/ What kinds of sheep dogs are there? Species of breeds of shepherds

What kinds of sheep dogs are there? Species of breeds of shepherds

To date, sheepdogs are among thethe most devoted, clever and easily trained dogs. However, one should not think that representatives of this species are limited only to such well-known breeds as the German and Caucasian. In fact, there are a lot of them.

Types of Shepherds

Long ago these dogs were used for guard duty,shepherd or search service. According to the exterior and origin, many types of sheep-dogs are similar to each other. Most often, they are different in height, fur coat or addition.

Not all dog lovers know which kinds of sheep dogsthere are. At the moment, more than 40 breeds can be identified. It is noteworthy that many of them have nothing to do with the traditional idea of ​​sheep dogs. The most famous species are: German, Central Asian, Caucasian, Belgian, Scottish, commander, collie.

types of shepherds
Representatives of the first breed occupy the leadinga place by popularity all over the world. Most often German shepherds are used for service in law enforcement agencies. They have a well developed sense of smell and intuition, which helps well in the search activity.

Caucasian Shepherds, like the Central Asian,From time immemorial they were shepherds' breeds. They differ from other types of massive head, powerful paws, hanging ears and a rough skeleton. Due to long wool, they are often used as hounds in the northern regions of Russia.

In the countries of the American continent,such kinds of breeds of shepherds as collies, bullets, commander, French briards, malinois, kuvas and others are used. In Western Europe, the Slovak chuvash, lowland and Polish Podgalian are popular.

German Shepherd

The original breed name is Deutscher Schaferhund. In some countries it is also known as the Alsatian Shepherd.

Types of German Shepherds
The history of this breed originates in Germany,at the end of the 19th century, when the well-known captain and breeder von Stefanitz actively engaged in cross-breeding of various kinds of dogs. At the end of his life he managed to get a service sheepdog, based on the gene of the Scottish collie.

For the general display, the German breed was exhibited inHanover in 1892. During the First World War, these sheepdogs showed violent endurance, devotion and courage. Therefore, since the beginning of the 20th century, they have become in demand around the world. A few years later, well-known breeders from all over the world began actively crossing different types of breeds of sheep-dogs with "Germans", as a result of which by 2013 the line began to stand out of two dozen separate groups.

In Russia, these dogs were brought in 1904 for army needs.

A variety of German Shepherds

The most popular and famous breed isClassical, whose representatives belong to the high line. These kinds of German shepherds are distinguished by devotion and responsiveness. They are often used as guides and search dogs. The working lines of German shepherds are widely used in military service, as they are very amenable to training. Their disadvantage is an overly aggressive nature.

The eastern line was removed from the dogs, whichwere not distinguished by their speed and obedience. But the representatives of this species have an excellent physique and calm. A similar situation with the Czech line. These are purely working kinds of sheep-dogs, which can endure constant heavy loads.

Species of breeds of shepherds
Separately from the rest is a new and oldAmerican line. These types of German shepherds began to be popular in the 1970s in Canada. Initially, the line was taken out for high-speed walking, which is why the dogs have an angular body shape and a slightly elongated muzzle. "Americans" are characterized by a mild character and good appetite.

Representatives of the English line look verypowerful thanks to massive bones and a long body. Despite their moderate temper, these sheepdogs are withdrawn purely for military purposes. However, in everyday life, it is not uncommon to find guide dogs among the "English". Similar in temperament and form to the representatives of the British line are the Swiss Swiss Shepherds. It is noteworthy that purebred dogs of this species should have black pigmentation of the eyes, nose, lips, claws and most of the skin.

One of the most interesting subspecies of GermanSheepdogs are panda and shiloh. The first line was obtained due to an unexpected mutation in the crossing of American rocks. As a result, the dogs began to appear peculiar black spots, like a panda. Such sheep dogs cost a lot of money. As for the shiloh, it is a mixture of the Sharplan line with the Alaska Malamute. Representatives of this species have up to 50 cm in their shoulders, due to which they can withstand enormous loads for animals.

Of long-haired German shepherds, one can distinguish royal and Sarlouz Wulfhound. The latter were excreted in Holland and contain the wolf gene.

Belgian Shepherd Dog

The homeland of dogs of this breed is considered to be England.In the 8th century, British breeders crossed a dirhound with a mastiff, hence such an extraordinary coloring. The breed was registered in Brussels in the late 19th century, so the corresponding name is the Belgian Shepherd. At that time, the main admirer of the new brood was local professor Reil. It was he who identified the types of Belgian sheepdogs, which are limited to 4 lines: Grunnendal, Malinois, Lakenen and Tervenur. Each of these types is similar to each other.

Types of Belgian Shepherds
Belgian Shepherds have a strong character andpatience. Head long, slightly wide. The forehead is moderately pronounced, straight. Eyes are medium in size, mostly black. Ears are triangular in shape, set high. By complexion "Belgians" are very massive and impressive.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Many hereditary breeders areThe dogs of this breed originated from Tibetan danes, the first mention of which appeared about 3 thousand years ago. Currently, all kinds of Caucasian shepherds can be combined in one line.

Representatives of this breed in growth can reachup to 75 cm. The adult male weighs about 70 kg. Caucasian Shepherds are considered one of the largest dogs on the planet. Their wool is about 7 cm long, dense. Thanks to her, "Caucasians" can easily endure severe frosts. Color can be different: white, brown, gray and even red.

Types of Caucasian Shepherds
The ears of such sheep-dogs are subject to docking. Character - persevering, resolute.

Central asian shepherd dog

Representatives of this breed are still called Alabai. Central Asian Shepherds are widespread in Siberia. Ancestor of the Alabai is the Tibetan mastiff.

The dogs are large and well-built.Wide head, strong large jaws. In height, adults reach 71 cm (at a weight of 50 kg). On the neck is a characteristic fold of fat, sticking out like a collar. Like the representatives of the Caucasian breed, the Alabai need a cupping of the ears and tail. The eyes and nose of such sheepdogs are dark. Wool - relatively short, but thick, so dogs are able to withstand up to 40 degrees below zero. Color in Central Asian sheep dogs can be anything.

Types of Central Asian Shepherds
By the nature of Alabai very bold and unpretentious,are always devoted to the master. Special kinds of training of Central Asian sheep dogs are not required, as they are mostly able to develop independently. Puppies Alabai differ ingenuity and restraint.

Education (team)

The main tool for impact on shepherdsis the voice of the master. From the first days of life in the new house, the puppy begins to discern a reproachful and caressing tone. To stimulate dogs to perform certain actions, you should use various goodies. For obedience puppy can get a piece of cheese, meat or biscuits, depending on his preferences.

All kinds of shepherds from an early age react instantly to their nicknames, so it is recommended to use them before each team. Example: "Jack! To me!"

From the first days of upbringing one should accustom the pupil to cleanliness and decency. To explain what can not be done, it is necessary with the addition of the command "Fu".

what kinds of sheepdogs are
To accustom the sheepdog to be near by it is better by means of its bowl. After luring the dog to his food, you need to slowly leave it and repeat the command "To me."

Know your place puppy should from the first daysstay in the house. In fact, the corresponding team does not need to be explained to the pet. If he is satisfied with his place, he will gladly return to it.

Proper feeding

All kinds of sheep-dogs prefer meat to the most. However, it is important to regularly change the diet of the pet, so that his body receives all the necessary trace elements.

So, the daily norm for an adult dogmust include: 80 grams of meat, 120 g of oatmeal or wheat cereals, 50 g of potatoes or other vegetables, 20 g of animal fat, 10 g of table salt and 5 g of fishmeal. In addition, broths and vitamin supplements are allowed.

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