/ / How to make water heating with your own hands?

How to make water heating with your own hands?

This article will cover water heating.for private homes. It can be arranged in various ways, schemes and designs are quite a lot. And you can install radiators and floor heating system - this will provide maximum comfort in the house. But there is one nuance - it is best to do a warm floor during the construction phase. If the installation is done during the repair process, you will need to tear off the entire floor covering and install a new one. But let's talk in more detail about all the features.

What is needed for a water system?

Water is the most popular heat transfer fluid.used in all heating systems (and sometimes cooling). The rather high heat capacity makes it possible to efficiently give and take heat. Liquid systems are used in private homes for a long time.

Boiler for heating system

The principle of operation has not changed forseveral decades, only improved instruments and materials that are used in systems. What is required for the normal functioning of the system:

  1. The power plant is a stove or boiler that can work either on gas, on electricity or on any other fuel (peat, wood, coal, diesel fuel).
  2. Pipes with different cross sections to build a circuitcoolant circulation. If previously only metal pipes were used, then today metal-plastic and plastic have gained wide popularity.
  3. Radiators, allowing for better heating of the premises.
  4. Various designs of valves - without it, creating a liquid heating system is almost impossible.
  5. In order to compensate for the overpressure in the heating system, it is necessary to install an expansion tank.
  6. Sometimes a circulating pump is used. It helps in cases where the slope of the pipes is not observed and the liquid slowly circulates through them.

This equipment, which is usually used in heating systems of modern homes. But be sure to familiarize yourself with how to connect all the components.

Connecting radiators

You can find a lot of options for connecting batteries to the heating system. But in fact, if you look closely, you can find that only three schemes are used during installation:

  1. Single pipe
  2. Two-pipe
  3. With the use of collectors.

There is also a division by type of filingthe heat carrier (in our case it is water) is forced and natural circulation. Natural occurs due to the fact that the liquid temperature changes.

Under the influence of a slight bias and convectionhot water tends to rise, and cold water comes down. In the case of forced circulation, the fluid moves due to the pressure created by the pump mounted in the boiler (or installed next to it).

Heating system with warm floor

Besides the fact that radiators are connected, you canheating system to connect and floor heating pipes. This is a good enough solution for small houses with a tile floor. Heating of the premises will occur as evenly as possible, and comfort will be felt in every corner. Agree, it is much more pleasant to get out of the shower and walk on the warm floor, rather than on the cold.

What you need to know before installing the system

To do the heating liquidin a private house, it is recommended to explore all possible installation schemes. Of course, it is necessary to do this only after you have purchased all the necessary materials and equipment. You can calculate the need for them at the preparation stage - it all depends on what type of radiator connection you will use.

Always purchase radiators, boilers andother equipment only from verified dealers. And trust only reliable manufacturers - cheap fakes and analogues do not meet all the requirements and in most cases even represent a danger. Of course, it is possible to make a system of water heating at home easily and from analogs, but the service life of the whole structure will not be very long.

Single pipe heating system

Однотрубная система – это самая простая, которая can be implemented in a private house. One pipe is laid along the perimeter of the house; it goes from the boiler feed pipe to the opposite. It is from this pipe that conclusions are made for connecting radiators. They are connected using shut-off valves or directly, without using one. This design is considered not only the simplest, but also the cheapest - because it includes the minimum number of elements. In addition, the installation of the system is relatively cheap.

Single pipe system

Since only one pipe is used, nothe need to manufacture a large number of taps, and various trifles will be spent a little. Please note that reinforcement is an element that constitutes a substantial part of the cost of the entire system. It is more expensive than all other components. The use of the simplest one-pipe system is justified in small houses, in which the layout is not complex.

But fluid flows through the ring of pipes andmanages to cool down significantly. It is for this reason that the batteries located at the very end, warm up less than the first. This is the main drawback of water heating a single pipe house. If the house is large, then at the end the water will be barely warm, heating will not be able to carry out. But in the nearest rooms to the boiler the temperature will be quite high. This is especially noticeable in cases where there is a natural circulation of fluid.

Features of manufacturing single-pipe system

When making a single tubeheating system, carefully study the pipe laying pattern. There must be a slope of about 3-5 degrees. Only in this case, you can ensure maximum performance of the entire system. Be sure to install air valves on radiators. They are necessary in order to maintain a stable pressure in the system. With their help, excess air from the heating system is vented. In the construction of such cranes there are small holes in which the nozzles are embedded. They are unscrewed with a screwdriver and air is released.

