/ / Cordless Drills: reviews, review, rating, advice on choosing

Cordless drills: reviews, review, rating, advice on choosing

Battery Source Usagepower supply for power tools has fundamentally changed the approach to the organization of the workflow. The master had the opportunity not to think about the proximity of the power grid and to work at remote sites. This advantage has been gained by cordless drills, a review of which will make it possible to determine the choice of a suitable modification and other parameters.

cordless drills reviews

General information about drills with battery

The main difference of this tool isthe equipment of the battery, on which the engine is running. Structurally, this solution somewhat weights the device compared to conventional network drills, and also increases the size, but manufacturers tend to minimize these negative effects. However, they are not always worth referring to the minuses. During the drilling process, the tool must exert a certain physical load on the working point - and in this sense, the mass just helps the operator to provide the necessary pressure. Another thing is that this load is not necessary in relation to low-power cordless drills. Reviews of such modifications, on the contrary, emphasize the advantages of a lightweight design, if you need to perform holes with a small diameter, but in large quantities. Weighting of the construction of the instrument in the operations of such a format causes rapid hand fatigue.

Selection by main characteristics

drill makita

The primary parameters of choice includepower, speed of rotation of a drill and diameters of openings which the tool can carry out in work with different materials. The minimum power threshold is only 3 V, but with such a device it will be difficult to solve even small-format household drilling operations in the tree. At a minimum, it is recommended to purchase devices with a voltage of 10.5 V. A 14-, 5-18-V model is suitable for universal needs, and if we are talking about high demands on endurance and performance, then it makes sense to get a 36-volt cordless drill.

Выбор по крутящему моменту сегодня не так relevant as before, as developers are increasingly providing the ability to adjust the speed. That is, you can adjust the speed mode, for example, in the range of 400-1000 rpm. This feature allows you to adjust the operation of the instrument to the characteristics of a particular material - from soft wood to hard steel. Now it's worth talking about drilling diameters. On average, for wood it is 20-25 mm, and for metal - 7-10 mm. The possibilities of using equipment of one format or another depend not only on the power of the device, but also on the type of cartridge - preference should be given to fast-tightening mechanisms such as SDS-Max.

Choosing the best battery

Most users choose lithium ion(Li-Ion) Drills. They constitute the widest segment, which is fully justified due to their working qualities. In particular, this battery has a small mass and at the same time provides high performance. But for this you will have to pay in the literal sense an additive to the price tag and put up with the whims of the element in the conditions of work in the cold. Also on the market there are nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) cordless drills, reviews of which indicate a large number of recharge cycles and resistance to temperature. But the wide distribution of such models is hampered by the large size of the battery pack and the memory effect, due to which the capacity can be replenished only after the full potential consumption. Alternatively, nickel-magnesium (Ni-MH) elements can be distinguished. Their advantages include environmental cleanliness, a minimized memory effect and modest size, but these advantages are crossed out by the fragility of the battery.

cordless drill interskol

Additional functionality

To workflow required a minimum of unnecessaryoperational actions, it is necessary to provide in advance a list of auxiliary functions. For example, reverse, that is, the reverse stroke will allow you to easily pull out the jammed drill from the problem material. If you plan to work with solid-state foundations like concrete or brick, then it is not superfluous to provide a shock function - due to the vibration effect, it allows you to more effectively form large holes with which conventional cordless drills cannot cope. The feedback from experienced craftsmen also advises beginners to pay attention to the smooth running option, the spindle lock and the instant brake mechanism. In varying degrees, these additions increase the ergonomics and safety level of the instrument.

Makita Model Reviews

The vendor practically refused networkmodels, fully betting on the segment of the battery tool. From the perspective of the average user, the Makita cordless drill is attractive in structural reliability. This concerns the mechanism of action of the fast-chuck chuck, housing and gearbox, which is considered to be a weak point of power tools of any brand. The Japanese manufacturer equips the models with a planetary all-metal gearbox, which increases product reliability.

cordless drill review

Traditionally, devices "Makita" receiveergonomic shape for easy physical handling, which is valued by inexperienced users. But the professional class, developers do not bypass. Builders prefer the Makita cordless drill with 14–16 speed adjustable torque and the ability to work with large format drills. They note the stability of drilling, smoothness and generally high quality of the result, regardless of the base material.

Reviews of Bosch models

Models of the German manufacturer are characterizedreliability of the element base, a wide optional gear and performance. In practice, the application especially emphasizes the use of capacious battery, which allows for the implementation of complex serial tasks do not stop to replace the power supply or its recharging. By the way, the charging process can be only 30 minutes. This is noted by users of devices with Hyper charge technology. The durability of the case is another advantage that users of German cordless drills stand out. Reviews indicate the reliability and tightness of plastic, which broadcasts a minimum of vibrations to the handle and allows you to maintain the stability of the drill during operation.

Dewalt Model Reviews

cordless drill rating

Dewalt is not as well known compared to twoprevious manufacturers, but also its developers regularly demonstrate solutions that are attractive for modern consumer qualities. Again, experienced segment experts often recommend this product due to the use of a unique modular design. The advantage of this approach is that the user gets access to almost all of the responsible tool nodes. This allows for the possibility of self-repairing cordless drills. Spare parts Dewalt in the form of carbon brushes, the same gearbox and seals with consumables today are easy to find, so you can count on durable use of the device with minimal cost.

Reviews about models "Interskol"

One of the largest domesticmanufacturers of construction equipment. First of all, the models of this brand are in high demand due to the modest price tag. Interskol cordless drills in different segments cost on average 20-25% less than, for example, Bosch products.

cordless drill selection

As for the working qualities, theycharacterized by the owners of the devices as satisfactory. To solve standard simple drilling tasks, such a tool is suitable for a wave, but in responsible professional work it is better to prefer a more solid model. But, from the point of view of functionality, the cordless drill "Interskol" causes unambiguously positive responses. Users indicate electronic speed control, battery indicators, body balancing, etc.

Top models rating

Average price category of cordless drillsis 5-6 thousand. From this segment, on the basis of a combination of positive operational qualities, the best cordless drills were selected, the rating of which is presented below:

  • GSR 120-LI from Bosch.Although the device has a low power of 12 V, this disadvantage is fully compensated by 20 positions of torque setting, reverse direction of bits and structural reliability.
  • Makita 6271 DWALE.The tool takes the second place due to the balance of working parameters, as well as optional additions in the form of a LED flashlight, smooth running and spindle lock.
  • Модель DCD 710 C2 от DeWalt.This device is also equipped with a backlight and equipped with a 15-band speed setting mechanism. But in terms of durability, it can not compete with previous models.
  • "Interskol DA-13 / 18M2". One of the advanced models of the Russian manufacturer, which has a two-speed torque setting mechanism, backlight and reverse stroke.

cordless drills for home


Choose a suitable drill today is notspecial work. Even low-power budget modifications successfully cope with the majority of everyday tasks in creating holes. And yet, if a cordless drill for the home is chosen, then you should not save on additional functions that will make the process of using the tool safer and more comfortable. Variants of this type can be found in the Interskol lineup. In the case of the choice of apparatus for semi-or professional purposes should also focus on high levels of power and reliability of the design. This choice is best made with a focus on the family of companies "Bosch" and "Makita." Among other things, the models of these companies are distinguished by a high operational resource and a stable battery function.

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