/ / Educational activities for children 3 years old at home

Educational activities for children 3 years old at home

As soon as the baby reaches the age of three,it changes in many ways. Often, kids at this age already know well what they want and how to achieve the desired. A three-year-old is already a real person with his own tastes and preferences. But the child is still small enough not to depend on the parents at all. He has a lot to learn. And adults can help in this.

How and where to organize classes with the child?

Most children in 2-3 years are already beginning to attend kindergarten. Here

developmental activities for children 3 years
qualified tutors deal withbaby on a special program. In the company of their classmates, the baby is interesting and fun to learn. In kindergarten, children tend to quickly learn information. But unfortunately, not all parents can send their children to preschool. Excellent educational activities for children 3 years old can also be held at home.

Если ребенок не посещает детский сад, его engaged in the development of mother or grandmother. In rare cases, hire a qualified nanny. In any case, there is always an adult next to the baby, who not only ensures that the child is healthy and well fed, but often conducts classes with him.

Plan educational activities for children 3-4 years oldat home preferably in the morning. At this time, the child is most susceptible to new information. Lessons should be of interest to the child. If he is distracted and does not go on contact, it is better to postpone classes.

Together it's not boring

classes with 3 year old children

Perform simple tasks, preferably witha child. Regardless of whether the kid draws or pulls puzzles, you need to do this with him. Even the most boring activity can turn into a fun game if an adult does everything on a par with a child.

The child must be constantly praised.Even if something goes wrong, he should know that he is on the right track. You can show the finished work of the child to relatives and friends. Additional praise will not make a kid of the kid at all. But positive emotions and the desire to conquer new peaks provided.

Imagination is the basis of all abilities

The extraordinary character of any person to a great extent depends on his creative abilities. And the basis of any creativity is imagination. Therefore, if

educational activities for children 3
parents want to raise for realextraordinary and successful person, great attention should be paid to the imagination. All that good parents have to do is not to interfere with the child. All babies are big dreamers.

Parents should be attentive to the desires of the child and his games. You should not once again pull up the baby and advise how to build a house from the designer. The kid should come to the decision independently.

Many parents have noticed that the childinterested in non-standard items. Pockets can contain tubes of toothpaste, sticks matched on the street, or clothes pegs. At the same time, expensive toys do not interest the three-year-old at all. It's quite normal. A child can play with anything. The main thing parents should take care of is safety.

Develop hand motility

Great attention should be paid to the development of motility of children's hands. Classes with 3-year-old children accelerate mental thinking and language development. Baby becomes

Classes for children 3 4
more attentive and assiduous.

Starting classes with the baby should be studyingarms. The child should know how many fingers there are, how each individual finger is called. To do this, parents can draw a small poster, which will be depicted palm. Each finger can be painted in its own color. So the child will be able to remember the names much faster.

Прекрасно развивают моторику детских рук special simulators that can be made independently. It may be a small cardboard covered with cloth. It should be put on the laces and several types of zippers. Buttoning the buttons and buttons, tying knots, the baby will develop his fingers.

Already from the age of three you can startprepare the child for the letter. For this purpose, there are special recipes for the little ones on sale. Classes need to start with the most simple tasks. Let the child circle the circles and place the sticks. Such lessons will help him learn how to properly hold the pen.

Fantasize and draw

Drawing contributes to the development of imagination in kids and also beautiful

Classes for children 2 3
develop finger motor skills.After all, to get a beautiful picture, you need to properly hold a brush and pencils in your hands. Educational activities for children of three years must include drawing lessons.

You need to start with the simplest.The child must learn to draw objects of the correct form - a circle, square, line. Together with the baby, you can draw a meadow, the sun, a house. It is better to create the first drawings together so that the baby can remember the technique.

Considerable popular are developingclasses for children 3 years using finger paints. For a lesson it is better to use a large drawing paper. On a huge sheet, the baby will fully be able to express his imagination. Finger paints are absolutely safe for children's health. They can be used from an early age. It does not matter if the child wants to try the color you like.

Studying letters

You can teach a kid to read at the age of three. Reading stimulates

educational activities for children 3 years old at home
умственное развитие, а также способствует broadening horizons. But before the kid learns to read, he must master the alphabet. The first developmental activities for children of 3 years old at home should start with a simple reading aloud. To do this, choose a large colorful book with fairy tales. The child should not only perceive the information by ear, but also see the pages.

The kid should face letters daily.You can purchase special puzzles with the image of the alphabet. It is also not necessary to hide books from the child, fearing that he will spoil them. Some literature, of course, will suffer. But daily seeing the text, the child will be able to learn to read much faster.

It will help to quickly learn the alphabet big bright poster with the image of letters. It should be hung in the most prominent place in the nursery.

Learn English with a three-year

There is an opinion that at an early age babiesare amenable to learning foreign languages ​​to the greatest extent. In any case, developmental activities for children of 3 years, involving the study of English, will not be superfluous. In this case, the child will be able to perceive other foreign languages ​​much better already at school age.

Classes for children 2-3 years should not beintrusive. You can start the process by viewing cartoons in a foreign language. Moreover, at an early age, the child is not interested in the language of the characters. Reading bright books in English will also benefit.

Foreign language can also be taught on a walk. Mom can tell a child in a foreign language what she sees around her. Start better with the most simple words.

Today, there are many specialcartoons that are designed specifically for learning a foreign language with a small child. The animated series “Dasha-traveler” is very popular. A little girl in a fairly simple form teaches kids simple words.

Physical activity with the baby

The physical development of a child of preschool age is of paramount importance.

developmental activities for children 3 4 years old at home
Родители должны постепенно подготавливать малыша to more severe loads in the future. The first thing that should be organized by relatives for a child is morning exercises. Just a few minutes in the morning can be given to simple exercises. Classes for children 3-4 years old should be held before breakfast.

You can not neglect the daily walk onfresh air. You can take a ball or a kite. Educational activities for children of 3 years can be held in the park or on your own yard. On the street you can also do reading, learning English or the surrounding nature. The main thing is that the walk does not tire the child and arouses great interest in him.

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