/ / The best washing powders: reviews, reviews. Korean washing powders: opinions

The best washing powders: reviews, reviews. Korean washing powders: opinions

Even in experienced housewives,counter with washing powders. There are powders expensive and cheaper. And are the first better? There are children's. There are phosphate-free. What lies behind the promised in advertising shining whiteness? Even those washing powders, reviews about which are very even positive, can not cope with stains from juices, wine, grass. Correctly selected modern means for washing can cope with stains on clothes, without harming the health and ecology of the planet and without causing allergies.

Reviews about the most common powders

Unconditional leader, judging by the reviews, was andremains "Ariel". It is he who wipes stubborn stains, perfectly whitens and smells good. The liquid detergent "Ariel" also proved to be very good. But these funds are one of the most expensive in the market. The popular powder "Tide" practically does not lag behind when it comes to colored things, but at the same time there are a lot of complaints about a large amount of optical bleach that makes white blue. In addition, when hand washing, blue blotches can leave small spots on white. Means "E" for all its positive qualities, many do not like because of the specific smell. A real discovery for some was the powder "Sarma". He is one of the most inexpensive, but copes with pollution on "excellent".

powders washing reviews

The principle of the detergent

The whole salt - in the so-called surface-activesubstances that are contained in good washing powders, such as "Ariel". A molecule consists of a hydrophilic part that interacts with water and a hydrophobic part that does not interact with it. But the latter perfectly reacts with the substance from which the stain is composed. Thus, the hydrophobic part "clings" to the mud molecules, and with the help of the hydrophilic component, the contamination is washed out of the tissue.

Composition of detergent

Good washing powders should not containchlorine based bleach. This can be unsafe for health. The oxygen bleach shows itself perfectly. But the effect is achieved at high temperatures, not less than 80 degrees, so the bleach activators for low temperatures were introduced into the composition. Also in powders use optical bleach, then the tissue becomes not yellowish or gray, but snow-white. Expensive washing powders, reviews of which say that they are able to make the underwear dazzlingly white, do manage even with complex spots at a temperature of only 40 degrees. Better bleach, judging by the reviews, expensive means, such as "Ariel" or "Tide". In addition, they contain the same surfactants. And the more expensive the powder, the more of them. For each type of contamination - their own. Judging by the reviews, significantly improve the result of washing substances that soften the water. If the water is not so rigid, then, according to the housewives, there is no sense in overpaying.

Korean Washing Powder Reviews

Types of washing powders

Means for washing clothes are divided into the following groups:

  • universal washing powders that cope with most of the contaminants at a temperature of 40 to 60 degrees;
  • Powders for delicate washing of woolen clothes, clothes from thin fabrics;
  • Powders for soaking with strong soiling;
  • means for softening the tissues, facilitating the subsequent ironing of the laundry.

Depending on the purpose, the composition of the detergent powder differs. So, for example, for washing children's things you need a special tool.

Baby washing powders

For tender baby skin, the formulations containingSurfactants in high concentrations may not be safe. That is why special children's washing powders were developed. Requirements for funds for washing children's things should be as follows:

  • the product should dissolve in water in a matter of seconds;
  • easy to rinse out with water;
  • have as few fragrances as possible;
  • do not have bleach in the composition;
  • be without enzymes.

baby washing powders

Acquiring powder for children, it is desirable to drawattention to the inscription on the package. There should be a note that the powder is intended for washing children's things from the first days of life. If there is a small child in the house, it is advisable to wash with baby powder and adult clothes, since the skin of the baby with it also comes into contact. But about many children's powders, the reviews are extremely negative. They do not wash properly, especially the stains from juices. They cope well only with clothes for babies, where, in fact, there is nothing to wash, provided that the child is in a waterproof diaper.

Innovative product - powder without phosphates

Many families have already come to the conclusion that the bestWashing powder is a phosphate free. Means without phosphates are very popular all over the world. Today, the fashion for caring for their own health and the environment. In addition, this powder perfectly copes with its direct task: it perfectly removes stains even in cool water and rinses well. But this is not cheap powders washing. Reviews of them say that these funds excellently excrete spots, do not cause irritation on the delicate baby skin and do not have a pungent odor. Producers argue that the phosphate free formulations are completely decomposed in the gutter, which makes them completely harmless to the environment.

detergent composition

Powders without phosphates do not cause allergies, they perfectly disinfect the underwear, they are suitable for washing children's clothes, including for newborns.

Thus, it is possible to single out a number of advantages of precisely phosphate-free powders:

  • well cope with stains even at low temperatures;
  • completely rinsed;
  • have no expiration date;
  • do not smell;
  • Do not injure the skin of the hands;
  • soften hard water, thus preventing the formation of scale;
  • a kilogram of laundry enough pair of tea spoons of powder.

Liquid detergents for washing

Gels or shampoos for washing in people are called "liquid laundry detergent". Advantages of using such tools are:

  • they do not enter the respiratory tract, so their use does not cause harm to health;
  • they do not have a sharp odor and in most cases are hypoallergenic;
  • they are more economical, thanks to the exact dosage;
  • they are more convenient to store;
  • they are preferable for delicate washing.

powder washing machine

Washing powder "automatic"

The difference of powders for automatic washingmachines and compositions for hand washing - in the ability to form foam. When hand washing, a large amount of foam makes the task easier, it "pushes out" the dirt. In an automatic machine, an abundant foam can, on the contrary, hinder the washing process, since the laundry is washed off due to strong enough impacts against the drum wall. In addition, the foam can leak through the gaskets, which will break the washing machine. Washing powder, reviews about which in large numbers can be heard from the housewives, it is especially important to carefully select for machines with front loading. It is they, judging by the comments of women, most often fail when using a powder for hand washing.

best washing powder

South Korean laundry detergents

Especially "advanced" housewives preferuse Korean washing powders. Reviews say about the extremely economical consumption of powder and a very moderate foam, but in the reviews write that he shows himself well and hand-washed. There are a number of reasons for this. First, the washing powders produced in South Korea do not contain phosphates, phosphonates and zeolites. These substances are traditionally used in the production of detergent powders, because thanks to them the product really copes better with pollution. And only recently they began to talk about the toxicity of these chemical compounds and the harm they can cause to human health. Phosphates can cause allergies, reduce immunity, can cause anemia. The penetration of harmful substances into the blood can not only through the airways, but also through the skin. And phosphonates and zeolites in general in many countries are forbidden to use.

But one should not think that theToxic substances Korean powders do not cope badly with pollution. In their composition natural lipases, proteases, enzymes, due to which they perfectly cope even with the most complex spots. The best reviews are about powders Drum, Oats, Tech. According to the housewives, the only drawback of these funds is that they are not suitable for wool and silk.

Korean powders are mostly more expensive than others. But this is a concentrated means, which makes their use even more economical than the use of products of other brands.

liquid detergent

Solution of Korean powders, getting into sewagewater, does not harm the ecosystem. Using ecological means, it is possible to prevent the death of fish, phyto-and zooplankton and other animals. In addition, phosphates cause increased multiplication of algae, which interfere with the work of purification plants. Poorly purified water then enters our own water supply.

Therefore, Korean powders are beautifulperform their direct function - they take out even the most difficult spots, allow you to save the family budget, reducing the cost of electricity, because they wash clothes in cool water, they allow you to keep your health. And all this for the same money as the familiar brands of washing powders for us. Let us leave our children to a cleaner planet for Korean washing powders. Reviews about them in large numbers leave satisfied housewives. They talk about the pleasant but not chemical smell of laundry, careful washing even very whimsical fabrics. In addition, according to reviews, after washing Korean powder clothes are not electrified at all.

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