/ / Developmental benefits: Gyenes cubes and Cusuener sticks

Developing aids: Gyenes cubes and Cuisaner sticks

Parents at all times paid much attention totoys are not entertaining, but developing. From an early age it is important to deal with the child: to teach him to distinguish colors, seasons, count items, improve memory, attention. The blessing for this today is a huge number of development aids that combine learning and playing. In this article we consider the cubes of Gyenes and the set of Cusuener sticks.

gypsy cubes

Why are these developing techniques so useful?

"I'm a humanist", - one can often hear from alreadyadults who are not strong in mathematics. Often the problem lies not in abilities, but in the fact that they were little acquainted with this science at an early age. Mathematics can very well be an interesting, fun and fun activity.

The Hungarian teacher Zoltan Pal Gienesh andthe Belgian teacher George Kuyisener dispelled the stereotype of human technicians and humanities, having developed their own authoring methods for early learning. They are a set of logical blocks that allow you to creatively approach the study of mathematical science, to develop attention and logical abilities.

The cubes of Gyenes and the blocks of Cuisaner help the kidsin the game form to get acquainted with colors, geometric figures, their sizes, to understand what is "every", "in two", what is more or less. These development benefits will enthrall little fidgets and even interest adults.

For what age are these methods appropriate

Usually these sets are used for games with children fromtwo or seven years. But it all depends on the development of the child. If you think the baby is very smart, then you can try to offer these blocks in a year. For various reasons there are delays in development, then these sets are suitable for a child and eight to nine years of age.

What are the cubes

Logical cubes of Gyenes in an accessible and visualform introduce children to flowers, shapes, sizes, thickness of objects, basic knowledge of mathematics and the basics of computer science. This is all the child will learn by playing and performing various manipulations with blocks: repositioning, splitting, rebuilding according to a given pattern, etc.

cubes of gienesh with their own hands

The kit develops:

  • creative potential;
  • logical thinking;
  • mental operations (classification, comparison, analysis, generalization);
  • cognitive processes (sensation, perception, attention, memory, imagination);
  • fine motor skills.

What's in the set with cubes

Gienesh developed his manual so that it does not have a single identical subject. All of them differ in shape, size, thickness and color.

Cubes of Gienesh have:

  • four shapes (circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles);
  • two sizes (small and large);
  • two types of thickness (thin and thick);
  • three colors (blue, red and yellow).

Dice games for the little ones

After purchasing such a set, do not immediatelyload different tasks of your baby. Let him get to know the cubes well: watch them, touch them, play with them the way they want. At an early age, children love tactile contact with objects.

After acquaintance, you can proceed to the next stage - the study of the properties of cubes. The first classes can be based on the concepts "the same" and "not that".

Game "Find a figure"

Ask the baby to find the same cubes.For example: "Choose, please, figures of the same color as this (red)." Be sure to pronounce the color and point to the cubes. For children at an early age, this is important. Ask about other properties. For example, about the form: "What is this cube called?" Using the same principle, study other cubes of Gienesh. The photo shows very well how you can visually study the shape of a circle with children.

giens of the job

Analogously introduce the concept of "not that". For example: "Find all the cubes that are not the same size as this one."

The game "What's in the bag?"

Add a few pieces to the bag. Ask the child, not peeping, to feel the size, shape or thickness of the cube.

Memory Game

Lay out different cubes before the baby, letwill carefully study them. Ask the child to turn away. Change the sequence, add or remove one shape. Ask the baby to find what has changed.

Cubes of Gienesh: assignments for older children

The game "Duration"

The adult lays out a few cubes with onethe same characteristic and asks the child to make a second row on the model. For example, for the sign we take the color: blue square, red circle, yellow triangle. The kid must keep this sequence of colors and lay out the series. For example: a blue triangle, a red square, a yellow circle.

Game "Hide and Seek"

Spread a few cubes in front of the baby andsay that under one of them the kitten hid (a picture with its image). You can find it by asking suggestive questions. For example: "This is a square cube?", "Is it a yellow cube?" Give the child an example to make it clearer.

cubes gienesha reviews

Game "Sorting"

From an early age it is useful to teach the baby tocleaning. How? Usually the child is asked to help put the toys back together. This can be successfully used when after the session you need to remove the cubes of Gyenes. Parents' comments say that it's fun for children to help adults if they get accustomed to it in time.

Share the work with the kid, say that let him collect all the yellow and small cubes, and you all the rest.

