/ / Drops on the withers from worms for cats. Preparations from wide-spectrum helminths

Drops on the withers from worms for cats. Preparations from wide-spectrum helminths

All pet owners must regularlyconduct their dehelminthization. Even those pets that do not go out into the street can be infected with worms. And this is dangerous not only for the animal itself, but also for people who communicate with it. The situation is most difficult with cats. They constantly lick themselves, so they have more opportunities to get infected. But to force them to eat a pill or even drink a suspension is very difficult, because they are pretty whimsical animals. Therefore, the best way is to apply drops on the withers from worms for cats. Use them is much more convenient than other drugs, and the effect is not inferior.

Features of anthelmintic drugs

A modern pharmacy for animals offersmany different medicines for parasites. It is recommended to use them at least 4 times a year. And the treatment of those cats that walk on the street, preferably monthly. Most antihelminthic drugs are toxic and can cause various side effects. In addition, they usually help only against one type of parasite.

profender price
Therefore, it is very important to treat onlyafter examination of the doctor. But for the prevention can come preparations from worms of a wide spectrum of action. They are effective against most parasites, although they are more toxic. Recently, drops of wolves from worms for cats have become very popular. These are more modern preparations, therefore they are spared from many shortcomings of other means and are more easily transferred by animals. Even with preventive use, you can rid the pet of parasites without poisoning it. In addition, a convenient form of application allows you to treat even the most capricious animals.

How to apply drops on the withers from worms for cats

They are applied to the skin in a place that is inaccessiblefor licking. Usually it is the withers, the base of the nape and the upper back between the shoulder blades. The skin in this place should be clean and dry, without damage.

drops on the withers of worms for cats
It is necessary to move the wool and apply the drugpointwise. Depending on the weight of the animal, this can be a different number of drops. It is necessary to buy the drug exactly in the dosage that the cat needs. Only in this case the animal will get the right amount and will not get poisoned. In order to be convenient to apply drops to the withers from worms for cats, a special pipette is sold with the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Большинство таких препаратов не применяются у kittens younger than 2 months old, in weakened and sick animals. Some are forbidden for pregnant and lactating cats. With proper application and observance of the recommended dosage, droplets on the withers are well tolerated by animals. Normally side effects possible with random slizyvanie preparation, but may be individual intolerance, as agent is absorbed through the skin. If there are negative symptoms, you should carefully wash the drug with zooshampoo and show the cat to the vet.

profender for cats
What side effects can be after the application of worms drops:

- profuse drooling and lacrimation;

- muscle tremors;

- vomiting and upset stool;

- skin allergic reactions.

Precautionary measures

All antiparasitic drugs are toxic. Therefore, when applying them, you must follow certain rules:

- Do not allow the agent to get on the human skin;

- do not apply to those parts of the animal’s body that it can reach with the tongue;

- if several animals are treated, you must lock them up in different rooms or a cage during the first day;

- do not iron, do not bathe or comb the cat for 1-2 days after applying the drops;

- Do not allow children to communicate with the pet at least a day after treatment.

Popular drugs

one.The best, according to reviews of veterinarians and owners of animals, are German drops "Profender". Their price is quite high compared with the cost of drugs in tablets, but the ease of use justifies the cost. For a small kitten up to 2.5 kilograms weighing a drop cost about 320 rubles, and for a large animal - more than 400 rubles.

2.The more expensive is the American drug Stronghold. Its price is from 300 to 1000 rubles, depending on the place of sale and dosage. But this is the only drug that is effective not only against adult worms, but also against their larvae.

animal pharmacy

3. "Prazitsid complex" - these are common drops from fleas and worms for cats. Due to its rich composition and unique action, only one drug from all types of parasites can be used.

4. Russian drops that help against fleas and worms are also popular - Bars Spot-on. They are also effective against demodicosis and ear mites.

five.The drug "Inspector Total" contains fipronil and moxidectin. It is also a complex Russian-made drug and it costs about 200 rubles. The only restriction is that it can be used only in animals weighing more than 4 kilograms.

Drops "Profender"

The price of the drug ranges from 320 to 450 rubles.depending on the weight of the cat. Packed in a box 2 convenient pipettes with caps. The drug "Profender" for cats is applied to withers and absorbed through the skin.

drops from fleas and worms for cats
The active ingredients of the drug are emodepside andPraziquantel They are effective in toxocarosis, hookworm, depilidosis, echinococcosis, and other helminthic invasions. Dosage depends on animal weight and age. "Profender" for cats can be used as early as two months if the kitten weighs at least 0.5 kg. With proper use of the drug is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. It is even prescribed for pregnant and lactating cats.

Drug "Stronghold"

The main component of these drops ismodern semi-synthetic substance selamectin. It destroys most endo- and ectoparasites, but is perfectly safe for animals. Therefore, it is successfully used to combat ticks, fleas and worms. "Stronghold" is the most convenient drug in use from all which is offered by a drugstore for animals. And it has some features:

- dries quickly, and you can play with an animal in half an hour;

- the drug is moisture-resistant, so the ingress of water on the cat and even bathing it 2 hours after treatment does not reduce its effectiveness;

- drops are allowed for use by kittens from 6 weeks of age, as well as pregnant and lactating cats;

- after 1-2 days the animal will not have parasites, and the pet will be protected from re-infection within a month.

"Prazitsid complex"

Применяется препарат с 2-месячного возраста.But it is not recommended to treat pregnant and lactating cats, as well as sick and weak animals with its help. The price of the drug is low - about 150 rubles, but it is sold on one pipette, so for large animals you need to buy 2-3 packages.

drugs from worms broad-spectrum
Это комплексный препарат, содержащий praziquantel, ivermectin, levamisole and thiamethoxam. Therefore, it is effective against all species of nematodes in the sexually mature and larval stage, echinococcus, cestode, lice, lice, fleas and ticks. You can apply drops monthly to protect the animal from re-attack of parasites. Cats usually tolerate the drug, so it is used quite often.

Drops "Leopard spot-on"

The drug contains praziquantel and ivermectin.These substances quickly penetrate into the blood of the animal and spread throughout the body. Antihelminthic effect persists for 2 weeks. You can use the drug from 2 months of age, and it is usually well tolerated. Effective drops "Bars spot-on" against tape and round worms, fleas, various types of ticks. The drug costs about 300 rubles, depending on the dosage.

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