/ / Belcando feed for dogs: useful features, price, owner reviews

Belcando food for dogs: useful properties, price, owner reviews

The health of your beloved four-legged frienddepends on quality and healthy food. The nutrition of the dog should be balanced, do not contain preservatives and colorants. An animal's diet should contain natural meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and fruits. What kind of ready food, which today is presented in a huge range in pet stores, meets these requirements?

belcando food for dogs

Belcando dog food refers to the products of the super premium class, since it contains only natural ingredients of the highest quality.

Description of product, composition

Корм Belcando для собак производится в Германии.He perfectly proved himself in the Russian market. Many owners of four-legged pets for many years use these food, both dry and canned.

This perfectly balanced productprovides the animals with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Any German dog food Belcando is based on natural raw materials of the highest quality.

dry dog ​​food belcando

Products used in production are grown on German farms. They are subjected to a soft and gentle treatment. Thus, nutrients are retained to the maximum extent.

Another advantage of these feeds isabsence in their composition of soy components and by-products, preservatives and flavors, as well as genetically modified products. The necessary antioxidants in Belcando feeds are rosemary oil and vitamin E.

The undeniable advantage of this brand's feed is the content of more than 80% of animal protein in it, thanks to which the food is perfectly digested and absorbed.

Dry dog ​​food Belcando: species

Как и многие другие продукты супер premium, this known dry food from German manufacturers has several species that are recommended to dogs of different breeds, age, predisposition to certain diseases.

For example, puppies are suitable for two types of feed.One - more universal, they can feed representatives of any breeds. It is perfectly balanced, rich in minerals and vitamins, which are necessary for the proper development of the fragile baby's organism, it helps to transfer the puppy from the usual mother's milk to the dry food safely.

 belcando dog food reviews

Another kind of dry food is intended for puppies of large breeds, who require a high content of meat (more than 70%) for a rapidly growing animal body.

Belcando food is very popularfor active dogs with a high content of protein, easily digestible fats and amino acids. In addition, it contains another important ingredient - yucca extract, which will help get rid of unpleasant odors, and grape seeds, which protect the body from inflammation.

For particularly active animals, German manufacturers have released a special feed High Energy. It contains a high content of meat and flaxseeds. They are a source of omega-3 acids.

The manufacturers took care of older dogs,suffering from diseases of the digestive system or obesity. This feed is easily digested. It contains lamb, oats and rice. These products do not cause irritation and allergies.

german belcando dog food

Belcando dog food contains flaxseeds, linoleic acid, yeast, lecithin. These components help to improve the quality of the appearance of the wool and skin health.

Such feeds provide the animal with all the nutrients the body needs, and take care of your pet for many years.

Hypoallergenic feed

Belcando food deserves special attention.There is no wheat, rye, dairy products, eggs. The main source of carbohydrates in this product is amaranth - a culture with a high protein content. It consists of many medicinal herbs that support immunity and normalize metabolism.


You are probably wondering how much the feed costs.Belcando for dogs? Packaging weighing one kilogram costs from 250 to 300 rubles. For large dogs it is more profitable to purchase a large package. A package weighing 15 kg will cost you from 3,000 to 3,200 rubles. Average packaging (5 kg) costs from 1250 to 1400 rubles.

Belcando (dog food) - reviews

According to many owners, this type of feedbeneficial effect on animal health. Owners of dogs of different breeds note that after eating Belcando, the wool is significantly improved during the month. It becomes shiny, smooth, dandruff disappears. An improvement in intestinal function is observed.

belcando food for dogs

Owners note that they are pleased with the presence inselling a large range of feeds with different tastes, including those for animals that are fastidious in feeding. For owners of large animals, it is important that Belcando food for dogs of their breeds is very useful because it strengthens muscles and tissues.

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