Developing tasks of Cusuener's sticks

The Kyuziner's wands aremultifunctional mathematical manual. With its help in the game the child learns to understand the numerical sequence, the concepts "more and less", "right and left", "longer and shorter", "higher and lower", "between", "one" and so on.

The Kuyisener set has several names: "color numbers", "numbers in color", "color lines", "color sticks".

This methodical manual is aimed at development:

  • visual-efficient thinking;
  • cognitive activity;
  • perception;
  • attention;
  • design abilities;
  • spatial orientation;
  • creativity;
  • imagination and imagination;
  • fine motor skills.

This set only complements the cubes of Gyenes for children and allows a comprehensive approach to the study of the foundations of mathematics.

logical cubes of gienesh

What are the sticks of Cuisener

The set includes tetrahedral sticks, whichdiffer in size and colors. They are noteworthy in that blocks of different length have their own color and numerical value. That is, the larger the wand, the larger the number it designates.

The sets of Cuisenaire differ in color, the number of sticks and the material from which they are made. To date, plastic and wooden blocks are on sale.

The simplest set of 116 elements is the most common. It includes sticks:

  • white - 25 pieces;
  • pink - 20 pieces;
  • blue - 16 pieces;
  • red ones - 12 pieces;
  • yellow - 10 pieces;
  • violet - 9 pieces;
  • black - 8 pieces;
  • maroon - 7 pieces;
  • blue - 5 pieces;
  • orange - 4 pieces.

White color corresponds to the number "one", yellow - "two" and so on.

We acquaint the kid with sticks

Above it was told how on the first lesson with the child to study the cubes of Gyenes. For small children, these tips also can and should be used when getting acquainted with Cuisaner sticks.

Lay out the color symbols in front of the child.Let him examine them and touch them. You can tell the kid about the sticks, what size and color they are. Show the shortest block and ask to find the same one as you. Do the same with the longest stick.

Lay out with the kid houses, paths, pieces of furniture, geometric shapes. Suggest the colors that were used in the construction of the figure.

What you can play with the sticks of Cuisenar after dating

The game "Make a figure"

Suggest a kid to build out of sticksvarious figures: a square, a triangle, etc. When it will work out well, complicate the task a little. For example, ask to lay out two blue squares, then three rectangles (blue, white and yellow). Ask to compare the dimensions of each element.

cubes of gienesha photo

Game for the development of memory

The cubes of Gyenes and the wands of Cuisener are similar in terms of tasks, so with these sets you can sometimes use the same games. For example, an exercise to develop memory and attention.

Lay a row of sticks in front of the baby, ask them to examine them well and try to remember how they lie. Move or remove one block, and then ask the child what has changed.

Games "Learning to measure"

For example, give the child the task of finding a wand,which will be longer than black, but shorter than blue. Suggest a kid to measure a single block of a table or to touch to find three identical elements. Ask to lay out the sticks of the sticks, which will be equal to the length of the orange rod. Such games for measurement can be invented alone or together with the baby.

Also it is possible to print out different schemes of drawings from Kiiziner sticks and fill them with the baby. At the end of the work, ask about the length of used sticks.

Recommendations for parents when using development cubes and sticks

  • Do not throw a child alone to play with the development aid "Gypsy Gypsies" or "Sticks of Cuisaner". The parent is the main assistant in learning something new.
  • More often praise for success, encourage and stimulate interest in pursuits.
  • Do not scold for failure. If the kid does not succeed in completing a task, return to him later, show yourself how you would do it.
  • Use the principle of "from simple to complex."Gradually make the tasks more difficult and do not forget to return to the exercises that have already been done. The experience gained by the child should not be a "dead weight".
  • Make up your own tasks and connect to this child.
  • Fantasize. Fold with the baby from the blocks of the fairy-tale character and think of a story about him.

gypsy cubes for small children

Can you make developing materials yourself?

It is quite possible to make the sticks of Kuyisener and the cubes of Gienesh with their own hands.

Here you can go in two ways:make a paper version or use wooden workpieces. Well, if there are old cubes, this greatly simplifies the task. It's enough just to paint them in the right colors. If not - you'll have to cut the blocks yourself. A simpler version is to make out of a dense color cardboard and stick it with adhesive tape for reliability. You can glue the magnets on one side of the cubes or sticks to play with them was even more convenient.

Games with developing benefits will help the childlearn something new and fall in love with mathematical science, which, unfortunately, not everyone is given easily. Also, colored sticks and logic blocks are an excellent variant of family leisure or pastime on a children's day of birth, when all the usual activities have bored little guests.

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