It is difficult to argue with the fact that pregnancy isone of the most beautiful and amazing periods in the life of any woman. However, it must be remembered that this period is also associated with a large number of worries and worries, first of all, regarding the state of their health. After all, our body necessarily informs us about any problems associated with the course of pregnancy. Of course, you should pay attention to such signals, because it is better to consult a doctor once again, than to damage your health and the health of your baby. One of these signals, indicating a wrong course, is bleeding during pregnancy.
Very often bleeding in pregnant women occursin the first trimester (in 20% of women). Often it goes on its own without any health consequences. However, cases when such bleeding ends in a miscarriage are not uncommon. Therefore, if a woman in the first trimester had spotting, you should not panic, but you just need to see a doctor. If after examination the doctor decided to put you in hospital, do not worry, because your panic will have a negative impact on the future child. Perhaps a gynecologist just needs more detailed examinations.
Bleeding in early pregnancy canarise due to hormonal deficiencies, inflammation in the cervix, as well as ectopic pregnancy. In addition, the cause of bleeding may become sexual intercourse due to damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina or irritation of the cervix. Such bleeding during pregnancy is not dangerous for either the mother or the baby.
However, there are other, much more serious, causes of bleeding.
1. Miscarriage.In addition to bloody discharge is characterized by cramping pain in the abdomen. If you contact your doctor in time, pregnancy can often be saved. When a threat of miscarriage should be observed bed rest, avoid stressful situations, be in a state of complete rest.
2. Bubble skidding.This condition, which is accompanied by a proliferation of placental tissue. He is characterized by profuse, painless bleeding. Requires scraping and semi-annual monitoring of hormonal status.
3. Chromosomal abnormalities.Unfortunately, in this case the pregnancy can not be saved, it ends with spontaneous miscarriage. After this, a woman needs to make a scraping of the uterus, and also to establish the cause of such a miscarriage.
In addition, bleeding during pregnancy canarise when an ectopic pregnancy, that is, if it occurs outside the uterine cavity. Its cause is obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This situation entails the removal of one tube and the washing of the abdominal cavity.
No less dangerous are bleeding and in 2-3 trimesters of pregnancy, because they indicate the presence of pathology and pose a danger to the health of the mother and baby.
Одной из причин кровотечения на поздних сроках is an abruption of the placenta, which is also accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen. This condition requires an operative delivery, because it causes a sharp deterioration in the child's condition.
In addition, bleeding during pregnancy cancause placenta previa. Because of the thinning of the wall of the uterus, there may be a rupture of the vessels, and bright scarlet discharge begins. At the same time, not the child, but the mother.
In order for your pregnancy to leaksmoothly, carefully monitor your health and protect the health of your unborn child. Remember that such a dangerous symptom as bleeding during pregnancy can cause very serious abnormalities, so do not delay the visit to the gynecologist.