/ / Scenes funny for high school students about the school

Scenes funny for high school students about the school

Scenes funny for high school students canconsecrate many topics and problems of modern children. These are the upcoming examinations, the graduation, the conduct of leisure and the choice of the future profession. Also, a broad field for fantasy is the attitude of schoolchildren and parents. We offer funny sketches about the school for high school students, which are suitable for any holidays. Will bring a variety and certainly cheer the audience!

Scenes funny for high school students


Scenes funny for high school students can be very diverse and unusual. For example, the following.

Literature lesson. Children read the book. The teacher is studying the magazine, and the two guys are bored.

The first student: You took my pen, shcha as I give. (Pushes him)

Second student: And what are you sorry for, the greed. On! (Throws the handle at his collar).

The first student: (He puts his fist to his face) Well, everything, the kapets came.

Second disciple: These are those kirdyk, miserable! (Gives a cuff to the body.) A brawl begins in the form of jerks with fists and replicas of "You Th!", "And what about you?".)

Suddenly, the teacher approaches: "Boxing, boxing, boxing ..."

There is a pause in the classroom and instant silence.


school funny sketches for high school students

Looking for original skits, funny, for high school students and their parents? We offer an interesting scenario that does not require much preparation.

Participants: announcer, mother, girl.

Announcer: Happy moment, happy hour. I went to my first class.

On the stage, my mother and daughter come out.

Mom: Doc, did you like school, do you have a lot of fives?

Daughter: (Enthusiastically) The teacher, like a fairy, is all friendly with me, I got 3 fives!

Announcer: The fifth year is already past, here is a fifth grader.

Mom and daughter in every way dress.

Mom: Well, little daughter, how are you? Have you been asked a lot what's in school?

Daughter: (Sadly) Petrov is a goat, again he pulled me by the braid. Today I gave him in the eye. You were called to the director for some reason ...

Announcer: And again the years are flying, and the eighth-year-old is a child.

A daughter in a short skirt, with a panting under the punk.

Mom: Daughter dear, how is the director waiting for me again?

Daughter: (With anger) All the darkness is solid, and bastards all. Petrova again set fire to you, the commission called you.

Announcer: Ten years passed and now, the tenth grade student is coming.

The daughter is heavily stained, in defiant clothing. My mother is sitting in a scarf, scowling.

Mom: Hello, dear, how are you? Did you go to school today?

Daughter: What school, there are deeds, with Petrov in the Registry for a long time ...

"Who took Ishmael?"

If you need small school sketches funny for high school students, you can use the following idea.

Participants: senior pupils, teacher, director.

On the stage you can put 2 desks, a chair for the teacher.

The teacher enters the classroom, greets.

Учительница: We repeat the homework. So, Sidorov!

Sidorov: And Che immediately I, I finally can niche!

Teacher: Sidorov, tell me, who took Ishmael?

Sidorov: Mary Ivanovna, I did not take it, honestly did not take it, it's all Ivanov.

Ivanov: What Ishmael, I have not seen, it's not me!

Teacher: (Angrily) Everything, my patience has burst! I call the director.

Leaves and leads the director.

Teacher: We are the third lesson can not find out who took Ishmael?

Director: And what, is this 10-B? No, these will not be returned!

funny sketches about the school for high school students

"Five for Sincerity"

Another version of the script from the series "funny sketches about the school for high school students."

Senior students have an exam in mathematics. At the back of the desk there is a commission, the teacher is in his place.

Teacher: Petrov, I see everything, put the cheat sheet on the table!

The pupil gives the cheat sheet. Sits down, but turns.

Teacher: Petrov do not interfere with others.

Petrov:(rises) Dear Mary Ivanovna, I've been teaching your mathematics for ten years, but still I do not understand nifiga. I can stay here for five days, but I will not decide anything. Help the poor child. (Smiles in the classroom)

Teacher: Petrov, another such trick and I'll kick you out, you'll come to retake.

The disciple sits down, turns again, looks at the sheet, trying to decide, and again jumps up.

Petrov: Marya Ivanovna, Marya Ivanovna, you know that now I suddenly will not grow smart and I will not decide anything!

Smiles in the classroom, the members of the commission also chuckle.

Marya Ivanovna: (with sympathy) Dear Vasya, if you think well, you will succeed. Sit down and do not bother others.

Petrov sits down and a minute later again jumps: Mary Ivanovna, I do not get a nifiga! (Laughter in the classroom)

The commissioner stands up and sits down to Petrov: Well, let's see what you can not do there!

Scenes funny for high school students are short

«The Star of a disco»

Scenes funny for high school students, short and musical, diversify any concert.

Participants: high school students, two girlfriends.

Звучит подвижная музыка, но школьники танцуют slowly and modestly. A cheerful guy runs in and starts to dance actively, without getting into the rhythm of the music: jumping, parodying a break, etc. Everyone expresses surprise, shaking his head and twisting his temple. After a short pause, the music is slightly diminished.

First high school student: (in the ear of a girlfriend, but loud for the audience) Wow, well, in general, darkness, do you know him?

Second: Yes this is Sidorov from our 10-B.

First: What's with him? Is he always behaving this way?

Second: No, that you, he is a modest man, only today for the first time in 10 years the five in Russian received!

Christmas scenes for high school students funny

"Father Frost's Gift"

What to play New Year's scenes for high school students? Funny or classic, to solve schoolchildren. Here is one of the scenarios of the New Year's mini-performance.

Participants: two high school students, a boy and children.

Two girlfriends are sitting - a high school student.

First: Estimate, Ivanov bought me a fur coat for the New Year!

Second: Yes you are! Stunned, show soon.

He goes behind the scenes and returns in the Snow Maiden costume. A fur coat short of fabric, fur on the bottom.

First: (laughs) Yeah, everything is clear, so he bought himself a fur coat too ...

Ivanov enters in the costume of Santa Claus: Well, Petrova, it is necessary to work out a fur coat.

Scenes funny for high school students

Small children run in different costumes.

Ivanov sits down: Well, Snegurka, sing a song to the kids.

Petrova: (hesitated) Million, million, million, scarlet roses ...

Ivanov: Oh, Snow Maiden, well, you and I have a prankster. And now everyone is singing a song about the New Year, otherwise there will be no gifts.

Ivanov: Malaya, they are steaming in a bathhouse, and here I am going to arrange a verse exam for you. The first has gone.

Boy: Santa Claus, don't worry, give presents and dump. I will tell Bate, he will pay so.

Second boy: Hey, Ivanov in a beard, what other verses. Guys, go ahead.

Children pounce on Santa Claus, drop Snow Maiden, carry bag.

Ivanov: (the beard and hat came off) Well, Petrova! 10 more matinees and we are free.

School scenes, funny for high school students or thoughtfully serious, are equally well received by the public and make the presentation colorful, bright and unforgettable.

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