/ / Lilac: Is it a shrub or a tree? Causes of popularity and the history of cultivation

Lilac: Is it a shrub or a tree? Causes of popularity and the history of cultivation

Lilac is a shrub or a small treeSize, from time immemorial grown by plant breeders in many countries. Constant popularity in the park-decorative ensemble lilac due to its amazing qualities.

lilac is a shrub or tree

Beauty lilac

Dark green leaves of beautiful shape, amazingflowers, wrapped in mysterious legends from different peoples, lush and long flowering, unpretentiousness in care - all this is lilac. This is a shrub or tree with luxuriant inflorescences of purple, lilac, pink, red, yellow and white color. It can withstand urban conditions, it feels fine in shaded places, easily reproduces, well tolerates pruning. The flowers of lilacs have a delicate aroma, and the numerous varieties developed by plant lovers for several hundred years represent a wide range of shades of petals and allow choosing a shrub for almost any climatic zone.

Lilac is a tree or shrub Photo

A bit of history

The biological name of the plant in the classification(Syringa L.) sends us to Greece. The Greek word "Syrinx" translates as "tube", which is associated with the shape of the flower. Another version is the origin of the name on behalf of the ancient Greek nymph Shiring, who was rescued from the forest god-in love with her and turned into a bush, from which Pan later made a pipe. In the culture of gardening lilac was first introduced in China, it was planted in Buddhist monasteries as a symbol of enlightenment. Ficus, grown in India, did not take root in the harsh climatic conditions of China, so with the advancement of Buddhism, lilacs spread to the north.

Is it a bush or a tree?The shape of the plant depends on the pruning. Despite this, according to the classification of lilacs - shrubs. Freely growing wild species have many trunks, whose height reaches 8 meters. For decorative purposes, usually form a lush bush of 5-15 trunks, but some varieties are cut in the form of a tree.

lilac is a bush or tree

In Europe, the lilac came in the 16th century for the greatSilk Road from Persia. Initially, the plant was in Austria, and from there it spread to other countries. "Persian" lilac was not particularly beautiful, but firmly took its place in European culture. With the help of a branch of lilac, the girls refused to give the knights in the matchmaking. The popularity of the shrub greatly increased after in 1870 the French breeder Victor Lemoine crossed two species of plants and received a magnificent hybrid. Over the next hundred years, the firm founded by the breeder has brought out more than 200 varieties of lilac.

In Russia, the shrub was brought in the middle of the XVIII century.During the Soviet period, Leonid Kolesnikov made a big contribution to the breeding of the beauty. A simple gardener, he more than forty years was engaged in breeding new varieties. His achievements were appreciated by the state, and Kolesnikov was appointed director of the nursery. Under his leadership, more than 300 varieties of lilac were bred.

Biological characteristics

Lilac belongs to the genus of shrubs, the familyof the olive trees. Her closest relatives are ash, ambush and forsythia. From thermophilic relatives - olive and jasmine (the one that grows in southern countries). In the wild, the plant is found in the mountains of Europe (in the south), in China and in the Far East. There are about 30 species of this plant and a variety of cultivars and hybrids.

Popular varieties of lilac

Widespread in Russia are the following types of lilacs:

  1. Amur lilac.This is a shrub or tree up to 20 meters high, growing in the Far East and forests of Northeast China. Flowers are white or creamy, small; it blossoms late. Resistant to frost.
  2. Hungarian lilac.It is a shrub or tree 4-7 meters high, flowers are purple, inflorescences are divided into tiers. It is unpretentious to conditions, drought-resistant, garden forms of two kinds: pale violet and reddish flowers.
  3. Velvety lilac.A small compact shrub, grows in Korea and northern China. Flowers lilac, with a white velvety calyx; flowering is abundant, but shorter than in other species (about 10 days).
  4. Lilac is Persian. The short-grown, blooms later, long and abundantly. Sensitive to frost.
  5. The lilac of Wolf.

Hybrid species: Lilac Henry, Lilac hyacinth, Chinese. Very impressive looks Hyacinth terry lilac. This is a tree or a bush, the photo is presented below.

lilac is a shrub or tree

But the most popular among Russian crop growersLilacs are common. It is based on a variety of varieties: Primrose, Lights of Donbass, Dream, Congo, Cavour, Vestalka, Amethyst, Moscow Beauty, terry varieties. Bushes are unpretentious in care, perfectly reproduce, grow rapidly, long and luxuriantly bloom, are resistant to weather conditions in the middle belt.

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