/ / The largest breed of dogs

The largest breed of dogs

70% of the world's population, according to statistics,keeps the house of pets. Most of them prefer cats and dogs. After all, everyone knows the proven truth for centuries - "the dog is the man's best friend." And many adhere to this opinion.

Loyalty of dogs does not depend on their breed, coloror sizes. Many tales, legends and stories tell about their quality. For example, the famous story about the true Hatiko, about the dog, which after the death of the owner every day he was waiting for him at the station, where he led the last years of his life. In memory of this in Japan there is a monument of Khatiko, and the name it became a synonym for the words "loyalty" and "devotion."

In general, dogs are very good animals, they are notonly true friends, but also good helpers: they guard you and your house. In antiquity, and sometimes even now, dogs are indispensable helpers in hunting.

The division of dogs into breeds began with immemorialtimes. In ancient times, these animals were divided into certain groups, depending on their economic purpose. Then the dogs were hunting and guard, and later there were decorative animals that did not do anything. This kind of dog is popular now. But it should also be noted that such a classification of rocks is conditional.

Some are wondering which is the largestbreed of dogs. But even specialists of this case find it difficult to answer it. The scientists compiled the top-list "the largest breed of dogs". But even the compilers note that this list is not perfect, because there are many options. In the first place the representative of the old English breed Mastiff. Then come Newfoundland, Great Dane, Scottish Dirhound, Irish Wolfhound, Leonberger, Caucasian Shepherd, Neapolitan Mastiff, St. Bernard, Akita.

As can be seen from this list, the breed of St. Bernard dogs- one of the largest. It can be of two types: short-haired and long-haired. There are several versions of their origin. According to one of them, St. Bernard, as the largest breed of dogs, and also the English mastiff, have their roots from the Tibetan mastiff, which was brought to Europe, and there the St. Bernard crossed with local breeds of dogs. According to the second theory, the St. Bernards originate from Roman combat mastiffs, which were brought to the Alps by the Romans during their conquest campaigns.

St. Bernard is not in vain included in the sheet "the largestthe breed of dogs ", because its growth starts from 70 centimeters.The standards of weight of such animals should be about 80 kg, but not always the standards correspond to reality.More often there are individuals whose growth exceeds 80 cm, while the weight is 100 kg and more This kind of dog is very devoted and obedient, and the St. Bernards treat children carefully and carefully, and they used to be used to save people caught in avalanches.

The next largest breed of dog is whiteCaucasian Shepherd Dog. She was originally considered a shepherd. The ears of such animals were subject to relief, so shepherds deprived them of the cartilaginous tissue of the ears. In size, they are above average height (about 65cm). This breed (white Caucasian Shepherd dog) stands out among other endurance, sensitivity, calmness, unpretentiousness and strength. The researchers proved that during the battle this dog can defeat even the fighting one. The peculiarity of this breed is that it has a thick, dense undercoat, which provides the dog with good protection against low temperatures. This is one of the best breeds.

So, today we talked about the largestbreeds of dogs and indicated to you the top 10. They also talked in detail about St. Bernards and white Caucasian sheepdogs. We gave you their characteristics and indicated some features. We hope that all our tips will help you when choosing a puppy for your home.

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