/ / Programmer's Day - a modern professional holiday

Programmer's Day - a modern professional holiday

More recently, computer scientists unofficially notedProgrammer's Day is February 14, and funny cartoons on this holiday appeared on Internet pages. It was devoted to literally everyone who uses computer technology extensively, since after the release of the first computer in the world in 1946, an official holiday was not invented, during which various official events were held for “keyboard workers”.


In the past decade, the day of the programmerunofficially noted in other states. There are two dates among computer scientists. One of them is December 10, when the first programmer named Ada Augusta Byron celebrated her birthday. Although she lived in the XIX century, the woman was able to predict the appearance of computers that can perform calculations, as well as reproduce graphics and sound, and introduced the terms "cycle" and "working cells".

In the catholic world, employees "keyboard andmice ”solemnly celebrated their professional holiday on April 4, in honor of the emerging error of the Web programmer, which is now assigned the code 404. This day is also associated with the revered Catholics, Saint Isidore of Seville, considered the patron saint of Internet users and programmers.

Unofficial celebration

Domestic computer scientists celebrated the dayprogrammer in Russia on April 22, in honor of one of the encodings of this specialty, because then this profession had the code 2204. In the future, the idea of ​​creating a professional holiday for people who could not imagine their own lives without a computer was developed in 1996. She was nominated by Dmitry Mendrelyuk, who heads the publishing center called Computerra, offering to celebrate such an event on the 256th day of the year, which usually falls in mid-September.

Why should a programmer's day be celebrated?exactly in the 256th day? This number was not chosen by chance, since this combination is easily expressed using an eight-row byte. On the other hand, this number is the maximum power of 2, which remains less than the total number of days in a year. Moreover, in a typical year, this date becomes September 13, but in a leap year, the day of the programmer was planned to be celebrated as early as September 12.

Only in 2002, Valentin Balt, an employee of oneFrom popular web studios, he managed to organize a collection of signatures for the subsequent appeal to the government so that it would recognize the 256th day of the year as the official date of the professional holiday of computer scientists and programmers.

The path to the official celebration

The efforts of Valentina Balta have been successful,since the idea of ​​celebrating a programmer’s day on a fixed day was supported by a large number of computer users, including a considerable number of programmers. As a result, the first presidential decree, on the basis of which the day of the programmer is celebrated, was submitted to the government for consideration in July 2009, and by September 11, Dmitry Medvedev had already made a concrete decision.

The specialists of the Ministry of Communications thoroughlystudied the documentation, conducted necessary consultations with the unions of trade unions operating in the Russian Federation, consulted with employer associations Russoft and APKIT. They took into account the importance and role of the sphere of high-quality software for the country, as well as the significant contribution of domestic programmers to the development of this industry. So, after the approval of the bill by the Ministry of Communications, the president signed a decree, and in Russia a new and rather unusual official holiday appeared.

Now programmers and computer staffthe industries will be able to celebrate their professional day on the 265th day of the year, as was originally planned, since this date was supported by the president and various specialized organizations.

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