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How to make a wish for the New Year

Так уж сложилось, что главной традицией праздника With the battle of the chimes, it was the custom to make up your most cherished desire. It is believed that if a person does everything right, next year he will certainly get what he so passionately dreams about. And somewhere here lies a part of the truth. After all, thoughts, as is known, have the property of materializing into reality. Therefore, if you are firmly convinced that the wish is necessarily fulfilled, then it will happen.

Как загадывать желание на Новый год?It seems that there is nothing particularly difficult. But traditions still take their toll. There are several ways to do this. It is believed that compliance with the required standards will give the desired result much faster. And the ritual itself only acquires due solemnity and mysticism. And what a holiday without a drop of magic? Here are some ways how to correctly make a wish for the New Year.

Burned message

The most famous way is desire,written on paper and burned after that. Ashes left after the note, you need to have time to throw in a glass of champagne and drink to the last drop with the last blow of the chimes. However, those who tried, often complained that the desire in the end did not come true. What are the mistakes?

Have you ever wondered what is the most importantimportant in how to make a wish for the New Year? Of course, the right mindset and concentration. And how do you completely give up your thoughts when you have to do everything in a hurry? Yes, and all around begin to uncork bottles, fill glasses, everywhere laughter and cheerful cries. In order for the desire to receive maximum strength, the hands must act on their own. So you can practice in advance in the speed and correctness of actions, so that at the last moment you do not make any unfortunate mistake.

How to make wishes for the New Year, if allIs this how it distracts you? Think only of how the dream comes true. Imagine yourself in the right situation. If you are dreaming of a wedding, then the picture of the ceremony should appear in the process. In general, the meaning, I think, is understandable. More specifics and fewer vague lines. Otherwise, the enigmatic will not come to the end.

Не пишите на бумажке такие фразы, как «хочу», "Let", "I wish" and the like. A message to the future must contain an assertion, so that along with it, a scream about what exactly you need is left in space. This is a real charge of positive emotions, containing the mood for the fulfillment of desire.

Prepare everything you need in order not toI had to look for the pockets needed for the ritual. Put a paper, a pen and a lighter near your plate. It is possible that having noticed such a serious preparation, your environment will try not to interfere with you. So, the question of how to make a wish for the New Year, you can safely answer that in an organized way.

Не берите слишком большой кусочек бумаги.Remember that you still have to swallow the ashes. A small note will burn much faster, and garbage will leave behind much less. Choke burned paper to the chiming clock - this is a dubious pleasure, you must agree.

How to make a wish for the New Year so that notwas then unpleasant consequences in the form of a burnt tablecloth and frightened guests? Do the ritual strictly on a plate or special stand. Keep sparks and hot ash out of the surrounding objects. Tinsel, napkins and hair gathered at the festive table people can easily ignite. So do not forget to secure the space around you in case something goes wrong.

And finally, the last tip.Believe with all your heart that you have made up your mind when you drink champagne with cherished ashes. Direct your energy in this direction. And may all your wishes necessarily come true on this magical night.

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