/ / What are the names suitable for cubs?

What are the names for the cubs?

The birth of a new life always deliversjoy to others. And even if it was born in the zoo of a cub of a terrible bear, no one can hide his affection. After all, the life of a newborn is like an empty diary, and the content of the pages will depend on its environment and upbringing. And first you need to give the name of a bear cub. But what is the nickname pick?

What to base when choosing a name?

First of all, it is not necessary to call him what immediately occurred to me when looking at a tiny bear. Names for cubs should be chosen responsibly.

names for cubs

Очень важно не забывать, что назвать его каким-то diminutive word will be ridiculous. Yes, now he still looks like a small dog. Yes, the cub looks cute, but after a while it will turn into an adult bear. Calling him Baby will be quite nice and ironic, but only if he has a childlike and spontaneous character. And if from it grows a formidable and strong bear? It will be too late to change the nickname because it is a very important factor in dog training. More precisely, if it is simply pleasant for a person to hear his name, as psychologists say, for animals the nickname is more important as a team. Because it is very important that the animal was easy to recognize it.

Double standards?

Of course, cubs, like people, and otherlittle animals should be called according to gender. Even if you decide to choose the nickname of a foreign pronunciation, you can usually tell by ear whether it’s more suitable for a boy or a girl.

name for girl bear

Another criterion for choosing a nickname is character.Newborn babies do not yet show their own character traits, which makes it difficult to choose the right name. However, you can also be guided by the desire to cultivate certain qualities in an adult individual and, based on this, choose names for cubs. Remember circus beasts. Is an aggressive animal able to execute teams of people? Wouldn't the beast try to attack at the first opportunity? Or at least run away? Therefore, when choosing a name for a bear cub (girl or boy), treat the process with all seriousness and love.

The most common nicknames

Nowadays it is very fashionable even to give childrenforeign and interesting names, and therefore it is not surprising if kids and kids are lucky with an exotic nickname. The main thing when choosing a nickname is not to forget that it plays the role of a team, as mentioned earlier. For example, you really want to choose a beautiful name for a bear-boy of some Italian origin. Suppose you liked the nickname Bernardino, which means "brave like a bear." But the animal is unlikely to respond to it.

name for boy teddy

You can accustom, but it will take more time. It is best to use a shortened version. At least Bernard, and even better - just Bern or Dino.

Girlish names for cubs are subject to the sameto the rules. You can give the little animal the nickname Belle-Arcadeline, like a real lady (or even think of three words), and bring up aristocratic qualities in her, but it will be difficult for her to respond to such an intricate name. Reduce to Belle or Arcadia for education, or better yet, choose a short name, say Nita, which comes from the language of Native Americans.

Final tips

There are many factors that influence the choice of a nickname for an animal, and when choosing names for cubs, they should be taken into account:

  • the nickname should be either clear and short, or simply assume the presence of an abbreviated version;
  • consider the qualities of character that are potentially inherent in the animal, as well as those that you want to raise;
  • consider the color of the fur and the floor so that the nickname is more suitable for the beast;
  • choose a name that you genuinely like.

Other nickname selection criteria may dependonly from you. Zoos sometimes arrange polls in the social. networks so that visitors can also participate in the development process of the baby. And if the proposed nicknames are too many and difficult to choose one, you can always conduct a general survey and choose by voting. The main thing is that all the options you seem suitable for the future of a bear or a bear.

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