/ / Zheleznova: method of early musical development “Music with Mother”

Zheleznova: method of early musical development “Music with Mother”

Современные родители предъявляют множество requirements for even very young children. Sometimes the child has just come into the world, and moms and dads try to try out all the new and fashionable educational techniques on the baby.

Many of them sometimes give mixed results,others are completely useless or even harmful. But there is one direction, which in any case will be useful for any kid. This technique Zheleznov, "Music with Mom."

Zheleznova technique

About the authors

The authors of unique activities - dad and daughter. Produced discs with their developing musical classes enjoy enormous success not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Dad - Sergey Stanislavovich.He has a higher musical education and, like anyone, knows all the subtleties of musical rhythm and the effect of music on a little man. He has extensive experience working with children in the music school, as well as managing the development center in his own way.

Daughter - Catherine Sergeyevna. Also has a higher education, specialty - a music teacher. Ekaterina Zheleznova works by her unique method and constantly improves her qualifications.

How it all began

Initially, Zheleznov, working with children, triedalready existing at the time methods for the development of musicality of babies. Gradually, they developed their ideas and implemented them. Gained experience, all successful acquired more clear outlines. Thus, a holistic system of preparing children for entering a music school was formed.

method iron music with my mother
But all the developments that existed, came upfor kids from 3 years. But for the smallest material lacked. Therefore, Catherine and Sergei began to invent materials for kids. As Zheleznova says, the technique is suitable for any child. It does not matter whether he will continue to make music or not, the foundations laid in childhood will help in further development.

E. Zheleznova. Method and its essence

The methodology is based on berets, songs and movements corresponding to them, loved by all the kids. The authors took as their basis the folk songs, and also composed small songs themselves.

Based on the fact that the baby's life is unthinkable without movement, all the songs are played up. In addition, there are light, often repeated words in poteshki that the little child soon begins to repeat itself.

Classes according to the method of Zheleznov
Small children, it is important that an adult showedand performed all movements with them. This is how the Zheleznovs' Music with Mom method appeared. Jumping and dancing with a baby, parents give their child many happy moments. A teacher present at the lesson, directs and directs.

Goals and objectives of music lessons

Of course, all classes with kids are held only in a playful way. The child is not forced to do anything. The teacher and the mother show the movements, and the child responds - if desired - performs.

The result is a fun and educational game with a child, which allows you to solve problems such as:

  • The development of musical hearing and rhythm.
  • The formation of speech, as a result of repeated repetition of words - onomatopoeia.
  • The development of a motorboat as a result of interaction with various objects, both musical and ordinary. Wooden spoons and voiced bells are very well perceived by children.
  • Close emotional contact with mom as a result of a fun time together.
  • Auditory and tactile sensations and perception of information through music.
  • Strengthening overall health as a result of active physical activity.
  • The music relaxes, it is indicated for various children's neurological disorders, and is also a powerful prevention of neurosis in children.
  • The development of the ability to communicate in a team and interact with other kids.

Methods of development of the Iron
It is noticed that kids from an early age attached to music are smarter than their peers. This is attributed to the same work of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Basics of the technique

  1. Catherine Zheleznova, whose methodology is directedon the early development of musical abilities of children, recommends a very close participation of mothers in classes. Thus, an important contact between the child and the parent is achieved, which is important to maintain for full development.
  2. You can often see a child hearing musicstarts to dance. After all, the baby perceives music through movement. Therefore, classes according to the Zheleznovykh method are always conducted with games, dances and playing music. Only in this way the child will understand and feel the music.
  3. Directly the songs themselves must be eitherRussian folk, i.e., classic poteshki and songs, or you can use modern, but dancing and really high-quality. Zheleznovs Sergey and Catherine wrote a lot of good children's songs and arranged the old Russian nursery rhymes.
  4. The teacher, using the method of Zheleznov,must play a real musical instrument. But without the use of phonograms can not do. Only in this way can a teacher help children and their mothers, actively participate in dances and games.
  5. In the classroom are invited to acquaint children withkeyboard already from 2-3 years of age. This technique is very interesting for kids. After 3 years, children themselves can already play the simplest verse and sing a song.

When can I start

Методика развития Железновых подходит для совсем little kids. Children who have just started to sit on their own are brought to classes. As a rule, babies are offered comfortable pillows, on which they are waving plenty of hands and feet to the beat of the music. Older kids are already walking around the perimeter of the room.

But even if the baby is still very small, mom can always start playing with him. Yes, yes, it is to play. After all, it can not be called an occupation. Although the benefits of music games are many.

All games fit perfectly in everyday lifebaby Here is the mother carries the child to wash and sings: "Vodichka-Vodichka, wash my face ...". Or, bending and straightening the baby's legs, he says: "Bear is clumsy ...". And the well-known "Forty Raven"? All this is the initial stage of familiarizing a child with a sense of rhythm and musicality.

Ekaterina Zheleznova

Are there any shortcomings in the methodology?

If you strictly follow the methodology and engagedirectly on the discs or in the studio of early development, then there certainly will be no harm. Joint pastime, dances, games and funny songs will set every kid in a positive way.

But if you still look closely, you can identify some points that can be called rather small nuances rather than shortcomings.

The baby is invited to strictly follow the proposed action plan. Not given the right to choose and self-inventing movements.

There are many difficult repetitions and rhymes that little children do not immediately begin to learn.

Ekaterina Zheleznova, whose methodology is appliedIn many educational centers, together with his father he composed many author songs. But mostly they are of the same type. Often repeated the same words, such as such as: bunny or bear, their actions, sleep, walk.

Although for very young children just such a repetition of the same type of words is preferred.

For homework

When there is no opportunity or desire to go on developing classes according to the method of Zheleznov, you can buy CDs with recordings of songs and ready-made classes.

Zheleznovy Sergey and Catherine, songs
Disks can be found for both very young and older children.

In the classroom, usually after the songs are sung by the teacher, the children are invited to repeat. On discs also after music with words there is just music, for independent singing of mother with the baby.

Disks can be divided into categories.


Here are the original Russian lullabies,who still sang our grandmothers and mothers to their children. Songs sound in their traditional performance. Catherine Zheleznova herself sings many lullabies. An additional bonus are the sounds of nature that tune the lyrical mood.


Songs-litter has long been used by moms forentertainment of their karapuzov. They contribute to the versatile development of the child and help in building emotional contact. Everyone remembers and “goes the horned goat”, and “ladies-ladies” since childhood and now give minutes of joy to their children.

Finger games

It has long been proven that speech directly depends on the development fine motor skills. And this is facilitated by the so-called finger games. And if they are performed to the music, then the benefits are great, and the kid happily does everything.

In addition to the main ones, there are also disks withphysical exercises, outdoor games, fairy tales, aerobics and even play massage. Zheleznovs Sergey and Catherine wrote songs for different ages and came up with uncomplicated movements for them, following which the child perceives the world.

Zheleznova Sergey and Catherine
Any parent, even without a musical education and understanding of musical literacy, will be able, based on the methodology, to fully develop his child and instill in him a good musical taste.

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