/ Garden umbrella. Make the right choice

Garden umbrella. Make the right choice

It's time for picnics, the beach, the sea, and only onecan darken your holiday - it's a baking, hot sun. How can we escape from it in an open area, where there are not even trees? In this case, the garden umbrella will serve you well. Let's determine which option to choose, so that there is as much shadow as possible and aesthetically beautiful.

garden umbrella
A garden umbrella is a very convenient compactA design that can be installed not only on the beach and in nature during a picnic, but also in your summer residence or in the garden. It can be of different types, sizes, different colors.

Polyester is the fabric that covers the umbrella dome.It is not only able to retain the rays of the sun, but also does not let water pass, which makes it possible to hide under it even in rainy weather. If you do not already have such an umbrella, then you should think about buying this necessary thing. Approach responsible for the acquisition of such an important attribute for your garden.

The most popular are garden umbrellas.Their fame they got because of the ease of use: easy to install and assemble, while not taking up much space in your car. This umbrella will be for you a real salvation from the ultraviolet radiation of the heavenly body, protect you from heat stroke and sunburn. In addition, it can become for your dacha another aesthetic adornment.

Umbrellas for garden

Чтобы правильно подобрать зонт, необходимо Determine the size and shape of the model you want. They are round, square and rectangular. Depending on how much you have a large family and whether many friends come to visit you, so small or large you need a garden umbrella. For example, for a couple of spouses it will be sufficient to have a round product with a diameter of 1.5 m, and for a family of 5-6 people, a square model with a side up to 3 m is suitable.

According to the principle of installation, umbrellas also differ.You can fix it on the central leg into the stand, you can insert it into the hole provided in the middle of the table. There is another way - to install it on the side console, but this will require a heavier base (it comes complete with an umbrella), since its center of gravity is offset.


When choosing an umbrella for a dacha, note thatthere are standard, cantilever and telescopic views. The first ones are most popular among summer residents because of their multifunctionality. It is possible to adjust the height, the inclination of the umbrella, and such products are installed almost anywhere. Their shortcoming is cumbersome.

Telescopic - compact and comfortable, notrequire a lot of space when opening and assembling. Cantilever umbrellas are the most expensive, but provide the best design of your garden. The dome of this model is mounted on the special console on the side, which provides a greater coverage of the space with a shadow.

Resistance to wind gusts and umbrella strength is achieved due to the materials from which it is made. This is important, as high-quality fabrics allow you to extend the life of the product.

Correctly choosing an umbrella garden, you will forever forget about sunburn, heat stroke or rain. It will allow you and your family to enjoy fellowship in its shadow.

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