Рождение ребенка – это не только огромная радость for parents, but also a greater responsibility. Often newly-minted daddies and mothers ask questions about when the baby has to keep his head, roll over, grow, smile, sit, get on all fours ... Parents of little princesses often think about when to put a girl. After all, it is still popular among the people that if the baby is seated too soon, she will be in trouble in the future with regard to the female part, in particular, the bend of the uterus. But first things first…
When can I plant a girl?Firstly, it should be noted that the bending of the uterus by early plantings can not provoke, it is no more than another myth and grandmother's "horror stories". Some parents believe that, by sitting the little girl, thus practicing the necessary skill and contribute to the rapid physical development of the daughter, but they are mistaken. The load on the still weak back and a weak spine, and the early sitting can be characterized in this way, may haggle in the future, so you should not hurry! Let the baby first strengthen muscles and grow to this important stage! To do this, it should often be laid out on the tummy, to stimulate coups and climbing on all fours, and then to crawling. In addition, you should not neglect the simplest massage and gymnastics. And then the question of when you can put a girl, just does not arise - she herself will sit down when the time comes. Most often this occurs at the age of 6-7 months.
Можно ли сажать девочек, которые сами садиться yet do not know how? While the baby is not six months old, this should not be done. But for six months, if necessary, you can sit down for a while. It is not necessary to cover the child with pillows and make him sit for a long time, especially if he actively protests. You can seat the baby in a special child seat, slightly tilting his back, or in raising the head end of the stroller (in the "half-sitting" position), thereby increasing the view. However, you should not get involved.
In as much as possible to plant girls, the bestask the pediatrician who observes the baby from birth and knows all its features (for example, whether there was hyper- or hypotension, complications in childbirth, neurological problems, dysplasia, etc.). And if this is not possible, in fact, with the doctor was not lucky to everyone, we must always remember that it's simply impossible to be late in this matter. Many pediatricians and orthopedists say that the option, when the baby first crawls, and then sits down, is the most optimal. Of course, I really want to show off to my family and friends the early development of my daughter and, in particular, my ability to sit, but my parents' ambitions should be tempered and, first of all, I should think about the health of the crumbs.
When can you plant a girl if she developsfaster than other kids? It also happens this way - the little girl has not even turned 6 months, and she has already sat down herself. In this case, you can not worry, it means that the muscles of the crumbs are already quite strong. However, it is not necessary to leave her in a sitting position for a long time, let the girl crawl and move more.
Если же ребенок не сидит самостоятельно ни в 6,ни in 7 months, do not panic. A crumb has the right to own pace of development, perhaps a child needs a little more time to master this difficult skill. However, if this did not happen before 9 months (provided that the baby is full and no visible health problems), it is necessary to consult a good pediatrician.