/ / Baby blanket. Healthy sleep of your baby

Baby blanket. Healthy sleep of your baby

Parents of each child aspire to donatehis child is the best, give something that will allow him to grow and develop to the fullest without worrying about health problems. Of course, a huge role in this process is given to sleep and rest. In fact, unlike an adult person, a child spends most of his / her life, which is not yet quite conscious, in a dream.

To ensure that the baby could calmly and without problemsdip into the kingdom of Morpheus, you need to choose quality accessories - baby blanket, pillow and bed linens. In this case, each element individually must meet certain requirements. First of all, the material from which the object is made must be hypoallergenic, that is not to cause allergies and the development of possible diseases in this soil. Such materials include eco-cotton, bamboo and corn fibers.

Baby blanket

The second category of properties that should behave a baby blanket or pillow, are thermodynamic characteristics. If to say more simply, the material of which the sleeping element is made, should keep the heat well, without wasting it. That is, it must have a high thermal conductivity.

Of course, a huge role for children's bedroomssets play air exchange. A little man should not gasp if wrapped in a baby blanket with his head. In this case, a good product must be hygroscopic - that is, the blanket can not prevent the evaporation of moisture. In addition, it must maintain heat at the required level.

baby blankets and pillows

Of course, an important factor isease of care for the product. Baby blankets and pillows should be easily and easily washed, do not require any special types of care, and do not exhibit deformation properties. After all, in order for babies to grow up healthy, their bedding must often be hygienically treated.

There is a huge variety oftypes of blankets. At the same time, you can purchase this item both for the summer season and for the cold winter period. Also, the baby blanket can be made of natural or artificial materials (this can be both fillers and the surface itself). In addition, they can differ and according to the manufacturing method - woven or knitted.

children's quilted blanket

There are the following types of blankets:

1.Downy - is, as everyone knows, the warmest kind. The best filler for this product is the fluff of swans or loons. Goose feather is the most common. The negative property of this product is the absorption of moisture.

2. Woolen - light and warm blankets, which are made more often from sheep or camel wool. The main disadvantage of this product is the likelihood of allergies.

3.Wadded - now practically not widely distributed. Baby blanket is environmentally friendly, however, in the process of using the material that fills the product, sticks to lumps and accumulates odors.

4.Synthetic - products of this kind are manufactured exclusively from non-natural materials. The main advantages of such a blanket are hypoallergenic properties and low cost. The main disadvantage is low moisture conductivity.

Thus, when choosing bedding for crumbs, you need to be very careful.

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