/ / Beautiful bush - chubushnik. Planting and care

Beautiful bush - chubushnik. Planting and care

Многие садоводы любят и ценят чубушник.Planting and caring for it are not particularly difficult, although there are some nuances of its cultivation. This beautifully flowered, with fragrant snow-white flowers, the shrub has long been cultivated on the private plots. Many people mistakenly call this plant jasmine, although it has nothing to do with this culture. This shrub has long been used to make chibouks used in smoking pipes. That's why it is called a chubushnik.

Chubushnik (landing and leaving)

Planting and caring for this unpretentiousThe shrub begins with the selection of planting material. Many different hybrids of this plant are derived. Chubushnik, whose varieties differ in the shape and size of the flowers, the shape and height of the bush, has a rod-like, hollow shoots. They are light green matte leaves. In autumn they acquire a beautiful yellow shade. Blooms this shrub from May to the end of July. Some varieties have a longer flowering period.

This plant multiplies by cuttings, divisionbush, layers, root shoots. In any way, success is guaranteed. The easiest way to propagate a shrub is with shoots cut in spring or autumn. After the formation of the crown, they are stuck into the ground for rooting. Shoots should be regularly watered, so that the soil is always wet. Both young and perennial branches are suitable for reproduction. The length of the shoot should be 20-50 cm. It is best to stick these twigs to a permanent place in the early spring or in September-October. Reproduction by seeds is also possible, although such seedlings will not bloom for a long time.

Chubushnik Lemoine

These shrubs grow very fast,thanks to which dense thickets of Chubushnik are formed, which begin to blossom abundantly at a young age. The plant looks great in any planting. It is also used to create hedges. The most decorative and fragrant varieties of chubushnik include the following: "Mont Blanc", "White bouquet", "Norma", "Blizzard", "Gornostaevaya mantia", "Virzhinal", "Charm". These shrubs can have simple, semi-double and double flowers. A very beautiful and unusual species of this shrub is Chubushnik Gordon. He repeatedly blooms in the fall. To achieve a large number of flowers, it is necessary to prune the crown in time and cut the chubushnik. Planting and caring for all varieties of this plant are no different from the others. No less effective is Chaebus Lemoine. This tall shrubbery is of hybrid origin. It grows up to 3 m in height. The crone has a compact shape. Blossoms with simple, fragrant flowers, reaching 4 cm in diameter.

Chubushnik (varieties)

Как же правильно выращивать чубушник?Landing and care consist in choosing the right place for him. This shrub perfectly develops in the lighted areas and in the penumbra. Abundant flowering is always observed in sunny places. To the soil Chubushnik is not exacting, although it grows better on fertile, moistened earth. Shrub is resistant to pests, diseases, but can be affected by jasmine aphids. For the winter, the Chubushniki do not require shelter. It is recommended to feed the plants with slurry and mineral fertilizers. This shrub requires loosening the soil, mulching peat. Each plant needs pruning, which is carried out in early spring. The shape of the crown should be neat and symmetrical. Rejuvenating pruning is carried out every 3 years, leaving shoots under 10 years old.

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