/ / Mixture "Nutrilon sour-milk 1": reviews. Sour-milk "Nutrilon" from birth to year

Mixture "Nutrilon sour-milk 1": reviews. Sour-milk "Nutrilon" from birth to year

The mixture "Nutrilon sour-milk 1" has collected a lotgood reviews because it includes a large number of various beneficial bacteria and other effective elements. Of course, a product with such a list of constituent components is useful for infants in that it normalizes the process of digestion and restores the regular chair of the child. It turns out that the baby feels well, and the parents are calm and happy to talk about the excellent result of using Nutrilon.

What is included in the sour milk mixture "Nutrilon"

nutriton fermented milk 1 review

The composition of the mixture includes living bacteria, whichhelp to restore the natural balance of work and microflora of the baby's intestines. These same bacteria multiply the number of microorganisms that favorably affect the state of the intestinal cavity and its productive capacity. Also, living bacteria serve as a barrier that blocks the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the intestinal microflora and prevents their reproduction.

The sour milk mixture will help the child to improve the independent release of gazik, to facilitate this process.

В кисломолочной смеси есть железо, которое лучше is absorbed, rather than using simple mixtures for artificial feeding. Due to this, the sour-milk product is recommended for children suffering from anemia.

The composition of the mixture, in addition to carbohydrates, proteins, fats and mineral-vitamin complex, usually includes minor components:

  1. Lysozyme.
  2. Lactulose.
  3. Bifidobacteria.
  4. Taurine.

These components balance workdigestive tract. Baby fermented milk formula, which includes the dry mixture "Nutrilon fermented milk Premium 1", which is positive reviews, can be given either continuously or once, if you need to adjust and improve the process of digestion of the baby. Parents say that you need to carefully collect the powder with a measuring spoon, so that there is no slide. On packs of mixtures, the figure is usually 1 or the age of the baby is marked - from 0 to 6 months.

What problems with the health of the child is solved by the sour-milk mixture "Nutrilon"

There is such a thing as gas formation inthe baby. It's the same as colic. They also begin to pester the baby because the gases do not leave the large intestine of the newborn in time, therefore, the tummy of the baby hurts.

dry nutrilon sour milk premium 1 reviews

Dairy compounds, such as a mixture of "Nutrilonfermented milk 1 ", reviews of which can be reduced to one opinion - it fully complies with the manufacturer’s stated properties, it is recommended to give the baby because he spits up often. With regular use, the baby’s consumed product will not regurgitate. which attract the attention of the parent audience by giving good advice, for example, on the dosage of the product, will help parents cope with regurgitation.This process is also associated with the immaturity of the digestive system babies tract.

To alleviate the suffering of the baby and help his ventricle begin to work properly, the experts developed a formula for children - fermented milk "Nutrilon" from birth to one year.

How to give a mixture of "Nutrilon"

It must be remembered that in no case should this product be abused, as the situation can only get worse.

Reviews of milk formula nutricia nutrilon fermented milk

If you first decide to resort to such foodfor a baby, like a fermented milk mixture, but did not have time to consult with a doctor, read the following couple of tips on how to include it in the baby’s diet and not harm it to the body.

Gradually replace the usual sour milk mixture,For example, use "Nutrilon Fermented Milk 1", which is positive reviews, which is due to the fact that prevents a rash on the baby's skin. Start with ten or twenty grams each time you feed the baby. Then finish feeding with the usual mixture.

Daily increase the amount of injected fermented milkmixes. Replace food with a new product within two to three days. If the problem that you are trying to resolve, will no longer disturb the infant, it is not recommended to increase the dose of the fermented milk product in the future.

What is dangerous improper dosage of the mixture

Many parents who do not pay attention toThe recommended amount of the daily rate of a product such as a mixture of "Nutrilon Fermented Milk 1", the reviews leave negative, sinning for its quality. In these comments they write about a rash on the skin of a child, acne, and a constant cry of an infant.

No wonder similar reviews about dairya mixture of "Nutricia Fermented Milk" does not demonstrate. If parents first asked their pediatrician about fermented milk mixtures, they would not have aggravated the health of their baby.

