/ / Children's sewing machine - a perfect gift for a young fashionista

Children's sewing machine - a perfect gift for a young fashionista

It often happens that parents want to pleasehis child, make him an unusual gift for a birthday or a holiday, but do not know what to choose. Shops are full of all sorts of toys, it's difficult to stop your choice on something. I want this to be an evolving and useful thing, and not just another one-off trifle. If a gift is needed for a girl, a baby sewing machine is an excellent solution. First, stores represent a large selection of machines. Secondly, it is realistic to choose a model for children of almost any age.

children's sewing machine

Unusual children's toy sewing machine -a wonderful gift for a small needlewoman. Surely every girl has a few dolls. Now she will be able to dress them from head to foot, not bothering Mom about new clothes. Kids will get a lot of fun from their new occupation. For small girls from three to five years you can pick up a simple model that has a plastic needle, a pair of spools, all kinds of boxes, buttons, musical keys. Such a children's hand sewing machine has a number of advantages: it is safe, beautiful, unusual, introduces the child to something new, has small dimensions and weight, so you can take it with you wherever you go. The kid will always have something to do.

children's manual sewing machine

For an older girl (6-9 years old) is more suitablea complex and interesting model, for example, a children's PVC sewing machine or similar models. Usually it has one thread in operation, a manual and a foot drive, a real needle. Appearance and functionality of this toy, like a real sewing machine, only it is easier and safer. In the kit, you usually sell everything you need for a dressmaker: threads, scraps of cloth, thread-weaving, centimeter. The young seamstress really runs the thread in the needle, puts the cloth, presses the lever and sews. It is quite possible to sew a dress for a doll or a pad for needles. The lines are quite even. The machine works from the batteries, and not from the network, which will keep your moms nerves. Plus, communication between mother and daughter during sewing is useful for both of them: the elder share their experiences, recall their childhood, and the younger acquire skills that she will need in school and in family life. Games with this model give the child an elementary idea of ​​home appliances, learn to deal with it, develop imagination and love for needlework and creativity.

children's toy sewing machine

Singer Junior - baby sewing machine forteenagers. This model has a thread tension regulator, automatic winding of the thread on the spool, 2 speeds, backlighting, performs 6 types of stitches, stitching back and forth, securing the thread, that is, already sewing for real. Powered by batteries. On it you can sew something useful for yourself or your household: a handbag, a belt, a bag for aromatic herbs, a decorative pillow, an apron or a backpack. Buying such a machine, parents are no longer thinking about the entertainment and fun of the child, but about his future.

There are also electric, and the mostThese mini-models of sewing machines for older children. These samples are an alternative to real machines, perform many functions, and are portable and easy to use. Children's sewing machine of this class will help save money and time: no need to go after every little thing in the studio, daughter and pants fit, and mend holes in the jacket of his brother, and make a new skirt for himself. Such a gift, of course, will please the young fashionista. Children with pleasure create, make, and needlework. And now they will begin to help, they will feel like adults and necessary. After such a toy, the girl will easily master an adult sewing machine, sew beautiful outfits for herself and her relatives.

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