/ / International Beauty Day is a holiday that will save the world!

International Beauty Day is a holiday that will save the world!

This is a holiday for all holidays!And most importantly: how the organizers pleased almost simultaneously half of all humanity - the bearers of the beauty in all its manifestations, and the other half - to its connoisseurs-men! The International Day of Beauty is what really will save the world!

But how to evaluate what is beauty?What criteria are needed for a comprehensive and well-reasoned perception? What laws obey this property of the human body and soul? On all these questions, probably, and called to answer the International Day of Beauty - a celebrated holiday everywhere.

day of beauty

A bit of history

As always, a bit of the history of the matter.Or rather, even from mythology, relating to the immemorial times of universal human culture. It is believed that the first described Beauty Day took place during the so-called court of Paris. It was Paris who was to present the prize - an apple - the most exalted of female goddesses. And it was not easy to choose, because such dazzling representatives of the weaker sex as Hera, Athena, Aphrodite took part in the competition. The latter wins, she gets an apple, and she promises Paris love of an earthly woman, which would not be inferior in beauty to herself. What this promise led to - everyone knows: Paris gets Elena, and the world plunges into the chaos of the Trojan War of many years. So, we can say that the first Day of Beauty brought so little good to humanity, except for the general idea of ​​holding a competition and a holiday among beautiful women and girls. And until today almost any of them dreams of such recognition and an imaginary apple - as a symbol of the most beautiful of all.

International Beauty Day

How the criteria of beauty changed

Since then, the Day of Beauty and Contest associated withhave been conducted and are being conducted in many countries of the world. These days mostly coincided with other, more comprehensive festivities (for example, Dionysius), and men, as true and persistent lovers of the beautiful, acted as an estimating human factor. But in different epochs and in different states, the criteria of beauty itself were quite different from each other.

The difference in estimates

Thus, the ancient (not in the sense of its age)The Greek woman, for example, was to appear on the court tanned, light and mobile, her arsenal of seduction should include the ability to dance to the music and perform popular chants. In Rome, the same ancient, on the contrary, women's peace and white skin, hidden from the sun's rays, were very much appreciated.

In the time of universal love for pompous(Renaissance) beauties, the look of the pretenders was estimated in terms of color and brownness. And in times of the Middle Ages, for example, pale and emphasized modesty were respected.

And this is understandable. Each time dictates its images of femininity and beauty, and what is valued for modernity, perhaps, would be considered almost an ugliness in the era of ancient Greece or Babylon.

beauty day September


In our modern world, many criteriaare dictated by fashion designers and stylists, cosmetologists and hairdressers. The canons of beauty have changed significantly. So at many contests, conducting the Day of Beauty, the jury takes into account not only the perfection of the body, but also of the mind and soul. And, it seems that this is the modern concept of beauty.

world day of beauty

Day of beauty. September

Why is this holiday traditionally celebrated inSeptember? Even in the post-war years, in 1946, cosmetologists and beauticians from different countries decided to unite in a world organization that would solve problems and set the task of introducing the development of cosmetology. So there was a committee SIDESCO, which includes today more than 30 offices around the globe. And in 1995, the same organization decided to celebrate the World Beauty Day on September 9 (in Russia, the corresponding conditions were created in 1999). Since those years, the holding of competitions and the celebration of the days of beauty has become common to Russians, and the success of Russian beauties at the global level is difficult to overestimate. As of September 9, it is on this day (except for beauties) that a great number of people of the sphere of services celebrate their professional holiday, working for the benefit of our appearance. These are hairdressers and stylists, make-up artists and masseurs, plastic surgeons and nail service workers, fitness trainers and designers of human bodies - they all accept congratulations on the Day of Beauty on 9 September. And, of course, usually with this day congratulate all our beautiful women and girls who are so beautiful!

congratulations on the day of beauty

How the holiday is held all over the world

Of course, appreciate that beautiful thing that is inman, and reverently to this should be treated more than once a year! But September 9 - not only numerous congratulations on the Day of Beauty. The world company SIDESCO honors and encourages its best employees in every possible way, arranges professional competitions, corporate parties in different countries and around the world.

The day is marked by various competitions, onwhich are selected according to modern criteria of beauty (and handsome), and the jury is attended by the most respected people - connoisseurs of beauty. Miss the world and miss the office, miss the country and Miss the Planet - they all are elected, certainly not in one day. But the receipt of some titles is timed to September 9.

A lot of beauty salons in this holidayorganize all kinds of discounts and promotions for their regular customers. So there is an opportunity to win a valuable prize or a free series of spa treatment procedures, for example. And an expensive present will be an additional gift to this pleasant day for all the fair sex.

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