Breastfeeding and mixture

There is another reason why parents enter the "Nutrilon Fermented Milk Premium 1" into the diet. The mother simply can have the milk of the breast disappear, then you have to switch to artificial feeding.

At the consultation, the pediatrician usually advises "Nutrilonfermented milk 1 ", reviews of which indicate that the mixture is similar in composition to breast milk. It was noticed by parents who followed the introduction of the food to all recommendations of the pediatrician and were satisfied with the result.

fermented milk nutrilon from birth to one year

Among other things, the mixture helps to fight the rash in infants (with proper dosage).

Infant rash occurs due tounbalanced content of digestive enzymes in the body. That is, these are the consequences of an allergic reaction to any products or to the effects on the skin of external aggressive factors. By aggressors are meant washing powders that transfer chemicals through clothes to the body of an infant, from which they are made, as well as other care products, such as care cream, oils, etc.

Recovery chair baby

Детская молочная смесь "Nutrilon кисломолочный", reviews of which suggest that the bifidobacteria included in its composition are effective prevents liquid stools (as confirmed by parents who use it). The fact is that in its composition there are precisely those living lactic acid bacteria that become a barrier to the spread and detrimental effect of disease-causing microorganisms and increase, thereby, the level of beneficial microorganisms.

infant milk formula nutricia nutrilon fermented milk reviews

Also, lactic acid bacteria-microorganisms help the child independently and without the help of the parents to release gaziki, thereby eliminating the swelling of the baby tummy.

Кисломолочные смеси рекомендованы к употреблению children with dysbacteriosis, intestinal colic, frequent diarrhea. Another "Nutrilon Fermented Milk 1", reviews of which say that the child absorbs it perfectly, it is recommended to give to children who have suffered various intestinal infectious diseases. This is done to rehabilitate and restore the body and digestive system of the baby.

Fermented milk mixtures are often prescribed for children suffering from anemia. Due to the fact that the product contains iron (in sufficient quantity), it helps to cope with the symptoms of the disease.

Types of kommelkolochny mixes

There are two main types: dry and diluted in advance (ready to eat).

nutrilon premium 1 fermented milk reviews

If you prefer to choose a dry mix "NutrilonPremium 1 fermented milk ", reviews of which confirm the fact that it is a high-quality product and helps to cope, for example, with bloating of the baby’s tummy, then it should be diluted with special water intended for the preparation of infant formula.

Before the direct use of the mixturefermented milk baby should worry and go for a consultation to the local pediatrician, so that he, after examining the child and doing the necessary procedures, tests, gave his verdict that the baby does not have an allergic reaction to the components that make up the product.

What is special is that the product is adapted

Большое разнообразие адаптированных смесей, including "Nutrilon Fermented Milk", constipation is considered the best, because they are quite close in composition to breast milk of a woman. Manufacturers of these products artificially bred protein of excellent quality and enriched baby food with all the necessary substances based on minerals that are useful for the child's body.

infant milk nutrilon fermented milk reviews

Неудивительно, что фирмы-производители, Improving food for babies, ensured that even dry mixes are able to preserve dairy bacteria for a very long time, their activity and properties in the initial state.

Products that are adapted significantlydiffer in their composition from fermented milk, ready for use, in that they are qualitative emitations of breast milk, therefore they are regularly recommended for feeding infants without complementary foods with regular food.

What determines the choice of the mixture

"Nutrilon Fermented Milk" helps against constipationget rid of, as evidenced by reviews of parents. This product is in great demand among buyers. But which mixture will suit your child depends only on his individual medical indications and on the personal preferences of the little man. The child refuses to use some mixtures completely.

All lactic acid mixture, especially childrenMilk formula "Nutricia Fermented Milk", reviews of which are positive, because this product is great for babies with impaired metabolism, rich in calcium, which creates an excellent tandem in combination with vitamin D. This pair helps the baby grow properly and harmoniously develop .

It is also preferable to use the mixture for feeding children born with a lack of weight or in the early stages (from six months).

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