/ / Pest of a bug bug: how to get rid of it

Pest borer: how to get rid of it

Flour beetle is a small insect, with whichAlmost every mistress knows each other. It is found in cereals and starch. It is often possible to see it in flour. The products in which the insect has lodged become unfit for further use.

Flour beetle feels great in barns.However, this is not the only place of his dwelling. Flour beetle (the photo you will see below), or, as scientists call it, a small flour meal, can be found anywhere.

flour beetle
A small pest, the size of only three or fourmillimeter, develops from the larva for three weeks. The insect is able to penetrate any slit on the box or in the bag. In these holes, the larvae are deposited with crustaceans, infecting flour, corn, cereals, starch, and also bran. Adult individuals, as well as small larvae are able to form whole colonies in products stored in the open state.

Даже при обнаружении небольшого количества жучков use the product to prepare various dishes can not. The fact is that small larvae can not be removed by sieving, since they have very small dimensions. Visual detection is also impossible. Larvae of color merge with the products in which they settled. That is why the hruschak is often called a deceiver.

The insect-wrecker spoils, as a rule, semolinacroup and bran, rice, rye or wheat flour. How to prevent infection of products? First of all, storage of cereals, starch, bran and flour should be carried out in containers having tight covers. They can serve as glass or plastic boxes or cans. Garlic will help prevent pest infestation. Its denticles are placed in the stored products. Some housewives use lavender oil. Flour beetle does not tolerate its smell. Even tampons of cotton wool, soaked in lavender oil, placed on kitchen shelves, terribly repel pests. In the case when the products are stored in cloth bags, they become unattainable for the hruschkas when they are pretreated in soda or saline solution.

flour beetle photo
Если на кухне все-таки поселился мучной жук, как get rid of him? First of all, a thorough inspection of all products is required. If they are damaged by a pest, further use is not recommended. If a flour bug is found, but getting rid of the products is a pity, you can apply some methods of saving loose goods. They are recommended to be placed in the freezer for twenty-four hours. Pests do not tolerate low temperatures. You can calcine the groats or flour in the oven, which is set to a temperature mode equal to one hundred and twenty degrees. These methods will make it possible to destroy the larvae and the bug. However, products that have undergone these temperature changes will not have the same quality and properties.

flour beetle how to get rid
Kitchen cabinets in which a pest is found,must be immediately disinfected. It is permissible to use chemical preparations, for example, dichlorvos. The surface of the cabinets can also be washed with a solution of soda or vinegar. From pests of foodstuffs, poisoned baits will also be relieved. They are made from a mixture of powdered sugar (or flour) and borax. The components are taken in equal amounts.

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