/ / Baby cosmetics "Bybchen": description and price

Baby cosmetics "Bybchen": description and price

When a kid appears in the family, my mother and fathergreat responsibility for his health and development. That is why it is so important to choose the right and most suitable means of hygiene. In this article we will talk about the firm "Byubchen". Children's cosmetics reviews are only positive. A lot of parents get the goods of this particular manufacturer for their kids.

children's cosmetics bubhen

Baby cosmetics "Bybchen"

The manufacturer of this cosmetics appeared several decades ago. Despite a short period of existence, the product has won the love and confidence of most mothers, dads and grandmothers.

Products are annually tested andreceives certificates confirming high quality. Baby cosmetics "Bubchen" is suitable for kids of any age. Among the presented goods, future mothers will find something for themselves.

Goods for newborns

Baby cosmetics for newborns "Bübchen" is allowed to be used from the first day of the child's life. You can use the acquired formulations already in the walls of the maternity hospital.

This category of kids suitable specialFoam for bathing "From the top to the heel". Also parents will be pleased with a soft hypoallergenic shampoo that does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes. After water procedures, you can use oil to soften the body. This product is ideal for any type of massage. Many professionals use this tool.

children's cosmetics cosmetics reviews

Also the manufacturer offers to purchasePowder, which dries the intertrigo and irritation. Mom probably will enjoy a thick cream "Under the diaper". Due to its consistency, it allows the skin to remain clean and dry. Simultaneously, the baby's body can breathe.

For older children

Adult babies are also suitable for childrencosmetics "Bybchen". For girls, you can buy a special colorful shampoo in a beautiful package. It does not irritate the eyes and does not cause tears. Also the manufacturer offers a special face cream with calendula. He removes existing irritations and heals wounds.

In windy weather, you will come to the aid of a cream "Fromweather. " This tool can also be used by adult family members. The cream is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the face. In the wind, such children's cosmetics "Bübchen" protects the skin of cheeks and lips, not allowing to be worn.

Additional products

In addition to the products presented, the manufactureroffers to learn more. Children's cosmetics "Bubchen" includes hypoallergenic compositions (shampoos, bathing gels and foams). Also, parents can choose this product with an extract of plants and useful herbs (calendula, chamomile and St. John's wort). It should be noted that all additives are made from organic products grown in the meadows of Germany.

baby cosmetics for newborn babies

You can also buy Bubhen soap.They can be used from birth. Future moms can buy moisturizing milk, which softens the skin and prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Unlike similar products from other manufacturers, milk does not have a negative effect on the health of the fetus.

The price category of the presented goods for children

This type of cosmetics has enoughhigh cost. This is a consequence of the use of extremely useful and hypoallergenic components. So, what is the price for "Bübchen" (children's cosmetics)?

Depending on the region and store pricethis or that product may be slightly different. Many parents who use this product, say that in pharmacies the price is much lower than in other outlets.

So, this manufacturer's shampoo costsapproximately 200 rubles. Children's cream is in the price range from 200 to 300 rubles. Powder and cream "Under the nappy" have a cost of 200-250 rubles. Oil "Bubchen" costs about 250 rubles, however, the more the packaging of the chosen product, the higher the price. The cost of baby napkins is 400-500 rubles. One bar of soap will cost you 120 rubles. When buying a set for a kid, a certain discount is provided. Proceeding from this, the gift will cost less than the purchase of individual components.

babe children's cosmetics price

Summing up and a small conclusion

Manufacturer, producing children's cosmetics underbrand "Bubchen", guarantees the absence of allergies in the child. That's why you can safely buy economical (large) packages of the goods and not be afraid of the fact that all this will have to be thrown away.

Recently, on the shelves of retail outlets, you canmeet special sets for newborns, which includes all the necessary baby products of the company "Bybchen". Such a gift will be appreciated by parents and a little man. Shelf life of the goods on average is 2-3 years.

Use children's cosmetics "Bubchen" and be healthy!

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