/ How long does ovulation last? Answers to important questions

How long does ovulation last? Answers to important questions

Every woman of the reproductive periodlife reflected on how long ovulation lasts. Before pregnancy, a woman once a month in the ovary ripens an egg, she is preparing to meet with a sperm. Thanks to this a new life is born. Why is it important to know? This is necessary in order to determine the best period for conception or avoid unwanted pregnancy in the calendar method of contraception.

How long does ovulation last
Ovulation is the process by whichthe ready egg leaves the ovary and passes into the fallopian tube, where the sperm waits for conception. This process divides the menstrual cycle into two periods. Each of them lasts a certain number of days, and duration depends on the hormonal background. Approximately how many days does ovulation last and how to define it? We will learn more about this.

The subjective symptom of ovulation is considered to beshort, weak pain in the lower abdomen. Objective signs - decrease in rectal temperature exactly on the day of release of the egg and its increase the next day, an increase in discharge from the vagina. In addition, the blood plasma at this time contains more hormone called progesterone.

When it starts

It is generally accepted that ovulation begins in twoweeks before the onset of the monthly, that is, a new monthly cycle. But this calculation has an individual character, so it can not be called exact. All people are different, and menstruation in every woman does not occur after the same period of time. Someone's egg ripens exactly two weeks before the month, the other women - for 11 or 17 days.

How long does ovulation last

This process can be presented as a small explosion,

how many days does ovulation last
Odyshche in the testicle, which releases a mature female sex cell. When she completely left the ovary, the ovulation ends. All this lasts just a few minutes.

Then the egg goes to the fallopian tubes and waits for fertilization about 24 hours, after which it dies. Therefore, about how long ovulation lasts can be said only conditionally - about one day.

About basal temperature

During ovulation in the body occurserious hormonal bursts. The temperature of the body at rest depends on them. With its help, you can determine the ovulation day. Most often on the eve of this, the body temperature is slightly lowered. The next day, it rises on the contrary. Therefore, how long ovulation lasts, this method most reliably suggests.

Are the ovaries ripening every month?

In fact, this may not happen every month, it all depends on the personal characteristics of the body and the age of the woman. In addition, in the ovaries there is

duration of ovulation
a "stock" of eggs, which is laid before birth. Each of them contains up to the beginning of the first menstruation 400 000 female germ cells.

When the time comes for puberty,hormones begin to give the first impulses for the maturation of eggs. By the age of thirty-five, their woman has about 35,000 left in each ovary. Do not worry, because this is a sufficient number to conceive yet another child. However, in women at this age, the sex cells are more sensitive than the girl at 23, so they can have any defects. But from this duration of ovulation does not depend, it is always the same for all.

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