Boiler for heating the house

If there is a need to replace the battery, you canDo not dispose of water in the system. And there is no need to turn off the heating system. If you use Mayevsky's taps, which connect the batteries and pipes, you will be able to replace the components quickly enough. Cranes are closed, after which new batteries are installed. The liquid does not flow out of the system. When using a stove with a water circuit for heating the house, there is no need to disconnect it from the system - all work is carried out without such manipulations.

Two-pipe heating system

If we compare this system with the previous one, thenit can be seen that it assumes the presence of two pipes — a reverse and a supply. This design is very complicated in the device. The supply pipe is connected directly to the inputs of the radiators. And to the return line is connected to the battery outputs. Such a scheme is called parallel. All radiators are connected to the pipes and the boiler according to this scheme. This is the main difference from the design discussed above. In the manufacture of need to apply special designs of furnaces for homes with water heating. They are somewhat different from the solid.

In the manufacture of two-pipe system is necessaryuse more pipes and fittings, which is why it is much more expensive. But the efficiency of the system is higher, since the batteries are uniformly heated, no matter how far they are located from the boiler. This type of wiring is used most often in cottages and low-rise private houses.

The work of the two-pipe system

Считается огромным преимуществом то, что все radiators operate independently of each other. Each has its own separate circuit. In this case, repair and upgrading becomes much easier. Any battery can be replaced or repaired, and the rest of the design will not be affected.

Thanks to the parallel connection you canadjust the pressure and temperature in each radiator. Therefore, it is possible to significantly save on gas or any other fuel on which the furnace operates. With water heating it will be possible to ensure maximum heating of the premises.

Scheme of a two-pipe system

In the manufacture of two-pipe systemIt is recommended to install the pump - with its help it will be possible to achieve the most efficient circulation of the coolant. The batteries will warm up much faster, increasing the overall efficiency of the entire system.

Collector heating system

The most difficult type of layout is collector.A large number of different devices for the distribution of coolant. Such distribution devices are called collectors. When installing such a system with forced circulation in a one-story house, boiling water will pass from the boiler to the collectors, they are distribution devices. It is with their help that even distribution of the hot coolant to the batteries occurs. But, since it is rather difficult to make water heating of this type, it is practically not used in practice.

One battery connects to the collector withtwo pipes. The efficiency of the design is very high, but the cost, one can say, is transcendental. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is possible to make adjustment not only in a separate circuit, but also in each battery. This ensures maximum comfort in each room. Not everyone can make water heating of the house with their own hands according to this scheme - it is recommended to resort to the help of specialists. After all, one wrong touch - the system will not function correctly. And all the money will be thrown to the wind.

Liquid circulation pump

Such a system should be equipped with a pump forforced circulation of the coolant. The reason is that liquid cannot naturally enter the collector and pass into each battery. The system has a very large number of pipes, so the liquid itself cannot circulate through them. The circuit has a circulation pump that cuts into the return pipe. With it, the water is pumped. This is how a heating system with a water circuit works.

Two types of heating circuitry

Pressure appears in the system, it is enough forto ensure that the coolant enters all pipes and batteries. Heating of all elements will be as uniform as possible. In the event that an expensive wall-mounted boiler is used, it is likely that a circulating pump is already built in it. And he is already set up to ensure normal pressure in the heating system. If a simple boiler without a pump is used, it is recommended to consult with experts about the compatibility of the equipment. Otherwise an emergency situation may occur.

Where to use the collector system?

Collector systems are used exclusively insingle storey houses. Use in two-story buildings is unwise, since the whole structure is rather cumbersome and the layout will be complicated. Designed correctly and without flaws such a system can not every specialist. For this reason, the collector design is in demand only in the manufacture of water heating systems in one-story houses.

Natural and forced circulation

In order to make yourselfcollector system in your home, you need to purchase all the necessary consumables. In particular, a certain number of shut-off valves and thermostats will be required. When installing such devices, you can achieve the most effective adjustment of heat in the house. And it will be carried out in semi-automatic mode - you are not involved in this process.


If you look at all of the above, you cansee that it’s enough to just make water heating with your own hands. Please note that the choice of one of the three wiring should be made deliberately. It depends on how the whole system will work in the future. If you have a small one-story house, it will be easier and cheaper to lay one pipe. This scheme is called "Leningrad". But if the house has a large area, or it has more than one floor, it is recommended to use a two-pipe structure.

But if you have a small house, heone-storeyed, and you have “extra” money and the desire to make something out of the ordinary, you can build a modern collector system. It has the highest reliability and efficiency. If everything is done correctly, of course. Only provided that the installation is carried out correctly, such a water heating system in a private house can function as efficiently as possible.

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