/ / A mathematical tablet for children of preschool age

A mathematics tablet for preschool children

Today's parents are from about three years oldage try to comprehensively train their children, preparing them gradually for school. For this they not only visit various creative and language circles, but also learn to read and count using interactive games and manuals. A mathematical tablet from the company "Corvette" is just such an innovative tool for teaching preschoolers to the skills of the account. This approach, of course, is very exciting for kids. They quickly learn the basics of arithmetic, logic and other subjects that they expect in the school future.

mathematical tablet

About the manufacturer

The company "Corvette" was founded in 1992.This is a Russian trademark, engaged in the creation of teaching aids and educational games. Among its assortment are logical puzzles, mathematical games for children from 2 to 12 years old. The head office and production facilities are located in St. Petersburg. The debut product of the company was the logical cubes, designed to develop children of different ages and based on the development of famous educators of the last century. Today "Corvette" cooperates with the St. Petersburg specialists of preschool education. Thanks to their active participation, the brand has a lot of interesting and cognitive developments, including a mathematical tablet.

In the ideological basis of each brand new product liespersonal-oriented model of education, that is, a sensitive and careful attitude to the child, his development. Probably, therefore the company's products are popular now not only in Russia, but also abroad. Moreover, it is successfully used in foreign educational programs. Teaching aids and game development from the trademark "Corvette" have a quality certificate. They can be used equally for training in special educational institutions and at home.

math games

Mathematical tablet number 1

Math games have long been practiced inpreschool-developing process. In an interactive, fascinating form, they instill in kids not only the skills of the account, but also positively influence their memory and imagination. Relatively recent development of the company "Corvette" is a mathematical tablet. He has two options, corresponding to different childhood ages. The first is a game album and is a kind of appendix to the didactic manual of the same name. A mathematics tablet for babies is designed for ages from two to three years. It was created to help parents and teachers to successfully meet the challenges of children's development.

The set, in addition to the album, includes specialrubber, which the child can draw. Mastering the artistic skills, kids make a lot of discoveries. According to psychologists, research activity is very important for children under five years old. In the process of working with the album, the kids compare the object and its image, perform the specified action and get a certain result. To the tablet are attached cards with tasks that are built on mathematical calculations. The selected images are fairly simple and accessible to the child's perception and experience. That's how in the creative key a kid from an early age absorbs basic mathematical knowledge.

children's mathematical tablet

Mathematical tablet number 2

The second option is also very interesting.A mathematical tablet is represented by a plastic board, a playing field with protruding pegs. They are arranged vertically and horizontally with the same spacing between themselves. The set includes rubber bands and geometric figures, with which you can create drawings. To do this, only need to cling objects to pegs and follow the instructions described in the cards with tasks. Pegs are located on both sides of the tablet. From one they are presented in the calculation of 5 to 5. On the other they protrude along a circle with a diameter of 15 by 15 cm.


Children's mathematical tablet in both versionshas a great cognitive meaning. It promotes the research activity of the kids, promotes their harmonious psychological, sensory and motor development, as well as the development of creative abilities and imagination. Thus, small motor skills of hands work fine, the differential perception of information is included, memory and attention are trained, generalized knowledge and methods of action are assimilated. All this, undoubtedly, positively influences a child's readiness for a serious educational process and his further success in school.

mathematical tablet corvette

Exciting games

Continue the original series of game "Counters" and"Lotto" on a mathematical tablet. They are very informative. The first set is presented by a colorful album with Russian folk counters and rhymes. The child illustrates them on the tablet and acts as a creative co-author. The second game is aimed at improving the cognitive-speech development of children. The game material here are images of clothing, shoes, furniture and household appliances. The set usually includes drawings of objects and 6 circuits. During the game, a mathematical tablet with rubber bands is used.

mathematical tablet for kids


Experience of teachers and positive feedback from parentsshow that the educational and playbook "Mathematical Tablet" ("Corvette") is really very informative and developing development. It is interesting not only to kids, but also to adults. A mathematical tablet is a unique opportunity in a close family circle with the benefit and pleasure to pass leisure and give the child many bright impressions and joyful emotions. Many parents acquire two versions of the tablet at once, so that the lessons of their beloved child are more diverse and productive. Moreover, the affordable price allows this. Great demand is also used for developing additions to the tablet - counters and lotto.

The undoubted advantage of the mathematical tabletis its stability and compactness. So, in children's educational centers it is convenient to put them in a pile. They are unpretentious in storage and absolutely safe for children. The mathematical tablet is made of high-quality polystyrene, it does not have sharp protrusions and angles. It is a reliable, cognitive tool in fragile and restless children's hands.

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