/ / When in Russia celebrate the Day of the signalman?

When in Russia celebrate the Day of the signalman?

October 20 (Communications Day) of 1919 is consideredthe official day of the formation of communication troops on the territory of our country. It was on this day that a special order of the Revolutionary Military Council finally formed the communications department. Moreover, since that time the communications service has been assigned to the special service of headquarters, and the communication troops themselves were defined as independent troops. It was at that time that the foundation for the subsequent gradual formation of modern communications troops on the territory of our country was laid.

communicator day
Recall that the Military Communications Day was officially established in accordance with the decree of the President in 2006. Earlier this holiday was celebrated exclusively as the Day of Communication of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Day of the signalman. History

The first communication units on the territory of ourcountries appeared, experts say, back in the 19th century, and the first marching telegraph was already actively used in the Crimean War. In 1899, for the first time, a military radio station was formed, which was called the "Kronstadt Spark Telegraph". In addition, by the beginning of the first world, the Russian army had its own communications units in virtually all artillery, infantry and cavalry units.

military day
Наверняка каждый согласится с тем, что военная communication at the moment is one of the direct components of the management of the existing Armed Forces, more precisely, its material basis. It is worth noting that it is from its state and functioning today that for the most part depends not only on the efficiency of command and control, but also on the relevance of the use of weapons and various types of military equipment.

With regard to the development of this industryArmed forces, we can say that the very military communication itself has passed a fairly long and fruitful path in its development, which in its turn is inextricably linked with the improvement of martial art, applied techniques.

Day of the signalman today

russia day
Thanks to such a holiday as the Day of the signalman,Russia can be proud of our military. Annually specialized troops conduct a review on this day not only directly by specialists themselves, but also military equipment and devices.

For the time being, the Russian Communications Troops includein themselves special units of the central subordination, districts and associations. In addition, they also include various types of fixed and field communication modules, a variety of technically combining communication security controls, ubiquitous linear parts, as well as technical support and research institutions.

The modern communication system is aquite complex and simultaneously multifunctional mechanism that includes in its composition various communication nodes, kilometer lines of the radio and wire communication system and, of course, the specialists (signalers) themselves, thanks to which this structure successfully works. The military annually celebrate the Day of the signalman on October 20.

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