/ / Hypoallergenic mixture for a newborn: reviews, list, names

Hypoallergenic mixture for a newborn: reviews, list, names

Специалисты, наблюдающие женщин во время and pediatricians increasingly associate allergic reactions that occur in newborns with the frequency of stressful situations experienced by the mother during the period of gestation, and with the diet of her nutrition both during the "pregnant" months and during lactation.

Therefore, the first advice from doctors: a minimum of emotions, a maximum of positive emotions, the right foods and a healthy lifestyle for a future mother. These "three whales" are a panacea for allergies in infants.

It is more difficult if protein intolerance in a child is due to genetic causes. But in this case, everything is not so hopeless: a hypoallergenic mixture for the newborn comes to the rescue.

hypoallergenic mixture for newborn

Causes of allergies

Often this unpleasant and dangerous diseasechildren who are on artificial feeding are exposed. Because they are forced instead of mother's native milk, which is so easily absorbed by the familiar to all the mother's children's body, to get the protein of cow's milk or gluten (also protein, but of vegetable origin). And the foreign protein elements are not so good that the baby's organism perceived them without a murmur and obediently.

The cause of food allergies canto serve as congenital atopy - an allergy "by inheritance" or some diseases that the mother suffered during pregnancy. Not the last negative role is assigned to bad habits, to part with which many women do not find strength, even bearing a child. The main danger is smoking.

Плохо, если мама во время грудного вскармливания the baby cannot deny himself the pleasure of eating what it is not necessary to eat during this crucial period: fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, an excessive number of eggs and milk, too spicy, fried foods or strong broths. For the maternal inability to endure as a result, the child is paying the price.

Hypoallergenic mix for newborns Nutrilak


Allergies in the newborn baby can be recognizedfor bloating, vomiting and constant regurgitation, diarrhea or constipation, runny nose and cough uncharacteristic of dyspnea in infants. Symptoms may appear alone or in combination.

Noticing a baby to six months or one yearor several suspicious signs, you must immediately consult with the pediatrician and begin to change the composition of the food. At the same time, young and inexperienced moms should memorize as twice two: a hypoallergenic mixture for the newborn is introduced into the diet gradually, there should be no substitution at a time.

hypoallergenic mixture for newborns nan

What is dangerous allergy and how to avoid it

If the children's body began to irritate the protein, thenThis is only the first call to the fact that further increase in sensitivity to other types of allergens is possible, and the baby will suffer not only from the inability to eat normally, but also from plant pollen, house dust and animal hair.

In order to avoid such a serious problem, it is necessary from the first months of life to take all measures to combat allergies.

First, and this is the most important and effective,need as long as possible to keep the baby breastfed. Protein of female milk is not alien, and the children's organism cannot reject it a priori, it reacts quite adequately to the composition of mother's milk.

Во-вторых, при острой нехватке грудного молока и Absolute contraindication to cow requires a hypoallergenic mixture for newborns. Reviews of a mixed type of feeding indicate that babies should not be given incompletely adapted milk formulas (with natural protein content) for up to half a year - they will not be able to learn, they will not be able to get rid of allergic manifestations.

Adaptation of mixtures: full and partial

To figure out which mixtures and at what ageshould be introduced into the children's diet, you need to know about artificial nutrition for infants one main nuance: milk formulas are divided into fully and partially adapted for digestion by the fragile body of an infant.

Hypoallergenic mixture for newborns reviews

Even an inexperienced mother is not allowed to know whatA particular case with her child needs a hypoallergenic mixture for newborns. The names should sound clearly and specifically, because it depends on how effective the help will be to the baby.

So, fully adapted mixture compositionmost closely resembles breast milk, created on the basis of demineralized whey. You can recognize them by the numbers in the title - 1 or 0-6 ("Hipp-1", "Nutrilon-1", "Nutrilak-0-6").

Partially adapted - more nutritious,since they contain milk protein. Actually, it also becomes the reason that the body of a newborn baby cannot easily assimilate such a complex product. Mixes with natural milk protein are recommended for children who have stepped over the “solid” six-month mark. When choosing such mixtures, you need to be guided by the “two” or the age indicator 6-12 on the package (“Nan-6-12” or “Hipp-2”).

Mixtures and their composition

Infants can suffer various manifestations of food allergies - it all depends on the cause of the disease and on the individual characteristics of the organism.

To save a particular baby from specificallergic reactions need to use only the mixture that is most suitable for the composition and instead of the long-awaited relief will not bring even more trouble.

Each hypoallergenic mixture for newborns, which list given below, different from the rest bycomposition, but none of them is universal. Therefore, the selection of the staple food for infants should be approached very carefully and only after consulting a pediatrician.

Mix types by composition:

  • on the basis of goat milk ("Cabrida 1 Gold", "Nenny");
  • on the basis of soybean isolates ("Similak-Isomil", "Nan-soy", "Nutrilak-soy", "Soy-semp", "Tuttel-soy", etc.);
  • on the basis of cow milk hydrolysates ("Nutrilon low-lactose-4", "Pepti-Junior", "Alfare", "Frisopep", "Hipp-GA")

hypoallergenic mixture for newborn

Basis - goat milk

For centuries, in rural families, wherethe children grew up, it was a mandatory item to keep a goat in the household or even a few. And now, for the sake of improving the health of children, every mother tries to buy natural goat's milk. True, this option is good for children who have emerged from infancy. And the smallest need only it - a hypoallergenic mixture for a newborn.

The composition of goat milk is not very different from the composition of cow's milk, but, nevertheless, the child’s body assimilates its proteins and fats more easily.

Mixtures based on goat milk are shown to babies who have allergic reactions to cow and soy milk. But they are happy to eat and absolutely healthy children.

Hypoallergenic mixture for newborns reviews

The basis - soy

Soy mixes - a product in which lactose is completely absent. They would seem to be the best option for feeding babies with intolerance to cow's milk.

More recently, a hypoallergenic mix for newborns "Nan" on soy was at the peak of popularity.

But over time, parents began to notice something was wrong:mixtures on a similar basis began to cause allergies in babies. Soy protein was not so harmless. Therefore, before you enter the mixture in the baby’s menu, everything must be weighed and rechecked. The child can not be the object of experimentation.

The basis - cow's milk

These mixtures are divided into subgroups by purpose:

  • therapeutic, without antigens, necessary for the nutrition of children with pronounced allergic reactions;
  • therapeutic and preventive are desirable foruse for babies who are at risk of food allergies, as well as for mild forms of its manifestation (most mothers prefer to buy domestic product. The hypoallergenic mix of Russian-made Nutrilak for newborns has proven itself to be the best option);
  • prophylactic is a product of the preventive group that prevents the occurrence of allergies.

hypoallergenic mix for newborns Similac

Selection rules

The leading role in choosing the most suitable product is played by two factors:

  1. Evaluation by a specialist of the general health of the child and the degree of allergization of the child’s body.
  1. Awareness of parents. Hypoallergenic a mixture for a newborn, first of all, a medicinal product, and only then - food.

When choosing a mixture, it is necessary to pay attention tosuch important nuances as the protein content (the optimal amount from 12 to 14 g per liter of ready-to-eat product); protein quality, which is determined by the ratio of whey to casein (for babies up to six months, this figure should not exceed 80/20); the content of fats and carbohydrates, the amount of which should be as close as possible to that which is in breast milk.

If from the first days of life the baby is deprived of maternalmilk, then among the options for artificial nutrition you can find a substitute. Officially, it is called so - breast milk replacer, essentially the same hypoallergenic mixture for newborns "Similak".

However, judging by the reviews, there are some problems with it: not suitable for all children and has a pungent smell.

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