/ Parting words for a first grader. September 1 - Knowledge Day: poems, greetings, wishes, greetings, instructions, tips for first graders

Parting words to the first grader. September 1 - Knowledge Day: poems, greetings, wishes, greetings, instructions, tips for first graders

Школа – это место, которое каждый вспоминает с love and warmth in the soul. Here are the best years of life, come friendship, first love, knowledge and experience. A little scared, excited, with huge bows, in white shirts are first graders in the lineup. They still do not know what awaits them ahead of these large doors. Graduates let a tear from touching words and give parting words to a future first grader.

Exciting moment

September 1, everyone worries: parents, children, teachers.Vanity begins in every home in the early morning. You need not forget anything and look amazing. Kids with huge portfolios at the ready and bouquets in their hands move uncertainly to schools accompanied by moms and dads. Solemn line, for someone first, for someone last, should be remembered for many years. Therefore, you need to prepare for it in advance. Parting instructions to a first grader both teachers and graduates want to give. How difficult it is to find the words, I want to explain to the children that school is not fun entertainment, but difficult and long work. But if you look at their frightened eyes, then all the words are confused in the head.

farewell to first grader

High school students are preparing a festive concert for the first of September. It is interesting for kids to look at the performances of high school students, there is a desire to also participate in the life of the school!

A word to the teacher

It’s not easy to be a good teacher.Some children aggressively perceive the words and claims from the teacher. The approach must be found to each student, try not to offend anyone, but not to isolate from the crowd. And yet, almost every teacher has a favorite in the class. Parting instructions to a first grader from a teacher should arouse children's keen interest in knowledge, to intrigue them. Such a speech is not easy to come up with. Each word must be directed to the goal.

On a beautiful morning, at the sunny hour,

You will come, baby, to your first class!

I will teach and write you,

And I proudly hand over the first record!

Try to always get the fives,

And do not be shy, strive to answer!

Friends you will become, you noisy crowd

I will drive to the dining room!

Your school will become like a house

We will always be waiting for you in it!

It is better for a teacher to memorize a speech and pronounce it expressively, looking into the eyes of his new wards!

farewell to the first grader from graduates

Last year - he is the hardest

Graduates on the lineup on the first of September experiencedual sense of joy and sadness. After all, the school is their home, in which their best carefree years passed, I don’t want to leave it. But on the other hand, new horizons are open to them. How many opportunities and novelties! Last year - and they are already adult, free people. Parting words to a first grader from graduates always sounds a little sad. After all, they remember themselves as small and defenseless, looking at the kids. I would like to express all my feelings, explain to first-graders that school is not a scary place at all, but their second home.

farewell to the future first grader

As we are glad that now, you have come to school, in the first class!

There is absolutely no need to be lazy, you need to study hard,

Be diligent try hard

If you know - do not be shy!

Raise your hand and answer loudly!

Be the first always, everywhere,

After all, you're an adult already quite.

Forward bolder, new life today,

Hold my hand tight!


Graduates can present first graderssmall mementos. Albums, pencils and pens, paints, felt-tip pens will be appropriate. Such a gift and parting words to a first grader from graduates will be remembered for a long time.

farewell to the first grader from the teacher

High school students can speak wishes in turn, passing the microphone to each other. It will be a very heartfelt congratulation if everyone takes part in it.

We have passed this difficult path

But forget about the difficulties!

After all, school is the best time

Enjoy her, kids!

There are friends, teachers,

There is a lot of knowledge and goodness here!

Learn, don't be lazy,

And in a moment all dreams will come true!

We have a difficult choice,

Come up with what we should be.

And you guys are good,

Time is full of thoughts!

Who will you become a doctor? Weaver?

Or famous strong man?

Look for your vocation

And knowledge reap the grain!

Good words

This excellent farewell first-grader will serve as an incentive for exploits and discoveries.

Summer quickly flew by

We have to go, friends, for the cause!

This year is very important

Millions of fives he carries!

You study, baby, fine,

At school, look decent!

Behave yourself

Get more friends!

Such kind and slightly funny wishes.a first grader from graduates will like everyone: parents, children, and teachers! Simple lines will sink into the heart of the excited first-graders. They will dream that sometime they will come to the stage like this and say kind words!

farewell word to first grader


After all, now - students

So we have long been

Sneak up to first class.

We were afraid and shy

And a little bit upset

What had to leave the garden

But here we were all very happy!

We are holding you in class together

Here the constraint is not necessary.

All tell, explain

And we will sit in the after-meal!

Good luck and good time

Be better than us!

More serious parting words for the first grader can be expressed by the principal. After all, children should respect him and even be a little afraid.

Fun concert

В этот прекрасный день первоклассников congratulate everyone! Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, teachers who have retired and kindergarten teachers can also welcome you to the feast. They will be pleased that no one has forgotten about their merits to the country. And in general, who does not like holidays and celebrations? Each of the guests can give a parting word to a first grader, because these people have a great life experience and wisdom.

wishes for a first grader from graduates

The right approach

Child psychologists advise telling children aboutschool from an early age. They should get used to the idea that school is fun, interesting and everyone needs an education! Then parents and children will not have any fears, experiences associated with the beginning of the school year.

Of course, the most important parting worda first grader will be told by his mom and dad. Be sure to tell your child how proud you are and that he will be an excellent student. With such a positive attitude, any child will run to school, skipping!

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