/ / Breeds of cats without a tail: names, photos, reviews

Breeds of cats without a tail: names, photos, reviews

The ideal quickly loses its individuality andluxury, to all beauty is not just accustomed: it is boring. Therefore, the breeds of cats without a tail, rather, won the tribesmen, having lost the notorious continuation of the ridge, under which often all hopes and endeavors fly.


The tail is not only a chic property of the wholefeline. This is a universal part of the body, helping to perform maneuvers and keep balance while overcoming fences. It is also necessary to express the prevailing mood and to effectively combat the overwhelming emotion. How, then, are there breeds of cats without a tail in this uneasy and bustling world? The absence of continuation of the ridge is not a mere whim or treachery of nature, similar injustice is embedded in the genes of graceful animals. Similar pest genes are dominant, and a fetus having two identical carriers dies without seeing the world. To get the offspring one of the parents must have a tail.

A cat without a tail: a breed, a photo and a description

The thirst of avid collectors isAmerican Bobtail. This is a real athlete of the cat's world. So graceful, hardy and athletic the combined individual can amaze anyone. A wondrous animal has an enviable thick coat (short or medium). Continuation of the ridge is either presented to the world by a laconic process, or is absent altogether. The muzzle of the beast has a predatory appearance, but a non-conflicting character disposes this feature of the kitten. The animal is quite sociable, quickly gets used to the environment and needs attention.

Some owners in their reviews emphasizesociability of cats and complete absence of anger. To place the animal to itself, in their opinion, is easy - it is more often to look closely at the habits and preferences of the beast, and his love will be provided for the rest of his life.

breed of cats without a tail

Japanese rock

Now consider what isJapanese breed of cats without tail. This purr is a kind of American bobtail. Sly creatures are distinguished by charisma, coquetry and radiantness. The body of Japanese tailless cats is characterized by endurance, athletic build and long paws. Subtlety and nobility are the qualities assigned to this breed. Due to the elongated hind limbs, the gait of individuals is slightly frivolous, which is their visiting card. The eyes of the animal resemble a fine almond, so graceful features of a triangle of muzzle rivet the looks of even the most evil critics. The cat has oversized but noblely drawn ears.

Fans of Japanese breed talk about mobilityand an unprecedented thirst for life. The pet needs constant control, because the curtains and other tinsel can easily suffer from the nimble paws of the colorful beast.

Japanese breed of cats without tail


Every inhabitant of Wales knows the name of the breedcats without tail. Kimryk is a local landmark with a friendly, napping head. The long-haired animal has noble cheeks, round, intelligent eyes and a rather stocky body. The representatives of the breed have long hind legs. This feature of the physique allows you to adjust the aerodynamics of the animal's movement, which makes the cymbals advantageous for ease of gait from American bobtails.

Owners of cymbals celebrate inimitablethe practicality of this breed - the ingratitude perfectly fit into the life of a large family: in addition to noble mustaches, there is nothing to be sacrificed for. Children quickly get bored of catching the cat's face, and the pet becomes very quickly accustomed to freedom.

cat without tail breed photo

Maine cat

The world is decorated with one more flirtatious cat without a tail.The breed (the photo of the representatives represented in the article) has an intriguing name - the Men's cat. Due to the restriction on the gene factor, such an individual must be crossed with someone tailed. It would seem a significant complication for professional breeders. But due to the constant dilution of the gene pool, the color of the cat is diverse and allows everyone to find exactly his Men's individual. Fans of this breed praise the mischief of kittens. Thanks to the openness and desire for knowledge, the animal finds fans among adults and very young.

what is the name of the breed of cats without a tail


Many breeds of cats without a tail are onlyvarieties of the older breed. Rampi is considered a variety of Men's cat. This species is distinguished not only by the total lack of continuation of the tail, but also by a characteristic cavity at its most legitimate place. Female individuals are mostly barren, it is necessary to breed such a delicate breed very carefully, carefully selecting a caudate partner. The hosts positively speak about the animal, emphasizing the unshakable love of a cat.


breeds of cats without a tail

Also there is another breed of cats without a tail.The name of it is peeksibob. The ancestors of this species are wild forest and peaceful domestic cats. The purpose of working with such material for breeders was to obtain a domesticated lynx. The result of the process was a breed of cats, reminiscent of a wild beast, the tail of an animal has the form of a stump. An important drawback of pixibob is the frequent occurrence of extra fingers on the paws. This anomaly does not affect health or its communication skills. The cat fully meets the standards of a pet. With the children of the pixibob, inveterate friendly relations, no aggression or malice is shown by the pets.

A small conclusion

Cats without tail were previously called in humansregret or attacks of disgust. The last decade has given curious animals a chance to gain popularity not only in women, but also in men. The tailless cats are perfectly able to cope with any obstacles due to the modified hind legs and significantly corrected musculature.

It is not only safe but also beneficial to start a pet like this - children do not have an opportunity for bullying, and the animal fully reveals its good-natured potential in the family.

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