Geological or seismic exploration, extractionoil, gas and other minerals, laying water intakes, construction and some other technical works are impossible without drilling channels and wells in the ground. In the process of drilling, rock is destroyed by special installations consisting of an engine with a rotating rotor. Mechanical development of the rock is carried out by a strong chisel.
People who are not related to miningfossils, this instrument is associated most often with a tool of manual labor intended for the processing of tree species. Today, the drill bit has absolutely nothing to do with the carpenter's tool. But the early drilling techniques needed to drill wells resembled percussive carpentry work on wood.
At that time, the chisel for drilling had an external resemblance to the carpenter's tool. Modern technologies have moved far ahead, the appearance of the drilling equipment has changed, and the term has survived.
Numerous upgrades have significantly expandedcapabilities of this tool. The variety of shapes and sizes of bits allows us to select drilling equipment for any type of work, significantly increasing the drilling speed and well quality. Modern manufacturers offer chisels with diameters from 46 mm to 1000 mm.
During the rotation of the bit, simultaneously with which the drilling mud is supplied to the slurry at low pressure, the soil is eroded and the soil is destroyed, forming a well of the required size and depth.
By the methods of formation of wells, the drilling process is divided into three types:
For each type of work, there are different types and sizes of bits, made of high-quality strong metal alloys.
The work of auger or forward-impact drillingInstallation is not possible without installing a bit. What it is? Monolithic solid matrix or core base, equipped with elements for drilling rock.
Depending on the purpose of the bit,metal blades or drill cutters. The rotation of the matrix by the rotary installation can be combined with the rotational movements of the heads. A variety of types of plants and types of drilling devices make it possible to develop any type of rock. Particularly in demand in the oil and gas industries.
Crushing - similar roller bits are used fordevelopment of rocks of any density. Rotating around its axis and around the main shaft, the wedge-shaped cutters destroy the hard rock by crushing and chipping the ground. They are used in different industries, mainly for oil and gas production, as well as for drilling blasting and exploration wells.
Cutting-abrasion – это алмазные насадки с твёрдосплавными штырями, They are used for the passage of wells in solid rocks or mixed soils. By design there are stepped, spiral and radial. To firmly hold the cutting diamond coating, the die head is made of a metal powder.
Cutting-cleavage - such lobe attachments are used for drillingwells up to 30 meters deep in loose and loose rocks. Inclined in the direction of rotation of the rotor blades destroy the soft ground, cutting and shearing layers. They are often used to drill geological exploration wells and require mandatory cleaning of the face by washing or auger device.
Такая насадка используется при бурении engineering-geological, prospecting, operational, prospecting and other types of wells. The wide application of the roller cutter is due to the ability to drill in soils with any level of hardness. The quarry machine, designed for rotary drilling, is equipped with a cutter. What it is? A chisel with pressed or milled teeth and pins of various configurations and lengths of tungsten carbide.
Roller bits consist of:
The central base (paw), as a rule, hasadjustable slope. The cutters are fixed on it at a certain angle to the outside or inside the structure. The number of mounted cutters depends on the type of paws and their number. One bit can accommodate up to 6 cones, rotating at a speed of 250 rpm. Uninterrupted rotation of the heads is ensured by the constant lubrication of the bearings, which create conditions for their swinging or sliding movements.
According to the design, cone bits are divided into two groups:
The sectional chisel is fastened to the drill string by an external conical thread, the housing one is internal.
By the principle of interaction with the mountain breed are divided into:
G- or T-shaped peripheral crownssignificantly reduces wear on the heads of the diameter. A practical construction of roller bits is used on all types of soils. The price of a bit with cutters depends on various parameters: the quality of the metal from which the nozzles are made, the number and size of cutters, and the design features of the paws. The simplest modifications cost about 15-18 thousand rubles, buying more expensive will cost 40-45 thousand rubles.
A roller drill bit may consist ofone, two, three, four or six cones of cylindrical, conical or spherical shape. For drilling deep wells, a single-roller bit is mainly used. A chisel with three cutters consists of three sections. Each section of the three-cone bit has a paw in the form of a dihedral angle (1200), support bearing, jetting attachmentchannel, the lock finger and the cutter with the teeth. In cross-section 3, the paws joined together form a circle. Rotating and making translational movements, moves through the rock bit. The drilling mechanism with cutters destroys it, making rotary movements simultaneously with a chisel.
Most often in oil and gas drillinggas fields are used trekhosharoshechnye chisels. In addition, triple heads are actively used in construction, in making holes and water wells, for drilling holes in seismic exploration, and in many other types of work.