/ Why does the cat have a wet nose? Interesting Facts

Why does the cat have a wet nose? Interesting Facts

Кошки – загадочные и удивительные существа.Truly, they evoke tender feelings in almost any indifferent person. These creatures deliver a lot of joys to those who can not imagine life without a touching meringa ball. And how much happiness brings home pet to its owner! If you do not take into account the spoiled furniture, petty pranks, then the cat in the house becomes an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

why does the cat have a wet nose

For many, she is the only companionand a devoted friend. Many owners seriously think about why the cat has a wet nose? It seems that this is a long-known truth, however, the majority of the population has been made inaccessible to understanding. Some people in general never visit such questions in their life, they take reality for granted. Why do cats have a wet and cold nose? Let's try to figure it out!

Health indicator

С точки зрения медицины, нос у животного be sure to be wet and a little cool. A hot olfactory organ almost always indicates the development of the disease, even if it proceeds in a latent form. If something is wrong with your pet, his nose will tell you that it's time to sound an alarm. Often it is for this reason that caring owners begin to take significant steps to treat their four-legged friend. Otherwise, a serious illness can remain invisible to the human eye, and this is fraught with additional consequences.

Protective properties

The nose of the cat is arranged in an amazing way.It performs a protective function, protects the animal from penetration into the body of pathogens. That is why in some cases cats sneeze - so they are released from the particles of fine dust and various bacteria. This fact explains why cats and dogs have a wet nose. Because of their vital activity and natural curiosity, animals must have a sensible sense of smell, extremely susceptible to the variety of all kinds of odors.

Ability to cognize the environment

Such instinct is inherent in the nature of allrepresentatives of the cat family. If you are attentive to your pet, you can notice that he starts sniffing whenever a new smell appears in the air. Cognition of the environment is a natural need that can not be superseded. To the cat it was easy to do, the olfactory organs of her should be in a healthy state.

why do cats have a wet and cold nose

Thinking about why the cat has a wet nose,should pay attention to the features of her daily behavior. An animal, in most cases, is quite mobile, likes to be played with it. The nose in the study of the surrounding situation plays a decisive role. It is worth remembering at least how long the cat can sniff in unfamiliar surroundings. Until she learns all the smells, she will not penetrate into the most hidden corners of the apartment, she will not rest. Only after examining everything thoroughly, the animal can finally feel completely safe.

Sensible scent

Among experts in the field of felinologythere is a very common opinion that if a cat could speak and possess a human mind, it would certainly become a professional perfumer. This animal has a rather sensitive nose, which is only slightly inferior to the dog. Why does the cat have a very wet nose? Otherwise, the animal simply would not have had the opportunity to perceive the surrounding reality at the proper level.

why does the cat have a very wet nose

Не обладай кошка таким потрясающим нюхом, она не could hunt small rodents and birds. And although at home there is absolutely no need to maintain their natural talents, the animal still remains a predator with sharp claws, it has rather strong jaws.

Reasons for unrest

Careful owners are sometimes interested:Are there grounds for experiencing if the sense of smell has become dry and warm? Why should a cat have a wet nose all the time? Only in this way the animal can maintain its natural apparatus at the proper level. In the event of a change in his condition, the cause should be sought in the care of the animal. An important factor affecting the health of a four-legged friend is feed. To maintain a vigorous state of health, it is necessary to pay special attention to this issue. Responsible owners at the first symptoms of trouble will try to find out the cause of the ailments and try to eliminate it as soon as possible.

why do cats and dogs have a wet nose

Таким образом, отвечая на вопрос о том, почему у cat's wet nose, one should take into account its physical nature. The structure of the olfactory organ of the animal is such that it helps to distinguish the subtle smells. Thanks to its nose, the cat can examine the most hidden corners of the territory on which it is located. Owners should worry only when this body stops being wet and cold. If the animal also feels bad, it is recommended to immediately consult a veterinarian.

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