need for abundant watering occurs in June and after flowering.

In the spring, before the sprouts appeared, the soilit is desirable to make mineral and organic fertilizers. Thanks to the introduction of high-quality wood ash, the lily flowers themselves grow larger, even have a brighter color.

After the appearance of the buds of these delicate flowersrepeat fertilizing and carry out treatment of the entire surface part of pests and diseases, because healthy shoots and leaves determine the full future flowering.

After autumn rainy days (for the winter) bulbslilies are specially covered with lapnik, peat and polyethylene. In the spring it will be possible to leave the covering peat, but the lapnick must be removed early, so as not to damage the shoots.

Follow these guidelines, caring for the lilies will be easy and fruitful for you.

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