/ / Family traditions and customs

Family traditions and customs

What are family traditions?Every family has its foundations. Someone prefers a weekly trip to the countryside for a weekend. Household natures spend their leisure time watching an interesting movie in the circle of loved ones. We are all different, but everyone has their own customs!

What is family tradition?

Family traditions are customs thatadhere to all the relatives and relatives of the same circle. It is a plan to go on Saturdays together to the theater or read books for the child’s night, and if this is worked out by time and unquestioningly performed, then only one thing is that certain foundations have been formed in the family.

Traditions are important components that can positively influence the atmosphere inside the house, strengthen relationships and reduce anxiety among all family members.

Family breakfast

Creating a spiritual atmosphere is hard work, including not only the daily routine, breakfast and dinner together.

There are no traditions in the family

If family traditions and customs are absent, thisadversely affects the relationship between loved ones. Relatives become relatives exclusively by blood. Over time, this leads to a loss of tender and warm relationships.

Do not forget that family is not only life,common budget and mutual understanding between spouses. It is comfort, comfort and peace of mind inherent in a small universe. Without foundations and traditions to create warmth, peace and tranquility is almost impossible.

Rules for the formation of traditions

The main rule for creating traditions is the interests of each family member. At the first stages you will have to try various ways, it can be:

  • joint hiking in the forest;
  • visiting the cinema;
  • outdoor sports;
  • pre-planned trips;
  • dinner at a restaurant several times a month on certain days;
  • other.

Focusing on the emotions of native people cananalyze interest, enthusiasm, or vice versa, negative after the event. And only on the basis of such responses can we begin to create joint customs that can gain a foothold for decades.

Walk in the woods

In no case should not impose, for example,extreme sports, if at least one of the family members feels uncomfortable behind such an activity. Disorder may occur, but tradition will not take root.

It is very important that everyone feels “at ease”, the only way the formation of family traditions will be successful.

Examples of basic customs in each family

Despite the fact that many have not yet been able to establish their family traditions, there are a number of customs invented earlier.

For example, holidays:

  • birthday;
  • anniversary;
  • New Year;
  • March 8;
  • February 23 and so on.

Of course, family traditions, examples of whichlisted above can not be called solely the customs of one family, because they celebrate these holidays all. But until it has developed its foundations, you can make various innovations in existing celebrations.

For example, on the birthday of a child, you can circle a foot or a pen and compare how its size has changed over the year.


A relative's birthday, for example, is in the hot season. Children have a vacation, adults can take a vacation. Why not celebrate it on holiday annually.

But it is worth remembering that in the customs must be present the desire of each family member.

Why is it important for a child to inculcate family customs from childhood

Family habits and customs can be attributed to the ideal tool that can form an understanding of life values ​​from a young age.

Family traditions are able to give the kid a sense of security, stability, cheerfulness and forever leave pleasant childhood memories in his memory.

Kids first see the world around with "eyesparents. " Adults introduce them to the sun, wind, sounds of nature, etc. And how information about the world is presented to a child from an early age and creates the foundation for future attitudes and perceptions.

Visit to the museum

So within the family, the baby must feela full participant in what is happening. Try to involve the child in the process, let it be cleaning or cooking. It is important for small children to feel important.

New Year

New Year

New Year is probably the same holidayinvented by someone very wise, able to fill the soul with joy long before its occurrence. And only because so many customs are associated with it. The main New Year's family traditions:

  1. Long before the start of the celebration, mandarins start buying almost everything.
  2. The acquisition of Christmas trees and the whole ritual associated with how to dress her up. The whole family whirls around the holiday tree on New Year's Eve, and contributes to the creation of a dress for the green wonder of nature.
  3. Olivier - salad, which is associated throughout the country exclusively with this celebration.
  4. Make a wish at midnight, what could be more beautiful.
  5. Santa Claus, who will surely bring gifts to children and will delight them.
  6. New Year's photo session, which has become a tradition among many families.

And most importantly, homely and warm atmosphere among the closest and closest people.

Family cultural traditions

Visiting exhibitions, concerts or theaters can instill in the younger generation a love for everything beautiful. Art enriches the spiritual world of man, but do not forget about the culture within the family.

Create a rule according to which all family members should meet for tea and discuss issues related to current tasks. Assume:

  • the design of the new room and the choice of building materials for repair;
  • planned trip;
  • distribution of the family budget;
  • events and stuff

Every family member should have the right to vote, inincluding the child. Decisions must be made in concert. For a child, such principles serve as the basis for the formation of the emotional component of the personality.

On weekends you can invite friends and relatives toguests for lunch or dinner. The kid should take an example from parents about how to call to the table, lead a conversation and use cutlery. These moments instill hospitality and friendliness to the child.

Bedtime stories that parents will read in turns help the child not only to fall asleep on time, but also understand the equivalence of parents in their lives.

Bedtime story

Little things like kissing goodbye, hugs when meeting, wishes for a good day or good night allow the baby to grow in affection, love and care.

Stories about departed relatives teach empathy. Old photo albums or the transmission of relics by inheritance allows the child to know about the origin of his family.


If family traditions in the process of formation bring difficulties, then you can use the interesting ideas described below.

Is one of your relatives an excellent cook? You can 2 times a month or more often arrange national evenings. Dinner can be Japanese, Italian, Georgian, etc.

When a child still believes in Santa Claus,You can create traces using a stencil and sparkles throughout the apartment. Waking up in the morning, the baby will be glad that a long-awaited guest came to their house at night.

Tooth Fairy.Do not neglect the Spanish tradition, most kids are very pleased to exchange the fallen tooth for a pleasant surprise or a gift. This also applies to St. Nicholas Day, when children are left under a pillow.

Mysterious trip. Once a year, you can choose any place to rest and bring back the whole family. Such a surprise will be not only pleasant, but also memorable.

Piggy achievements.It is based on any container in which each family member puts pieces of paper with records of the implementation of the plan. And at the end of the year are summed up. It teaches purposefulness and motivates further success.

In families where daughters grow up, it is very important for male relatives to give flowers to girls for all the holidays. So sweet creation from an early age will learn to love yourself.

Flowers to daughter

Questionnaire desires or gifts helps to know bettereach other and familiarize yourself with the plans for the near future. With the help of this idea, there will be no more problems with choosing the next holiday present.

Introduce family values ​​and traditions into lifechildren should start from a young age. It is very hard to get used to innovations to the child, whose worldview has already been formed. Do not miss this moment, the baby should grow up in love, tenderness and care. Understand their importance and be sure that in this world he has reliable protection, called family.

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