/ / Violet ice violet: photo and description

Violet "ice rose": photo and description

Удивительной красоты цветок - фиалка «ледяная rose flower". Photo and description of the plant will help you more accurately reproduce the process of plant life, to become acquainted with its features and appearance.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, gardeners todaycan observe an indescribable number of indoor plants, create from them living compositions in their garden and home. In doing so, use a variety of house plants, place them in tiers (from smaller plants to larger ones) or simply decorate window sills in an apartment or house. Among this variety of green and flowering pots - the violet "ice rose".

Violet Ice Rose

"Ice Rose" - the city of extraordinary beauty

Violet "ice rose" attracts attentionbuyers playing paint flowers. Framed with a light green border, white with cherry brush strokes and blotches on the petals, the flowers rise on the peduncles, forming a lush rosette. The foliage of the "ice rose" is slightly corrugated.

It is interesting that after each flowering the texture of the petals in the violet changes: from white it slowly turns into a brightly colored flower, there are more and more variegated smears and inclusions.

violet ice rose photo and description

Types of violets

Violets differ in shape, size of rosettes, lush flowers, duration of flowering. Thanks to the features, each of the violets is beautiful in its own way. Exist:

  • violets are standard;
  • violets trailers;
  • violets mini;
  • violets of half a min.

There are more than 400 species of violets.Given the senpolia and subspecies of plants - this figure increases dramatically. Speaking of St. Petersburg, it is noted that there are more than 8 thousand of these plants in the world, but this is only an approximate figure. Detailed information is stored in the American Society of Senpolian Amateurs.

Ice Rose Violet Photo

Rules for caring for an indoor plant

Все без исключения разновидности сортовых фиалок require careful care. To preserve the plant's mother characteristics and preserve the variety, it is necessary to study the features of growing and reproduction of such plants as the "ice rose" - violet, the photo of which is presented below.

Violet Ice Rose Description

Picking up a place for the violet correctly

Восточное или юго-восточное окно – лучше место for the cultivation of violets of this species. Observations showed that when the violet was moved to the window sill of the north window, the growth of the plant deteriorated noticeably, and the flowering turned into lean and short.

Variety of violets "ice rose" - a plant that does not like abundant light: with the active action of sunlight on the violet, its leaves are burned, and the decorative appearance of the plant is lost in the course of time.

Soil preparation

Best of all bloom and develop violets,planted in a fertile soil. The soil should be light and well let in air. It is possible to give preference to a special purchase mixture for violet planting and additionally use disintegrating agents for the soil.

Features of planting

The violet "ice rose" will blossom longer and growaccelerated rates, if you choose the right pot for her. Few people know that the ideal volume for a plant is a container whose diameter is equal to the outlet of the violet.

Variety of violets ice rose

If you pick up a pot for a larger plant, the flower will direct all its forces to the development of the root system, not the peduncles.

It is important to know: the closer the decorative pot to the plant, the more luxuriant it blooms.

Rules of care for violets:

  1. Transplant adult plants 1-2 times a year, using the method of transshipment.
  2. Rejuvenate old plants. Breeders recommend that to preserve the variety of old plants, remove virtually all rows of leaves, leaving 1-2 rows from the center of the rosette.
  3. After the performed operations, the violet is cut and placed in a flat vessel with a small amount of water at the bottom for rooting. Watch the water level, because the violet does not require abundant food.

Creating artificial lighting for home colors

Most gardeners seek to equip the wintergarden at home, even more - to prolong the flowering of domestic plants. Some create additional conditions, for example, fluorescent artificial lighting, others resort to the use of special means, which is not too good for the plant.

If you have 1-2 violets in the house, then there is no need to create artificial lighting, and if the collection - it is simply necessary.

It is important to remember how to choose the right lamp. They must emit white cold light. From the warm yellow light, the violet "violet rose" violet, the photo of which is presented in the article, experiences discomfort.

Violet Rose Violet Photo

Lamps should be placed 20-25 cm above the top of the socket. Insufficient lighting will not give any effect, excessive - will oppress the violet.

How and when to water a plant

Water is suitable for water at room temperature.Too cold can adversely affect the development of the root system, lead to decay or proliferation of bacteria and flower diseases. You can water the violet in two ways: in a pot or over the ground.


At first, to feed the plant therenecessity, because it was planted in an already nutrient medium. During the growth of the green mass, the root system of the plant needs to be enriched with nitrogen compounds. And during the formation of the peduncle - in potassium, which is contained in modern mineral fertilizers for flowers and domestic plants.

Reproduction of Senpolia

Sheet cuttings are the material by which violets reproduce.

The method of seed propagation is used onlyexperienced flower growers. It is noted that using the method of sowing seeds, it is extremely rare to obtain a specimen similar to the parent. Child violets rarely give large double flowers. Most often it is possible to bring a violet with a standard rosette consisting of green or dark green foliage, which is crowned with several simple monochrome flowers.

Violet "ice rose", the description of which you have already studied, multiplies in several ways.

ice rose violet photo

It is important to know that varietal characteristics are preserved only in the case of propagation by cuttings or flower stalks.

Methods of reproduction

The most common breeding methods for violets are:

  • rooting the cuttings of a plant in water (a cutting from 2-3 rows from the base of the socket is used);
  • rooting of the cuttings of a plant in the ground (the cuttings are planted directly into the soil mixture);
  • obtaining a new plant from the peduncle is one of the best methods of reproduction of Saintpaulia, so it is possible to achieve absolute preservation of the maternal qualities of the daughter plant.

Violet Breeding Rules

  1. As a material for breeding, choose only a healthy peduncle.
  2. Break it off at the base.
  3. Plant in a small container with nutrient soil, pour and cover with foil or a bag (this will help create a mini-greenhouse and increase humidity).
  4. Do not forget to systematically air. This will help get rid of condensate.
  5. When the babies appear, let them grow a little and spread out in separate pots (the peduncle is thrown out as it becomes unsuitable for repeated reproduction).

Violet "ice rose" - an exclusive variety of Saintpaulia, which will decorate your interior and, despite the "cold" name, will delight the owners with its beauty and cause admiration among guests.

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