/ / Care and reproduction of zmioculcas at home

Care and reproduction of zmioculcas at home

In recent years, one of the most popularplant growers is considered zamiokulkas. In the people it has received the name "dollar tree". According to the practice of feng shui, zamiokulkas has a powerful energy and helps to attract wealth and prosperity to the house. That's why it is often given for birthdays and housewarming. How to care for this exotic plant and how to reproduce zamiokulkasa at home you will learn further.

zmiokulkas home care photo breeding

Features of the plant

Zamiokulkas is the representative of the familyAroids. His homeland is East Africa. A feature of the flower is that it lacks stems. From the powerful tuber hidden beneath the ground depart fleshy, thickened in the lower part, petioles, on which are located spectacular glossy and fleshy leaves of dark green color.

Zamiokulkas is succulent.Leaves, petioles and tubers accumulate moisture, so that the plant is able to survive a prolonged period of drought. The flower grows very slowly. For a year there are only a few new leaves. The height of the plant with proper care reaches 1 meter.

Blooms zmiokulkas (care at home, photos, reproduction of plants are described below) is extremely rare, because for this we need ideal conditions. The type of flower is very unattractive.

The life span of a succulent is between 5 and 10 years.

The plant is rather unpretentious in care.It is not afraid of drafts and change of residence. However, in order to grow and keep a beautiful zamiokulkas, care at home, reproduction, including, must be carried out in accordance with certain rules.

reproduction of zamiokulkasa at home


You can place the plant both on the southern and on thenorth side. Nevertheless, in order for the flower to grow more intensively and its leaves to be saturated green, it is better to choose a window with sufficient light. The lack of sunlight slows the growth of zamiokulkas, new leaves in this case grow weaker, and they grow up single.

Temperature conditions

Zamiokulkas is able to withstand a widerange of temperatures, but it will be best to feel in a warm room. In the cold season, a dollar tree is recommended to be kept at a lower temperature, at which it can accumulate strength for intensive growth in the summer. The ideal temperature for keeping in winter is 16-18 ° C. In summer, the temperature in the room where the zamyokulkas is at + 25 ° C.

Moisture and watering

Dollar tree normally carries dry air. Nevertheless, periodic spraying and washing of leaves favorably affect the plant.

Important in the care of the flower iswatering. Do not forget that zmiokulkas is succulent. Accordingly, it better tolerates a moisture deficit than its surplus. Excessive moistening of the soil can kill the plant. At the same time, a prolonged drought causes zamiokulkas to expend internal reserves, as a result of which the leaves in the upper part of the petiole can begin to turn yellow and fall off.

Optimum watering for zamiokulkasa - rare, but abundant. In summer, the flower is watered after the soil has completely dried. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum.

home care breeding

Additional fertilizing

Fertilizers are suitable for fertilizingfor succulents or cacti, you can also use a universal flower dressing, while spending half the dosage. Feed zmiokulkas from spring to mid-autumn, that is, during the active growth of the plant.

Periodicity of fertilizer application - 1 time in 2-4 weeks. In winter, top dressing is excluded.


Zamiokulkas is transplanted asthe rhizome will grow. If it completely filled the pot, it means that the plant has become crowded and it's time to transplant to a more spacious pot. When choosing a new pot, it is advisable to give preference to products made of clay, since plastic containers can crack under the pressure of a powerful root system of zamyoculcas.

How does it multiply?

Reproduction of zamiokulkasa at home can be carried out in 3 ways:

• dividing the tuber;

• sheet;

• cuttings.

reproduction of zamiokulkasa at home photo

Tuberculosis reproduction

How else can a plant be propagated?Reproduction of zamiokulkasa at home (photo provided below) can be done using tubers. For this method, an adult plant that has large tubers is suitable. Tuber is divided into parts in such a way that each piece has at least one growth point. Before planting the tubers are dried for several hours, and the sections are sprinkled with charcoal. Planting is carried out in the prepared substrate, while the tuber itself should not be very deep in the ground. It should be noted that the growth of a new plant with this method of reproduction occurs rather slowly.

Reproduction of zamiokulkas leaf

At home, many growers multiplysucculent leaves. To grow a new plant copy in this way can be much faster than from a tuber. For reproduction, it is better to take large leaves growing at the bottom of the flower. They can be rooted in the water, and you can immediately land in the ground. For better rooting, slices are recommended to be treated with rooting stimulants - Heteroauxin, Kornevin or Zircon.

The soil must be sterile and consist of orsand, or a mixture of peat and sand. To create hothouse conditions, the cut leaves are covered from above with polyethylene or plastic or glass containers.

Root formation is a long process and lasts from the first to several months. Periodically, the hothouse is opened for ventilation and, if necessary, moistens the soil.

reproduction of zamiokulkasa sheet at home


Reproduction of zmioculcas at homesuitable in the case if the flower is already quite adult. The stalk is cut off from the branch bared from below with the kidney formed on it. Then, with a sharp knife, the stem is cut and shortened. As a result, we have a small stalk with a kidney and a leaf. The slices are sprinkled with charcoal, left to dry for several hours, and then planted in a substrate. Roots, as a rule, appear in 3-4 weeks. During the period of rooting, care should be taken to ensure that the soil is constantly moistened.

Soil for zamiokulkasa

Zamiokulkas is not very demanding on the ground.For the plant, ready-made soil mixtures for cacti and succulents are perfect. Also, many flower growers prepare the soil themselves. For this, the sod, leaf land, peat, sand are mixed in equal parts. For the prevention of root rot, charcoal is added. The main requirement for soil for zmiokulkasa - looseness, air and water permeability.


The popularity of zamiokulkasa grows from day to day.And for this there is every reason. The huge demand for the plant is due to its decorative qualities, simplicity and unpretentiousness of care. Succulent feels well both in bright rooms and in places devoid of bright sunlight. Possessing knowledge on how to correctly reproduce zmiokulkasa at home, you can save a lot on buying a new plant and decorate your home with several specimens of this exotic flower.

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